
I keep seeing this mentioned.. what is it? What is it like for you?

After reading another thread on here... I now know that I am "skinny fat" well...not techically because I'm still not quite in a "normal Bmi" range. But I have lost 100 pounds, there fore I am very saggy and look gross naked, but look pretty good in clothes. I fear I won't be able to fix this without plastic surgery, which I can't afford.... but then I keep seeing crossfit mentioned...

Tell me about it...Thanks!


  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    crossfit is awesome. Its a group of exercises that you do for time. there are several different routines.
  • I have mixed feelings about Crossfit. It's great when you know how to do the exercises correctly. But too often I see people practice terrible form, just so they can either blast through the reps to get to the next exercise, or break a new personal record by any means necessary.

    ^It makes me wonder: The instructors that teach them these various the hell are they qualified?? "Who cares about slipping a disc, you got that bar up there!!"
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I have mixed feelings about Crossfit. It's great when you know how to do the exercises correctly. But too often I see people practice terrible form, just so they can either blast through the reps to get to the next exercise, or break a new personal record by any means necessary.

    ^It makes me wonder: The instructors that teach them these various the hell are they qualified?? "Who cares about slipping a disc, you got that bar up there!!"

    This is a valid point. For me, I only do crossfit when my boot camp instructor decides to do a crossfit routine instead of a more standard boot camp. I love either one because both kick my *kitten*. However, because our boot camp class is small, our instructor takes the time to show up the movement and makes sure we use the proper form before we get started. For me, I could care less about the time or personal bests....for me, its about kicking my *kitten* and being fierce, and I know part of that entails using proper form.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    While some of the Crossfit exercise routines may be good if you are not in a super competitive gym and have a coach that makes sure you are using the correct form, I do not like the almost cultish energy of the organization, or the "do it or die trying" mentality that is often associated with Crossfit gyms.

    Anyone that is thinking about trying Crossfit might want to read this article from the NY times:

    Getting Fit, Even If It Kills You
  • I've been crossfitting since the July; I belong to a box instead of doing it on my own. I'm coached, every day I go in. And prior to going to normal "WODs" (workout of the day) I had to take/complete beginner/onramp classes. Once you're proficient in the olympic lifts and some other movements you can attend the regular classes. But the coaching doesn't stop there; every day you show up, warm up, go over skills/movement, complete the WOD, and cool down.

    RachelISNO trolls the boards for those who want to try crossfit, bashes it, and doesn't allow them to make their own decision. She'll go into a rant about plyometrics how she knows someone, who knows someone, who more then likely pushed themselves too far and lacked common sense.

    Our coaches will push, but nothing extreme; if you're barely taking an usually long break they'll walk over and see whats up. You are your own judge when it comes to the workouts. You get out of it what you put in. Thats why our workouts are anywhere from 5-25 minutes long ... you learn about pace and what your body can handle. You have to be honest with yourself and with your coaches.

    Not all boxes are created equal - but keep an open mind and give it a try. You may like what it has to offer you. But if not, hey, atleast you tried something new that seemed a little intimidating. Life is not meant to be spent on the front porch in the rocking chair.

    You're more then welcome to PM me with any questions.

    And word to the wise, take what people post with a grain of salt, unless they have personal experience with something.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member

    RachelISNO trolls the boards for those who want to try crossfit, bashes it, and doesn't allow them to make their own decision. She'll go into a rant about plyometrics how she knows someone, who knows someone, who more then likely pushed themselves too far and lacked common sense.

    I AM letting people make their own decisions! I am just providing them with something other than the Crossfit propaganda to make them with.

    Besides, all you know about is how your own box functions. Maybe your box is ok. But many other Crossfit boxes are cultishly loyal to Crossfit and it's founder, Greg Glassman, and have coaches that DO push people too hard and do not stress good form over speed, which often results in injuries.

    I have seen many photos of Crossfitters holding up their blistered, bloody hands, as if that was some badge of courage. If anyone thinks I am making that up, just Google "crossfit bloody hands" and you'll see plenty of photos. Personally, I need my hands for other things, and have no wish to "prove myself" by seeing how bad I can tear them up in a workout!

    An article in the NY Times about Crossfit says,

    " Mr. Glassman, CrossFit's founder, does not discount his regimen's risks, even to those who are in shape and take the time to warm up their bodies before a session. "It can kill you," he said. "I've always been completely honest about that."
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Crossfit founder Greg Glassman is a douche and all about "the Benjamins". Do some research. Nuff said.
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    I have mixed feelings about Crossfit. It's great when you know how to do the exercises correctly. But too often I see people practice terrible form, just so they can either blast through the reps to get to the next exercise, or break a new personal record by any means necessary.

