Pick-Up Lines



  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    I've never used one..
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Best: I'm sitting at a bar in college watching a great band. Between sets the HOT guitar player comes down and asks if he can read my palm. He kneels down by my chair, gazes intently at my palm, then looks up at me with these smoking, sultry gray eyes and says, " you are going to have a very interesting evening.". And I did. :)

    Worst: same bar. Much less charming guy
    Him: what's your sign?
    Me: Leo
    Him: ooh, that's a fire sign. I'm a Pisces. Together we can make steam.


    LMFAO your worst has got my tummy hurtin from laughing so hard.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    "Why does your boyfriend let you work here? If you were my girl, you wouldn't have to work. I'd take care of you."

    Yeah, um, okay. If you want to do a business transaction, pal, let's just set an hourly rate and you can pay for the hotel, okay?
  • Mama_CAEI
    When I was in high school, we were at a drama festival and this guy from another school approached my friend and said, "Do you like puppies?" We were like "Whaaaa??" It was a conversation starter for sure.

    When I was university, my friends and I were at our favorite club on Halloween when I was approached by a guy wearing a shiek costume who asked me, "Have you ever kissed a shiek?" Let me tell ya, it wasn't that great. lol

    When I first started dating my husband, he worked weekends as a bouncer so I was hanging out at work with him. This guy approached me and asked me to dance. I said he'd have to check with my boyfriend. Well, boyfriend gave permission (Ha!) and as we were dancing, he said to me that if it didn't work out with the boyfriend, I should give him a call because "I would make you the queen of Vern's world." Um yeah, thanks Vern.
  • SamBuck123
    "Is there a mirror in your pants? Because i can see myself in them"..YEAHHHHH OK BUDDY....KEEP IT MOVIN
  • greenbubblegum
    greenbubblegum Posts: 26 Member
    Do you want me to call you for breakfast, or just nudge you?
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    Over twenty years ago, I was dancing in a club with live music. I was in the Air Force, very fit, and wearing an extremely flattering little black dress with to-die-for heels that would undoubtedly make me fall flat on my face today. I love dancing, and was having a great time with my girlfriend, dancing, chatting it up, and making eyes at the guitar player. He was very talented, and cute as heck- Japanese with long black wavy hair - but mostly I just loved the way he really got into the music while he was playing and singing. I grew up with parents who were in a band, and have always loved music.

    Anyway, on the break, I was waiting for a drink at the bar, and he came up behind me. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Who ARE you?"

    We spent the next two years together. Our fabulous relationship only broke up because I wanted kids and he didn't (he was 12 years older). I still have nothing but fond memories of him.
  • Cfkearney
    Cfkearney Posts: 184 Member
    Hey there. Wanna play carnival?
    You sit on my face, and I'll try to guess your weight.


    Wanna go out for pizza and f***? What's the matter? You don't like pizza?

    I have a tattoo of a fire and water yin yang. I was playing wing man for my friend who was hitting on this really hot guy. His friend was annoying me. He says what's you sign? I say Leo. I don't remember what his was but apparently he is a water sign. Sees my tattoo and says "hey we're yin yang" Dude did you just use my tatt against me? Worse part? The guy my friend was hitting on was gay. LOL

    Does this hankerchief smell like choloform to you?

    I had a really old guy hit on me. He told me he would "raise" me and my kids and would never have to worry about anything again. Little creeped out by the word "raise". Especially when he added my kids to the scenario. LOL

    "I know what your thinking. You're thinking damn I must be hot if this black guy is hitting on me." I LOL'd at him. Before that moment I was unaware that black guys had higher standards than eveyone else. I'm kinda sheltered.

    Whatever vibe it is I'm sending out it tends to tell guys that whatever weird thing they want to say to me is ok. Usually I'm cool about it because hey - I see it as a compliment whether I'm interested or not. If they interest me I throw a line back at them. If they are really being obnoxious I sometimes look at them and say "has that line EVER really worked for you? How many times have you ACTUALLY gotten laid using that? Maybe you should get some new material." :tongue:
  • Cfkearney
    Cfkearney Posts: 184 Member
    ha, well there is a difference of telling a girl a complement such as in your case(nothing happened at the end) and getting a girl more curious in you which can lead to something later on down the road.

    I know a few people are going to hate on this one, but my favorite is. "Wow you're so beautiful, too bad you're not my type." Just shows a women that een though she's beautiful that's doesn't matter, i am judging her personality This will only work if you can sense a woman likes you. If she does like you, she will try to show you her good qualities in terms of personality. TThen you can throw in the complement, "you know, i was quick to judge you, i am sorry you seem like a really great girl." or something along those lines.

    That's really smooth actually. Might not work on someone with low self esteem but I can it working on an ego maniac like myself. LOL What do you mean I'm not YOUR type? See how awesome I am? :laugh:
  • Richdogg38
    i told my wife that my phone was lonely without her number, it worked, going on 6 years, now married with a kid
    Great line! LOL
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    *Talking to a cellphone as you walk up to a beautiful woman*
    "YEAH! I found her! Thanx!"
    *hang up the cellphone*
    "That was cupid! He told me you'd be here!"

    ^^^This is cute!

    Last one I got was at my favorite bar, I was in the lobby trying to calm down a friend over the phone and I told her I would call another friend to get some info. So this really yummy guy who was also standing in the lobby says to me "you should call me". It worked, I had him give me his number and we've been chatting for almost a week now.
  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    An ex boss of mine said " I'll give you a raise if you give me a rise".. um..ever heard of sexual harrassment?
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member
    As soon as a guy mentions my shoes, I'm game.

    Kidding, of course. :wink:
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    Years ago I was a waitress (hated that job!) & an old toad came in with his wife & as I was pouring him coffee he says to me "you have very kissable lips" I told him if he ever talked to me, with or without his wife sitting there, I'd pour coffee in his lap. LOL They were probably swingers, trolling for fresh blood! LOL I was disgusted though & felt bad for his wife. He was a pig.
  • flagator11
    flagator11 Posts: 103 Member
    "Hey baby, do fries come with those shakes?"

    "Mmmm, mmmm...all those curves and no brakes!"
  • Nice legs. What time do they open? (;
    I found your spirit animal, it's a cockroach. 'Cuz I heard you suck on wood.
    Is there an airport nearby, or was that my heart taking off?
    What has 142 teeth and holds back the incredible hulk? My zipper (;
    Do you beliecein love at first sight or should I walk by again?
    Do you have any raisins? No? How bout a date?

    Hhahahahahaha I loooove pickup lines :)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I didn't read through them all, but my fav is:

    I may not be Wilma Flinstone - but I could make your bed rock!
  • feduh86
    feduh86 Posts: 790 Member
    "youre just like TV, always entertaining...except I don't mind when nothing is on"


    hahahahaha thats awesomeeee
  • zendarah
    zendarah Posts: 91 Member
    HI, you'll do....
  • feduh86
    feduh86 Posts: 790 Member
    cornyyy lameeee one my brother (15 yrs old) just thought of ... hahahaa

    " Are you Gilette? Cuz you're the best a man can get"