How do I start to exercise??



  • Let me start off by saying that diet is 75% of the work when it comes to weight loss - if you aren't eating clean, unproccessed, natural foods, then you'll never get to where you want to be. Have you ever heard the saying, "Abs are made in the kitchen"? Exercise is important, but diet is arguably even more important. I haven't looked at your diary, but just wanted to send a friendly reminder about that.

    As for exercise: just start walking! Aim to walk 1-2 miles 6 days a week at a brisk pace. Walking burns more fat from the belly, whereas running burns more fat from the hips. In fact, if you were to walk 1 mile or run 1 mile, you burn the same amount of calories - one just takes longer than the others. Jump roping is a GREAT form of exercise. If you can dedicate 10-15 minutes per day jump roping, I bet you'll start to see great results not only in your weight loss, but also in your endurance and stamina. Take a Zumba class every week! Its just dancing and a lot of fun. If you do it correctly (engaging your core muscles) you can burn up to 600 calories in just 1 hour! Also, I cannot emphasize the importance of STRENGTH TRAINING enough: muscle burns fat even when your just sitting on the couch doing nothing. The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn and the better results you will see from your weight loss. Get a set of 5, 8, and 10 pound dumbells to start. Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps each workout 2-3 times a week: bicep curls, lateral raise, frontal raise, tricep press, shoulder press, side bend, weighted lunges, and weight squats. These are the most basic strength training workouts there are and all can be Googled if you don't know how to do them.

    Hope all that helps! If you have any questions, feel free to add/message me! I'm an exercise science major with a minor in food sciences.
  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
  • bekah_ann13
    Thanks everyone :) I appreciate all the feedback!! I have started walking with my sister and my husband and I am starting to walk for a good hour or two straight with out getting tired. I am going to get back into yoga because I used to love it so much but I stopped going when my friend stopped, but I need to realize that I can work out alone. I used to skateboard for hours a day and it was the best work out for me and I loved it (not getting hurt though, that was literally a PAIN) but I am thinking of buying me a skateboard again although it has been a few years and I will more than likely be terrified at first but I can gradually get back into it. I also used to love to run but as I got older I began to develop anxiety (truly after I had my son four years ago) and the faster my heart rate gets I began to get a panic attack so I guess I have scared myself to the point that I was terrified of my heart rate going up but I know that I need to shake that!! I am also joining a swimming pool membership at a local college and I am planning on swimming and seeing how that helps me (its an indoor pool, I live in Texas where its too cold in the winter, obviously, and way too hot in the summer to even walk to your car) I am excited. I know its a lifestyle change and I am doing my best to begin to eat the best way that I can and New Years shouldn't be the whole resolution and broken promises but I guess its a jumping off point for me. I started a little while back but I am truly going to put more effort into my transformation! But again thank you all for the support and advice I appreciate it very very much!!