    ^It makes me wonder: The instructors that teach them these various the hell are they qualified?? "Who cares about slipping a disc, you got that bar up there!!"

    Did you even read the summary of the video where they mention that it isn't a standard clean and jerk...?
  • season1980
    season1980 Posts: 129 Member

    RachelISNO trolls the boards for those who want to try crossfit, bashes it, and doesn't allow them to make their own decision. She'll go into a rant about plyometrics how she knows someone, who knows someone, who more then likely pushed themselves too far and lacked common sense.

    I AM letting people make their own decisions! I am just providing them with something other than the Crossfit propaganda to make them with.

    Besides, all you know about is how your own box functions. Maybe your box is ok. But many other Crossfit boxes are cultishly loyal to Crossfit, and have coaches that DO push people too hard and do not stress good form over speed, which often results in injuries.

    I have seen many photos of Crossfitters holding up their blistered, bloody hands, as if that was some badge of courage. If anyone thinks I am making that up, just Google "crossfit bloody hands" and you'll see plenty of photos. Personally, I need my hands for other things, and have no wish to "prove myself" by seeing how bad I can tear them up in a workout!

    An article in the NY Times about Crossfit says,

    " Mr. Glassman, CrossFit's founder, does not discount his regimen's risks, even to those who are in shape and take the time to warm up their bodies before a session. "It can kill you," he said. "I've always been completely honest about that."

    Okay so you have made your point, you think there are safer ways to get in shape. No need to beat the horse. Have a Merry Christmas :flowerforyou:
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member

    RachelISNO trolls the boards for those who want to try crossfit, bashes it, and doesn't allow them to make their own decision. She'll go into a rant about plyometrics how she knows someone, who knows someone, who more then likely pushed themselves too far and lacked common sense.

    I AM letting people make their own decisions! I am just providing them with something other than the Crossfit propaganda to make them with.

    Besides, all you know about is how your own box functions. Maybe your box is ok. But many other Crossfit boxes are cultishly loyal to Crossfit, and have coaches that DO push people too hard and do not stress good form over speed, which often results in injuries.

    I have seen many photos of Crossfitters holding up their blistered, bloody hands, as if that was some badge of courage. If anyone thinks I am making that up, just Google "crossfit bloody hands" and you'll see plenty of photos. Personally, I need my hands for other things, and have no wish to "prove myself" by seeing how bad I can tear them up in a workout!

    RachelSNO, you are a specifically came into a CrossFit group board for the purpose of trolling and then were advised to leave (and blocked since you were just looking to annoy people). Since then you've decided to throw your two cents at anyone that will listen on the general forums....fine, but you really need to come to facts with that you have been deciding to troll any topic you find about CrossFit. Also for never having done CrossFit you seem to have a lot of experiences with different CrossFit boxes....oh wait, you're just making even greater assumptions because you know better (since you probably can't tell there is sarcasm in that statement).
  • istalkzombies
    istalkzombies Posts: 344 Member
    crossfit is awesome if you do it properly, very intense!
  • I have mixed feelings about Crossfit. It's great when you know how to do the exercises correctly. But too often I see people practice terrible form, just so they can either blast through the reps to get to the next exercise, or break a new personal record by any means necessary.

    ^It makes me wonder: The instructors that teach them these various the hell are they qualified?? "Who cares about slipping a disc, you got that bar up there!!"

    Did you even read the summary of the video where they mention that it isn't a standard clean and jerk...?

    I did, actually. Standard or not, bad form is bad form. Like I said earlier, crossfit is great when exercises are done correctly. I know a few people that are in great shape because of it.

    Olympic lifts are meant to be explosive. 1 - 2 quick movements. For someone to have to hitch the weight up several times, after several failed attempts, must mean the weight is too heavy.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    I have mixed feelings about Crossfit. It's great when you know how to do the exercises correctly. But too often I see people practice terrible form, just so they can either blast through the reps to get to the next exercise, or break a new personal record by any means necessary.

    ^It makes me wonder: The instructors that teach them these various the hell are they qualified?? "Who cares about slipping a disc, you got that bar up there!!"

    interestingly enough...i see horrible form every day at the YMCA depite having "trainers" available.
  • I have mixed feelings about Crossfit. It's great when you know how to do the exercises correctly. But too often I see people practice terrible form, just so they can either blast through the reps to get to the next exercise, or break a new personal record by any means necessary.

