So, who's all back to work today?



  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    Me and it SUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after 10 days off this is awful :(
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    Me and it SUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after 10 days off this is awful :(

    WOW..and I thought it sucked after 4 days off! Lol, hope it goes by smoothly for you!
  • strohst
    strohst Posts: 146 Member
    I'm back ... I got 3 days off ... and they were very busy days! My son's 1st b-day was Christmas day so It was very busy.... I had to come in early today as well .. I started at 5 b/c I have to leave at 1:30....
  • Supercatie80
    Supercatie80 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I'm back to work, but I can't complain too much, 4.5 days off, now 3 days on and then another 4 days off. The worst part for me is going to be the loooooong haul to Memorial day...YIKES!
  • _David_
    _David_ Posts: 476 Member
    I've been off for 5 days and have to work tonight and tomorrow night and off for 5 more!!!!
  • tinydancer24
    present but its only 3 days so hopefully it goes by quickly!
  • time2shine29
    time2shine29 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm back at work!! Hard to get up this morning in the dark (around 630 am). I had to give out belated Christmas gifts to my marketing coworkers... I didn't know everyone gave gifts here. LOL :)
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    Back to work = more time to play on MFP! :happy:
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I do not go back till Jan 3.
    I miss my job!!!!!!!!!!!!javascript:add_smiley('laugh','post_body')
  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    :grumble: Does anyone feel like today is just going to be one of Those days?
  • Mocha02
    I only had Saturday off...I even worked ON Christmas! Sigh
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    I've been off for 5 days and have to work tonight and tomorrow night and off for 5 more!!!!

    Must be nice! :-P
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    I only had Saturday off...I even worked ON Christmas! Sigh

    :( you're a trooper. I'm not a fan of working holidays.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Plant shut down, back to work on the 3rd.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I work everyday-working on a farm there is no day off since the animals always have to eat!

    I have the utmost respect for farmers, they rock my world. I wanted to be a farmer for a loooong time. (silly goal for a suburban girl!) I go back today for an itty bitty shift from 4-7. Hopefully it's busy!
  • likeaphoenix28
    Back to work and pretty sure I'm dying....sigh. I'd rather be sleeping.
  • sunnybrunette126
    sunnybrunette126 Posts: 200 Member
    :grumble: Does anyone feel like today is just going to be one of Those days?

    Yes me! Haha I don't want to be here. But I can never get this time off because I don't have enough seniority.

    Next year I'm calling out. LOL
  • deegarcia19
    Babysitting for 9 hours waaa!!!:sad:
  • KarleeS92
    KarleeS92 Posts: 27 Member
    Today (tuesday) was my first day off of work since last Thursday. YUP, I worked Chrissy day. But only done 5 hours so it wasn't too bad. Hope you all have had a wonderful long break! :)
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    back to work.. however since not many other people are working here today it's enjoyably quite.
    Trying to get work done, but no one seems to want to send me what I need so I can actually get my work done. LOL