I am giving up fizzy drinks. For good.



  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    You all seem to be talking about soda...I'm the only one who thought of sparkling water? If it's still bad for your teeth, then by all means stay away, but right now I'm hooked on La Croix Coconut Sparkling Water, zero calories, zero sweetener. Ingredients: carbonated water, natural flavor. Maybe worth checking out for a little fizz with less guilt.
    (Unless it's also bad for you and I'm just wrong? Entirely possible.)
  • musicaljessica
    Its the acidity of the fizz that is bad for your teeth. So all fizzy drinks - incuding sparkling water are included
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    Dag. That sucks. Lol.
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    Good for you, you will be happy you did!. I gave up diet soda sometime ago and I am glad I did. I had heard it makes you crave sweet foods and I am starting to believe that because I dont crave sweets anymore. Good luck.
  • millomite01
    millomite01 Posts: 8 Member
    Now this is interesting. I have managed to lose a lot but do drink loads of fizzy diet pop. Might try an alternative - beer perhaps??? lol.
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    Its the acidity of the fizz that is bad for your teeth. So all fizzy drinks - incuding sparkling water are included

    Interesting--my dentist told me that sparkling water is just fine--it's not acidic the way soda is. Just goes to show you that even in the medical field there are some opinion-based variances! :)
  • musicaljessica
    Hahaha. I'm not certain beer counts as a good replacement lol.

    And I heard that too about craving sweets with diet drinks. Lately I have been craving chocolate loads. And yet whenever I have it I don't actually enjoy it that much....Do you think there is a link?
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I love that at the top of this page when I read it was a Coke ad!!!!
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    Good for you and good luck with your determination. Don't psych yourself into feeling badly pysically though; you might not be affected. I haven't had a soda since June. I drank the real kind, no diet stuff, several a day, and I didn't have any kind of headaches or bad feelings or withdrawals of any kind. Oh, yeah, it was hard because I "wanted" one because of the taste, but no phyiscal side effects.

    You can do it!!!

    You'll feel better!!!

    Good luck on your journey!!!
  • musicaljessica
    Its the acidity of the fizz that is bad for your teeth. So all fizzy drinks - incuding sparkling water are included

    Interesting--my dentist told me that sparkling water is just fine--it's not acidic the way soda is. Just goes to show you that even in the medical field there are some opinion-based variances! :)

    Oh, Thats odd. My dentist so no fizz not even sparkling water! It's all bad. I know the acidity comes from the bubbles - they are full of gas which is acidic. (Not a scientist-not even close lol....I'm a musician so excuse my non-scientific termonology)

    It has spooked me anyhow. I'm staying clear. My body doesn't need bubbles!
  • msbobbitx
    msbobbitx Posts: 66 Member
    That's great!

    I don't drink too many carbonated drinks, either (except beer ;-). After you get used to not drinking them, they taste too syrupy and kinda icky..regardless of they are diet or not. I try to stick to tea, coffee, water, and crystal light (or other sugar free drink mixes).
  • musicaljessica
    I love that at the top of this page when I read it was a Coke ad!!!!

    Lol. Thats actually so funny!!! I love that
  • springermad
    i live on full fat coke, i have a can a day I don't think I could cut it out of my diet x
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Diet Coke is very bad for weight loss! It stalls weight loss. In fact any fizzy drink would do the same. Something weird happens when you drink something which has a fizz!

    This is simply not true. I'm all for giving it up but please don't perpetuate false myths. I still drink two cans a day and have lost over 50lbs. Others have kept up their full strength and lose weight. All the 'literature' is not peer reviewed and is from biased sources.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Diet Coke is very bad for weight loss! It stalls weight loss. In fact any fizzy drink would do the same. Something weird happens when you drink something which has a fizz!

    This is simply not true. I'm all for giving it up but please don't perpetuate false myths. I still drink two cans a day and have lost over 50lbs. Others have kept up their full strength and lose weight. All the 'literature' is not peer reviewed and is from biased sources.
  • mugsisme
    mugsisme Posts: 127 Member
    I stopped drinking Diet DP months ago. First of all, I was drinking 1 liter a day! Second of all, when I was 15, I got 5 cavities at the back of my mouth on my molars. My dentist told me then it was all the tab I was drinking. (Yeah, I was fat when I was 15 and trying to lose weight then.)

    My daughter worked for a dentist. She told me even diet sodas eat away at your teeth and cause cavities. She said drinking from a straw will do it to the back teeth.

    My family drinks seltzer. We have always been huge seltzer fans. To the point where my hubby bought a CO2 tank and we make our own for 2 cents a liter now.

    BTW, it took me THREE weeks to get over the caffeine headaches. If you go cold turkey it is going to take a while. Good for you for making this decision. I don't eat any aspertame or splenda, btw. My doctor said it is a carcenagen (sp?). I only use stevia. There are different brands and some taste better than others.
  • mugsisme
    mugsisme Posts: 127 Member
    Diet Coke is very bad for weight loss! It stalls weight loss. In fact any fizzy drink would do the same. Something weird happens when you drink something which has a fizz!

    This is simply not true. I'm all for giving it up but please don't perpetuate false myths. I still drink two cans a day and have lost over 50lbs. Others have kept up their full strength and lose weight. All the 'literature' is not peer reviewed and is from biased sources.

    artificial sweeteners makes your body crave sweets. I have cut back on my sweeteners I use. I use it only in my coffee and I am trying to do away with it completely. There are many studies that have been done on it. Good for you for continuing to lose. I didn't start losing weight until I cut out the diet dr pepper. (That was my first step, btw.)
  • musicaljessica
    THREE WEEKS?! Sheesh. Didn't think it'd take that long. Crazy headache again today. Hello paracetamol my good ol' buddy.

    Feeling a million times better than yesterday and day before. Stomach has settled and in town today I actually bought a BOTTLE OF WATER!!! Didn't even consider diet coke. Thats strange for me. Also another benefit was that a bottle of pop is about £1.20...bottle of water is about 40p....I could have 3 bottlesof water for the same price! Hanging on in here. I'm determined to beat this cos I feel it will help withmy weight loss.
  • musicaljessica
    i live on full fat coke, i have a can a day I don't think I could cut it out of my diet x

    Have you been doing well with weight loss? I suppose a can is better than a litre of it....maybe its all things in moderation? Or it depends on the person? I have noticed already I'm not craving sweeties like I did before...
  • L02201958
    Good luck to you. I drink fizzy water now. Plan water. but I'm sure they have flavor if you like.