Weight Lifting



  • nancyat48
    nancyat48 Posts: 11
    wow!! good for you. I wish my husband would do that. he used to be such an athlete but not now for rmany years. Was it very difficult? Could you diet while doing it? How are your knees, his are shot. You've inspired me to dust off my old P90 and slim in 6 discs and get moving! Thanks
  • davemc1971
    davemc1971 Posts: 6
    fat burning happens when you are taking in fewer calories than you are using. So, if you are already eating at a deficit, you are ALREADY losing fat. Cardio with strengthen your heart and that is good, but if you eat back your exercise calories (and you should be) it won't help you lose fat any faster (slow and steady, right?) Now I'm not saying you shouldn't do cardio! I run almost everyday and I love it, I'm just trying to explain that it won't increase your fat loss if you are already eating at a deficit and following the MFP guidlines of eating back exercise calories.

    it sounds like you don't really want to build a lot of muscle, more like you're looking to tone what you have. You will want to stick to low weight and longer reps. I've been working out like this for over a month now and have seen major results, especially in my arms, thighs, calves and back. Just make sure your form is proper or you're doing all the work for nothing, and you're risking a serious injury.

    good luck :flowerforyou:

    It is a MYTH that High Reps Burn the Most FAT..........

    It's true that the more reps you do, the more calories you burning during a workout. Yet a typical weight routine won't burn much more than 400 calories regardless of how many reps you do . The BIG FAT LOSS comes afterward because your metabolic rate remains elevated throughout the day.

    The higher and longer you keep your metabolic rate elevated the more calories and fat you'll burn.

    Research confirms that using heavy weight and lower reps (6-10) boosts your metabolism higher for longer periods.

    When trying to get lean, alternate between heavy workouts with low reps and light workouts with high reps, and keep your rest periods as short as possible between sets (30-60 seconds) Short rest periods burn more calories during the workout..

    uh...? ok, show me where I said that high reps burn fat? I believe I said eating at a deficit burns fat and that high reps in weight training tones lean muscle. seriously, read my post before you comment on it.

    UH.....? No need to get an attitude and you did say and I quote " You will want to stick to low weight and longer reps"-- So seriously I am just giving info no need to get sarcastic or throw an attitude...

    I based my post off of yours because you mentioned low weight with higher reps

    I don't have an attitude and I in no way stated that low weight and higher reps would result in fat burning. When you quote someone else's thread that way, intentionally or not, it looks like you are commenting directly ABOUT their quote.

    Okay well I will comment directly on your quote- Not always when you are eating at a calorie deficit are you losing fat- You could also be losing your muscle too- Because muscle will be used as a source of fuel too so alot times the muscle is being attacked rather than the actual fat- thats why deficits aren't the only form of fat loss you need to work on maintaining your lean muscle and or increasing it while burning the fat and the more lean muscle mass you have the more the furnace in your body will work to burn the fat off- Thats why you can weigh less but still have a high fat percentage

    I can tell you take your posting very seriously...

    I agree and when you do your cardio is very important as far as maximizing fat loss and muscle retention. I would suggest looking into HIIT for your cardio. That's High Intensity Interval Training, studies have shown that you will burn more fat than you would by doing long moderate pace cardio. The best times of the day for cardio are right after waking up (before eating anything) or right after weight training. If you chose to do it after waking you should limit it to less than 30 minutes, because your body will be in a catabolic state and will burn fat but after about 30 minutes you'll start burning muscle for energy. If you do cardio after lifting weights then your body is in a metabolic state and you have already depleted the glycogen stores in your muscles so your body will burn fat for energy while minimizing any muscle loss.
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