Survey - What's Your Weekly Exercise Routine?



  • alpha2omega
    alpha2omega Posts: 229 Member
    I switch up the workouts with Supersets, Giant sets, Heavy weight, Light weight and specific exercises for each muscle but in general its the same. I also change the duration of Circuit training vs Cardio. One week I will spend more time on Cardio the other week on Circuit training but I do both each day. Just trying to keep my body guessing.

    Monday - Circuit train - chest/back - Cardio Bike, treadmill or basketball
    Tuesday - Circuit train - Shoulders/Core - Cardio Bike, treadmill or basketball
    Wednesday - Circuit train - Legs/Arms - Cardio Bike, treadmill or basketball
    Thursday - Circuit train - Chest/Back - Cardio Bike, treadmill or basketball
    Friday - Circuit Train - Shoulders/Core - Cardio Bike, treadmill or basketball
  • Mostly Cardio focused at the moment.

    Mondays - Gym - Mostly Tread Climber (40 - 60 mins) sometimes with some cross trainer/running thrown in.
    Tuesdays - Cycling
    Wednesday - Gym - Mix and Match 15mins on 3 to 4 pieces of equipment/excersizes (Swimming/Rowing/Cycling added to mondays) or sometimes I'll do a weights session.
    Thursdays - Cycle or Gym.
    Fridays - Depends how I feel, gym in the morning or nothing.
    Saturdays - rest up.
    Sundays - Cycling

    I also walk to and from the station in the mornings rather than catch the bus, that adds 30min walking to my totals. Though this evening I did get the bus home as It was shovelling rain.
  • Monday through Saturday Power 90, whatever the schedule says Sculpt - Sweat- repeat! On Day 60!!
  • Sumatra
    Sumatra Posts: 181
    I do cardio 7 days a week. Most days I do about an hour of cardio, occasionally I will only do 30 minutes.
    I do strength training 2-3 days per week.
    I try to do some type of yoga at least 2-3 days per week.
    I just recently started doing pilates and hope to keep that up at least 1 day per week. Actually I would like to increase that to 2 times per week...we'll see.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Monday - 1 hour CrossFit
    Tuesday - 1 hour HIIT training
    Wednesday - 1 hour CrossFit
    Thursday - 1 hour Personal Trainer
    Friday - CrossFit

    Weekend - usually off, or I'll get in some cardio (run or elliptical or tabata skipping)
  • gecallo
    gecallo Posts: 135
    Let's see...

    M - Weight training 1hr (Pull)
    T - HIIT+Abs circuit 20-30min
    W - Weights (Legs)
    TH - HIIT+Abs circuit
    F - Weights (Push)

  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    Haven't got a structured plan yet but this has given me some good ideas!
  • nia04
    nia04 Posts: 3
    I am at the gym a minimum of once per day, seven days a week.I am one of a handful of people at my gym to do both personal training and group fit classes, most do one or the other. This is the breakdown
    Sunday: 1/2 hr-1 hr cardio
    Monday: AM- 1/2 hr-1 hr cardio
    PM- Cardio Camp
    Tuesday: AM 1 hr with personal trainer
    PM- 1/2 hr cardio
    Wednesday AM- cardio
    PM- Turbo Kick
    Thursday AM Cardio Camp
    Mid-day- weights and cardio
    PM cardio
    Friday AM and PM cardio
    Saturday weights and cardio
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Day 1:
    Bicep (hammer curls 2x12 reps; 2x12 cable curls; 2x12 preacher curls)
    Chest (incline DB press 2x12reps; Push ups with feet on Stability ball 2x12 reps; Pec Deck 2x12; Cable Crossovers 2x12 reps)
    Cardio and Abs at least 3 different ab exercises each 3 x to fatigue

    Day 2:
    Cardio (4K run outside)

    Day 3:
    Quads (Smith Machine 3x10 resp; Leg Press 3x20 with low weight; Walking Lunges 3x8 reps; Leg Extensions 3x 8 slow {pause half and at top, then pause halfway down repeat} then 8 fast reps)
    Glutes (Plier squats 3x20; Bulgarian lunges 3x10; Sumo squats 3x10)
    Cardio & Abs

    Day 4:
    Cardio (4-K run outside)

    Day 5:
    Back (T-bar 3x12reps; seated row 3x12; Pull downs in front 3x12; DB Row 3x12)
    Triceps (Push downs 2x12; Tricep Press or Dips 2x12; Kickbacks 2x12)
    Calves (Standing calf raises 2x12, seated calf raises 2x12)
    Cardio & Abs

    Day 6: DAY OFF

    Day 7:
    Shoulders (Shoulder Press 3x12; Side raises 3x12; rear pec deck 3x12; front lateral raises 3x12)
    Hamstrings (Deadlifts 3x12; Leg Curls 3x12; Hamstring Mega Blaster with stability ball 3x12)

