Does anyone else get irritated by fad diets?



  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    The HCCG diet really angers me, I can't explain it.

    I think because of the crass exploitative nature of it: preying on vulnerable people in a callous way to make money without any real regard for their safety.

    Most people are good, kind and want to protect others from harm. It's basic human nature.
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    I get more annoyed at the people pushing them like they are the new found religion.

    You know another fad line I hate.....
    I really really, absolutely 100% believe in eat less, move more. It works.

    Do you have any idea how many of us fat people hear that line ALL the time? Do you know how many stop eating all together and move till their hearts give out? Something about the "eat less, move more" idea doesn't really flow well. A body needs energy in order to function.

    Michael Phelps has to eat more than 9000 calories to keep up with his pace. Even on this website, if you have a higher active lifestyle, they recommend a higher number of calories. Again... this totally blows the "eat less, move more" concept out of water.

    The line should be "Eat smarter and move more".

  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    I hate fad diets, but I wouldn't necessarily say "eat less, move more" - in fact, I probably eat more actual food than I did when I was obese because I can eat a lot more food when it is wholesome, nutritious stuff rather than overly processed, heavily modified crap (example - 3 servings of carrots is a lot more food than 1/2 of a cookie but is equal the calories).

    I think the key is to eat nutritious, well-balanced meals and snacks in sensible portions, drink plenty of water, and move your body.

    I agree!
  • I agree! I don't like the idea of "dieting". Dieting is short term, where as healthy eating is a lifestyle. If you want to lose weight and keep it off and have that dreamed about VS model look - you've got to make it a habit, not a short term plan. And, in all honesty, I really don't think healthy eating is that hard. You just have to be a little creative and learn to substitute what is unhealthy for that which is healthy. Almost every fatty, greasy, cholesterol ridden recepie can be "healthified" if you just take the time to try.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I hate fad diets, but I wouldn't necessarily say "eat less, move more" - in fact, I probably eat more actual food than I did when I was obese because I can eat a lot more food when it is wholesome, nutritious stuff rather than overly processed, heavily modified crap (example - 3 servings of carrots is a lot more food than 1/2 of a cookie but is equal the calories).

    I think the key is to eat nutritious, well-balanced meals and snacks in sensible portions, drink plenty of water, and move your body.

    Yep, this!

    Eat smarter. Move with purpose.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    The HCCG diet really angers me, I can't explain it.

    I think because of the crass exploitative nature of it: preying on vulnerable people in a callous way to make money without any real regard for their safety.

    Most people are good, kind and want to protect others from harm. It's basic human nature.

    I feel the same way about low carb for lifestyle (I appreciate it is a good way to lose weight for the very overweight), and shakeology.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    A lot of people make their living complicating the simple. Send me $19.99 and I'll tell you how they do it! Act now to get in on this profitable and sustainable market the government and healthcare industry doesn't want you to know about!

    :laugh: Those govt. conpiracy posts annoy me more than fad diets.
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    I enjoy snorting Shakeology mix. :drinker:

    ^^this. :laugh:
  • People are even trying to complicate the "eat less, move more" on here :laugh: Sigh.

    I think maybe a lot of people really don't want to believe it's that simple. That eliminates too many excuses.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    People are even trying to complicate the "eat less, move more" on here :laugh: Sigh.

    I think maybe a lot of people really don't want to believe it's that simple. That eliminates too many excuses.

    I know. And I understand, because I was in denial for years too. But then I stopped deluding myself, and I lost weight.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    Eating crap is ok as long as your eating less than you require. lol
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    The HCCG diet really angers me, I can't explain it.

    I think because of the crass exploitative nature of it: preying on vulnerable people in a callous way to make money without any real regard for their safety.

    Most people are good, kind and want to protect others from harm. It's basic human nature.

    I got your $19.99 in the mail today. A free gift comes with your purchase of "How to make money off desperate, overweight people who want a quick fix". Just pay shipping and handling!

    j/k! :tongue:

    I disagree, though, in my experience, most people are not good and kind. Our basic human nature is really not very nice.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Eating crap is ok as long as your eating less than you require. lol

    How do I find out how much crap I require?
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Eating crap is ok as long as your eating less than you require. lol

    How do I find out how much crap I require?

    For ONLY 3 payments of $39.95 I will send you a crap calculator. In a pink box!

    (Okay, I'll stop now.)
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    I agree and sometimes I have a feeling people doesn't care about healthy eating instead they try so many diet and than fail and start another and give up at the end instead of just doing it right :)
    Why do people want the complicated way always when it's so easy once you figure it out :)
    We are here to help, but sometimes I think no one listen or no one really cares enough to try something different :)
    I eat healthy moderated my meals and it works:

    I am not following a diet eating everything in moderation and losing the weight :) Also I created this group so we can share ideas, recipes . I have no benefits from it I'd just like to help people not to waste their time on diet that does not work as I've spent 5-6 months by trying different things when I figured I just need to moderate the foods that I eat and I will lose the weight. Thank God I did figure out on my own and now I look way better, but still I have my goal to lose another 20 lbs at least :P
  • I second that :flowerforyou:
  • I second that :flowerforyou:
  • AJ358
    AJ358 Posts: 1
    Rock on, girl! I agree with you!
  • It's all marketing so the people behind the scheme can make money, and it works. (The making money part, not the diet.)
    A lot of people fall for it because they want an easy way out. A way to be lazy and not do the research for food and not get active.

    The "magic pill", so to speak.
  • rowdy47879
    rowdy47879 Posts: 9 Member
    Absolutely!! Both my stepfather and stepbrother are pharmacists and are always trying to talk me into the latest "diet system or plan" they are promoting at their pharmacy. My stepdad sat and talked to me for an hour one evening about how I should try HCG and how much it would benefit me. I don't care how much I want to lose weight, I would never put myself through something that only allows me to eat 500 calories a day! They have also tried to talk me into drinking just about every shake out there. First off, they are disgusting no matter what you add to them to help them taste better. And second, I don't want to have to keep drinking a shake my whole life to maintain my weight. I feel its more beneficial for me to learn to control my weight despite my indulgences.

    The problem is we are an impatient society and want instant gratification. But every time I have tried one of the fad diets and lost weight quickly, I gained it back just as quick. Frankly, I'm tired of starting over! I didn't gain all this weight in a month so what makes me think I can lose it all in a month!