
  • Your metablism has speed up giving you the perception you are hungry. If your similar to me I will eat a whole meal and then feel like I haven't eating anything 20 minutes later. best thing to do is get 4 0z chicken breast skinless and nibble on those when you get that hungry urge. They do boost your calorie count but it gives you proteins your body is looking for.
  • Murphy15
    Murphy15 Posts: 142
    I was with Weight Watchers for a while, then switched to here because it's free. I did take some WW things with me though. I consider fruits and veggies "free" so I don't log them. True, that means I'll be over my calories if I'm close, but as the saying goes, no one got fat from eating fruits and vegetables. Those Healthy Choice meals are great, but they don't keep me full long. I need to have a salad or something with them, or know I'm going to have a larger snack between lunch and dinner. You'll probably feel a lot better now that you've upped your calorie goal to a normal level. Good luck. :)
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    Hi yes it was set manually. I was trying to go by weight watchers points and calories. trying to stick to 24 points (50 cals each)

    If I can lose on more I will! I will change to 1 lb a week! thank you

    Whoever set your WW points did do it wrong. Had the same issue with WW, was starving mad! Your points certainly were set too low.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Another thing I noticed is on some says you enter 900-1000 exercise calories which takes you way below 1200.

    Remember whatever calories you choose it is NET calories. So if you eat 2200 and exercise 1000, your net is 1200.

    Whatever your goal is set at you never want to go below the 1200 net.

    Also, I know it Weight Watchers but it is processed food. More lean protein and as much un processed food as possible. Also, I know this had been said but more veggies.

    What about your water intake. I don't recall if I saw any or not but 8 glasses/64 oz of water everyday makes a big difference on how full you feel. That along with the lean protein will make a huge difference!

    You can do it!!!
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    double post sorry
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    trying to post a quote...just found out how to do it.
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    I was with Weight Watchers for a while, then switched to here because it's free. I did take some WW things with me though. I consider fruits and veggies "free" so I don't log them. True, that means I'll be over my calories if I'm close, but as the saying goes, no one got fat from eating fruits and vegetables. Those Healthy Choice meals are great, but they don't keep me full long. I need to have a salad or something with them, or know I'm going to have a larger snack between lunch and dinner. You'll probably feel a lot better now that you've upped your calorie goal to a normal level. Good luck. :)

    I am going to do WW and MFP all year. If it works out I can stop going to WW and just go here for free like you said. That is one of my goals for 2012.
  • BrownEyedBetty
    BrownEyedBetty Posts: 85 Member
    Holy crap! that is so not enough food. I agree with everyone else your caloric intake is way too low. I was the same way... I was losing a lot of weight in the begining and I was straving. Then I hit a brick wall for like 2 months and didn't lose anything... I went from 1300 to 1600 and started to see the weight drop again. I think I was straving my metabolism so it slowed down. Also Try eating more foods that are low in cals but you can eat a lot of... for example ... hummus and sliced veggies, oatmeal, apple and peanut butter, smoothie, greek yogurt, string cheese( not alot of this but good snack) . hope it helps! : )
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    you have 840 calories left.. EAT THEM! with REAL food! never stay consistently so below your calories because you are creating a HUGE deficit (NOT GOOD).

    edit: ps...1200 calories is not good, for anyone! your body is screaming at your for good calories!
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    My doc-recommended-program has me on 30g of protein by mid morning. You stack up on protein first thing and you won't get so hungry throughout the day! It really does work!

    I started the same thing. Having a protein shake when I get dressed in the morning. Then a peice of fruit when I get to work. Works like a charm for me and I don't have to think about what I'm going to have.

    Ditto on all the chicken/rice/veggie advice for lunch. 1/2 cup of rice is 200 cals, chicken 100-200 calsdepending on if you have an entire chicken breast or just half (I think deck of card size for meat) and veggies are ususally under 100 cal for a cup of em. Change up the chicken/rice/veggies by changing the flavor, teriakyi, lemon pepper, soy sauce, curry/cumin, spicy (like a burrito).

