The '**** the Diet, it's Christmas baby & I'll do what I wan



  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    I know it seems a waste...but I have been exercising a lot more this week in pending of xmas. I think I will be doing the same next week to make up for it LOL. The problem that I have (and I suppose alot of others) is the days after! So a cheat day is a great opportunity. BUT I have to remember to hide or throw or dodge the rest of the left overs so Im not eating till long after New Years! Hmm maybe a trifle also would be yummy...oh and some!~

    Ooh you are so good!

    I always buy enough party food to feed a family of 8 until February. Did I mention there's only 3 of us?! Dodging the leftovers will indeed become an obstacle course for the rest of the holiday!
  • eddiedraz
    eddiedraz Posts: 31 Member
    Hahaha This thread CRACKS me up- LOVE IT!!!
    No debate here- dont worry!!
    Im getting stuck into that PORK CRACKLING baby!!!!!-with LOTS of SALT!!!!!!, turkey with all the trimmings, prawns... And following it up with pudding, custard, pavlova with LOTS of cream and washing it down with LOTS OF champagne....and I AM GOING TO LOVE IT!!! YIPEE!!......That will be followed by a nap and a twinge of guilt but only for about 5 seconds because its ONCE a year- HAPPY DAYS and then back on the straight and narrow after that!!!
    Merry Christmas

  • During Christmas it is only unhealthy if it's not cooked properly, everything else is fair game ;) Hell I'd probably drink Bleach if it had a festive flavour

    Love this.

    Damn right. I'm with you on this. I'm giving myself 3 days of total (and I mean total) indulgence. There's cheese, there's biscuits. There are 4 kinds of pudding with brandy and rum sauce. There are sausage rolls, mince pies, mini pasties and loads of other things wrapped in pastry.

    That's before we get started on the alcohol. Oh the Christmas Cupboard Cocktails will be flowing by 11am Christmas morning.

    Its the most wonderful time of the year :drinker:
  • Baileys all the way for me :happy:
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Oh I am sooooo in!!

    I love everything to do with Christmas...but the food HAS TO BE the highlight! Sorry...but how miserable would it be to deny yourself on Christmas day!! You have 364 other days to do that!!! :laugh:

    Totally going to be a greedy little monster with everything... but this is what I am most looking forward to!

    Cutting my rich, yummy fruit cake on Christmas Eve!

    Sprouts with bacon and chestnuts on Christmas Day Dinner! (Not exclusively of course...but probably my favourite bit!)

    Panforte and Brie on Boxing Day!

  • Hahaha This thread CRACKS me up- LOVE IT!!!
    No debate here- dont worry!!
    Im getting stuck into that PORK CRACKLING baby!!!!!-with LOTS of SALT!!!!!!,

    I am totally with you there. Its the only time of the year I'm allowed to choose the pork joint because I get the one with the most crackling and fat I can find. Let hubby have his dry old, low cal turkey. I say bring on the pig fat!!!! :drinker:
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I am not going to gorge but I am not going to deny myself anything.

    I find these days though that a little of what I want suffices - although I am sucker for Prosecco and Bailey's [not together] and when I drink I do tend to nibble.

    I have planned my meals up until 28th but know that on Christmas Day and Boxing Day I will be off the charts - other than that I should be OK?

    I am not going eat for the sake of it like I used to but I am not going to refuse anything I do want.

    Merry Christmas to you all and I whether you decide to stay on plan or not I hope everyone has a wonderful time!
  • Lesley63x
    Lesley63x Posts: 42 Member
    Like the person above, i wont go too mad but i wont be counting my calories or turning down any extra treats! :}
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    A couple of days or gorging will only knock you back a couple of weeks, perhaps more if willpower is the main struggle. Lots more weeks in the year. Go for it!
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I'll still be counting calories. I find it amusing to see how bad it can be.:smile:
  • Oh hell yeah baybeee!!!!

    I thought I was the only one gonna do this at xmas! I'll eat roast potatoes galore... turkey, beef, yorkies, veggies comin outta my earholes, thick stodgy gravy, even... cauliflower cheese!!! YES CHEESE! woo hoo!!!

    I'm very excited about xmas - and I only have xmas lunch anyway, don't really do puddings and don't really have extra xmas gluttiny, just one lunch - but its gonna be one helluva lunch!!! :-D
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    It's all about the CHEESE for me! A friend (who will be here on Christmas Day) and I went to our local farmshop and chose some fabulous cheeses, and I've just typed out the cheese menu. Yes, there will be turkey, roast rib of beef and glazed ham, Christmas pudding, and banoffee pavlova, but I'll be holding out for the cheese!
  • latinqueencee
    latinqueencee Posts: 120 Member
    no debating here.......I am going to eat a little bit of EVERYTHING!!!! Woohoooo!
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    Hey I'm with you all I work hard all year time to enjoy
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    i have christmas eve supper - cooked meats, cheese, seafood, the whole traditional christmas day luinch with christmas pud and brandy sauce and boxing day buffet lunch! plus im out tonight for another christmas dinner!!!
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I love this thread :)
    I have several functions over the next 3 days because of extended family.

    So tomorrow we are having a traditional Aussie Christmas eve lunch which will be roast pork, ham, roast chicken, salads, garlic bread, potato bake, trifle, pavlova

    We plan to eat pancakes with maple syrup and icecream on Christmas morning, and another lunch similar to above (but probably with seafood as well)

    I got some Christmas / fruit cake as well :)
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    Cocktails (expresso martinis, black forest martinis, cosmos, dark and stormies, aviations, white russians, toasted almonds and lychee-tinis, though maybe not all at once), and some home made Sailor Jerry (golden spiced rum) christmas puddini truffles to ensure that it's not an all liquid diet :drinker:
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    Cocktails (expresso martinis, black forest martinis, cosmos, dark and stormies, aviations, white russians, toasted almonds and lychee-tinis, though maybe not all at once), and some home made Sailor Jerry (golden spiced rum) christmas puddini truffles to ensure that it's not an all liquid diet :drinker:
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    Looking forward to it so much I had to post twice :tongue:
  • persephone87
    persephone87 Posts: 220 Member
    I'm intolerant to alcohol, but I'm totally looking forward to xmas dinner, I'd be happy with a pint of gravy, a bowl of home made stuffing and a spoon sod the turkey lol. Christmas day eve we always have a buffet this year is indian themed so lots of little bhajis and breads dips etc. Over the year I have convinced people not to buy me chocolate but I think a whole box of after 8's will go down very nicely!!

    Also we are taking my bf out on the 27th for a meal to meet me parents for the first time so that will be full of delicious seafood pasta.

    Merry Christmas everyone :) and I agree, if you can't indulge in christmas when can you?