    ^It makes me wonder: The instructors that teach them these various the hell are they qualified?? "Who cares about slipping a disc, you got that bar up there!!"

    interestingly enough...i see horrible form every day at the YMCA depite having "trainers" available.

    Ha. I do, as well. At Bally and the 24 I've been to. Funny how easy it is to get a certification these days.
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    I have mixed feelings about Crossfit. It's great when you know how to do the exercises correctly. But too often I see people practice terrible form, just so they can either blast through the reps to get to the next exercise, or break a new personal record by any means necessary.

    ^It makes me wonder: The instructors that teach them these various the hell are they qualified?? "Who cares about slipping a disc, you got that bar up there!!"

    Did you even read the summary of the video where they mention that it isn't a standard clean and jerk...?

    I did, actually. Standard or not, bad form is bad form. Like I said earlier, crossfit is great when exercises are done correctly. I know a few people that are in great shape because of it.

    Olympic lifts are meant to be explosive. 1 - 2 quick movements. For someone to have to hitch the weight up several times, after several failed attempts, must mean the weight is too heavy.

    That's cause they are instead trying the Strongman version of the lift (you know those folks that have truck pulls and atlas stone lifts as part of their competitions). look at the explaination of the "Continental"

    Of course you knew that this what they meant to do since you're an "Expert"
  • DJStewie
    DJStewie Posts: 92 Member
    I do crossfit. I love it. Over the past year I have had significant improvement.

    You can get injured doing any type of exercise. My wife hurt her back doing Zumba last week, but I am not going to tell everyone to not do Zumba or go google Zumba+back pain. Just be smart and do your research and see if it is for you. Personally I recommend it, but like any fitness program, it's not for everyone. You won't see me in a Zumba class =)

    Good Luck!
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    Dear OP: I am sorry no one has actually answered your question or explained what crossfit IS. I'd be happy to send some information to good links and get you started on your own research (pros and cons)! Send me a message if you're interested.

    Happy Holidays, all :)
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    I do crossfit. I love it. Over the past year I have had significant improvement.

    You can get injured doing any type of exercise. My wife hurt her back doing Zumba last week, but I am not going to tell everyone to not do Zumba or go google Zumba+back pain. Just be smart and do your research and see if it is for you. Personally I recommend it, but like any fitness program, it's not for everyone. You won't see me in a Zumba class =)

    Good Luck!

    true...and it can be done to fit all fitness levels. i am not as strong as my husband and my son so i scale my workouts to my level.
  • I have mixed feelings about Crossfit. It's great when you know how to do the exercises correctly. But too often I see people practice terrible form, just so they can either blast through the reps to get to the next exercise, or break a new personal record by any means necessary.

    ^It makes me wonder: The instructors that teach them these various the hell are they qualified?? "Who cares about slipping a disc, you got that bar up there!!"

    Did you even read the summary of the video where they mention that it isn't a standard clean and jerk...?

    I did, actually. Standard or not, bad form is bad form. Like I said earlier, crossfit is great when exercises are done correctly. I know a few people that are in great shape because of it.

    Olympic lifts are meant to be explosive. 1 - 2 quick movements. For someone to have to hitch the weight up several times, after several failed attempts, must mean the weight is too heavy.

    That's cause they are instead trying the Strongman version of the lift (you know those folks that have truck pulls and atlas stone lifts as part of their competitions). look at the explaination of the "Continental"

    Of course you knew that this what they meant to do since you're an "Expert"

    I could tell you're a die hard crossfit advocate. How am I an expert all of a sudden? Because I have some knowledge of lifts, form and technique? It's called research, slim. I learn before attempting it.

    I'm talking about form and safety and how it can BE GOOD IF DONE SAFELY. But you still want to get your panties all bunched up.
    ^Here ya go, buff guy. Here's a strong man competitor for you. Still practicing good form with heavy weight. Dumps it if he can't attempt it.
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    Dear OP: I am sorry no one has actually answered your question or explained what crossfit IS. I'd be happy to send some information to good links and get you started on your own research (pros and cons)! Send me a message if you're interested.

    Happy Holidays, all :)

    Oh. OR if you're really interested, you can reread this same debate (which you've undoubtedly seen since you mentioned that's what made you wonder what crossfit was in your first post.)

    And here:

    We cover such interesting topics as the jerky type personality that does crossfit, why crossfit is a cult, why it will kill me, why you should get better health insurance if you join, and how crossfit celebrates rhabdo (among other gems). Maybe it just gets more fascinating the 6th time. Any chance we can compile these into one super thread?