    VARIATIONS For Leg workout

    Leg Extensions: Lightly 4x15
    Front Squats: 4x10 (point feet 30 degrees out. Bar on front shoulders)
    Hack Squats: 4x10 (feet point forward, hold bb in back, do squat) or even sled hack squats (lying on incline)
    Leg Extensions: Heavy 4x10-15
    One Legged Leg Press: 4x10
    Alternating Lunges: 3x15

    I decided to take it down a notch for a couple of weeks so I am doing the exercises like Body for Life:

    day 1: Upper body, day 2 cardio; day 3 lower body; day 4cardio; day 5 upper body; day 6 cardio; day 7 rest. Then switch up upper and lower body the following week.
  • So far this week:

    Monday - Nothing. Was Bank Holiday in the UK and had a busy weekend so rested up.
    Today - 50mins on the Treadclimber followed by 10mins Swimming.

    Just thought it would be a good idea to track it :)

    Saturday I helped my mom move, was 3rd floor flat (it's a penthouse, low block) and after the first trip up the lift broke trapping a a family of 4, so ended up carrying everything up and down the stairs. Now THAT was a good work out :) Stair Climbing with heavy loads, Great fun.
  • Yakarobed
    Yakarobed Posts: 13 Member
    Mon, Wed, Fri Yoga and Strength training on my Wii Fit Plus for about 50 minutes
    Tue, Thu, Sat Aerobics (free step, adv step, and a variety of games) on Wii Fit Plus for about 45 minutes.
  • I barely make it to the gym 2x a week for 20 minutes of cardio on the treadmill. My goal for January is to increase my exercise.
  • I work out with a personal trainer 4-5 times a week (Weights and 45 minutes of cardio/day) Plus hiking one day a week.
    I burn from 1600 to 2000 calories per day during total work out time (weights and cardio) and on hiking days i burn about 750-900 calories.
  • I "try" to do it that way:

    Monday: 40-60 minutes Cardio (Zumba) + Arms (gym)
    Tuesday: Abs (home)
    Wednesday: 40-60 minutes Cardio + legs (gym)
    Thursday: Abs (home)
    Friday: 40-60 minutes Cardio + Arms (gym)
    Saturday: break
    Sunday: 90 minutes Cardio (zumba)

    But I tend to not make it the way I plan it ;)
  • I switch it up all the time to help prevent a plateau & keep my body guessing! I workout 3-4 days a week for 45-90 minutes. Here's a list of the various workouts I do & often combine several of them for a total body routine:

    Treadmill - running 6.3 mph
    StairMaster - level 6, 20 min
    Erg (row machine) - 20 min
    Swimming, Freestyle - 45 min
    BodyPump - 60 min full body lifting class
    Strength training - various machines, dumbell workouts, etc

    And then more that I don't really consider a workout because its so much fun for me, like hiking, canoeing, fishing, and mountain biking!
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    Capoeira (mixed cardio-stretch-strength all in one workout):

    Monday (90 minutes)
    Wednesday (120 minutes)
    Saturday (70 minutes)

    Monday to Friday: climbing 5 floors of stairs, at a minimum of two times a day as I refuse to use the elevator at work. Unless I have to carry a big box or many bags. Then I take the lift ;-) Oh and weather permitting, I walk the dog 20 minutes a day.

    That's it for now...
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    Mine is:

    Monday: New Rules of Lifting for Women
    Tuesday: aquabiking
    Wednesday: Easy run (30-40 minutes)
    Thursday: NROLFW
    Friday: rest/walk dog
    Saturday: Run (30-40 minutes)
    Sunday: Rest/walk dog

    Of course I walk my dog more often, but on my rest days I'll go a bit further with him.

    I also play some dancing games on the wii whenever I feel up to it, especially on one of my rest days or instead of aquabiking.
  • Pickles11
    Pickles11 Posts: 310 Member
    I have been doing quite random workouts (mostly workout DVDs).

    Here is my new plan, starting today (why wait for the new year?):

    Monday: Strength/Yoga, maybe some light cardio if I have a lot of time
    Tuesday: Run 2.5 miles + Stength (lower) + 30 mins optional extra cardio
    Wednesday: 30 mins crosstraining + abs
    Thursday: 2 mile run + full body strength (50 mins)
    Friday: Rest + (sometimes yoga)
    Saturday: 40 mins crosstraining + Upper body strength
    Sunday: 3 mile run

    The running is where I'm at now, and it is increased each week.
    Edit: The running/crosstraining is from am 8 week training program for a 10k
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    On a normal Week

    Mon: Body Attack, Body Pump, Body Balance, Zumba
    Tues: Body Combat and Pump but now I think it will be circuits
    Wed: Attack and Yoga
    Thurs: Combat and Balance
    Friday - rest
    Sat: Pump, attack, combat
    Sun: Rest

    Walk 2 miles to work everyday and try to nip about for 30-45min walk during lunch.

    Looks more intimating than it really is, as classes are 45-60mins
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Strength Training every other day for 1-2 hours
    Cardio every other day for 1 hour.
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