    I've found these to be decent snakcs:
    6 triscutts and 1/2 cup cottage cheese
    1/4 cup shelled sunflower seeds
    Hard boiled egg with salt
    prepacked cheese stick (string or cheddar)

    I also treat myself to 1.5 cups of coffee with 2 flavored creamers, one regluar creamer and a sugar packet. Sure there are better beverage choices, but that 60-100 calorie treat is something I look forward to at work. Don't feel bad if you choose to keep something similiar like that. If you're eating better overall a small something will not hinder your goal at this stage.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    are you eating back exercise calories and is it the time of the month? I am ridiculously hungry the few days before TOM, and EAT BACK YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES! Maybe not all of them, but at least some of them!
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Omg I would die if I could only eat 1200 calories a day. Don't feel bad about upping your calorie count! Your body goes into starvation mode at 1200 a day and you'll actually GAIN weight if you eat that little. Mine is set a little low too (1350) but I get cheat days (I eat what I want as long as I control the portions and don't count calories) on the weekend where I don't count so I have to be extra good during the week.

    Breakfast suggestion: 1/2 cup egg beaters (approx 2 real eggs), 2 slices of canadian bacon and a skinny cow cheese on a whole wheat english muffin. NOM! So good and so healthy for you!

    Lunch suggestion: I have one of the healthy choice steamer meals and a can of Progresso Lite soup during my work week. It's usually right around 500 calories for ALL that yummy food! Plus all the liquid in the soup really helps fill you up. Veggies make great snacks! Almost no calories compared to carbs and protien. And they have lots of fiber so they fill you up and slow your digestion!

    Oh and workout! You'll feel so much better and you get to eat more! Plus, I find that working out supresses my appetite

    I am not complaining but according to 3 specialists I can eat only 1000 daly to lose weight!!! It is tough!
  • WickedMouse
    WickedMouse Posts: 343 Member
    OK, I am tired of hearing that PROCESSED foods cost less. This is untrue! When I switched my family to eating more whole healthy foods our grocery bill went down... The overly processed foods, may seem cheap up front, but in the long run cost more... essentially you eat more, so therefor have to buy more. Eating Fruits, Veggies, Whole Grains, Meats, Poultry, Fish.. These will fill you up longer, with the nutrients your body needs.
    So the excuse of Processed foods being cheaper, is just that.. an excuse to continue to eat like crap.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Try eating real food and not frozen food and processed food.

    This!!!! Take a look at other peoples diaries for more ideas.
  • nmerley
    nmerley Posts: 98 Member
    glad to hear u changed it. U shouldnt b starving if u r eatin the right stuff. Hang in there!!
  • I make my meals a little smaller so I can have more snacks throughout the day.
  • FidalgoGirl
    FidalgoGirl Posts: 39 Member
    Even the tiniest things you do around the house can count towards your fitness, don't forget to monitor those items, it can give you some much needed calories to take in!! Good luck on your journey! :smile:
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    I had one of those days by 1 p.m. all 1300 calories that I'm allowed a day were gone. I did a hard work out and got back 992 calories so I could eat dinner. That's the only way I can combat days like that.
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    It's not normal, it's not human...I keep looking at my diary. I have been eating all day. I had an english muffin breakfast from weight watchers for lunch, then another one for snack...then a healthy choice lunch, 3 chocalate nuggets, 2 oragnes...that shoudl be more than enough for normal human beings! I have only 270 calories left for the rest of the day (its only 4:07) and I am literally staving to death...I can chew through my desk right now. I am not particularly stressed or unhappy, and I am aware of my boredom since office is dead due to holidays, but I am feeling physical achy starvation signals. How can I keep this up for a year in order for me to lose weight? anyone else go through this?

    My weight is 240
    I have managed to lose 10 lbs from start
    Goal weight is 160
    I am 5'7 female

    It goes away, but it's just painful at first. Make sure you are eating enough good, nutritious foods. Your dairy reflects too much of a deficit, and you need to rework that. Get some help if you need it. And as for the hunger, under the best of circumstances, it's still hard.
    Most don't make it through.

    I was JUST LIKE THAT! And most days I failed, then little by little it got better. I still remember that first night I did not fix another supper right before bed. Anyway, some will say eating this or drinking water will help...BULL!

    It's hard, painful and miserable. That's reality.
    You must fight through this, remembering why you started in the first place.

    While I agree with some of this (it's a struggle, it's hard, etc) I don't think someone who feels too weak to work out (barring other health issues) is in a good place. You can lower your calorie intake, eat nutritious foods, and don't necessarily have to "suffer" :wink:

    THIS!! ^^^ Yes, I was thinking the same thing! You do not need to suffer and feel nauseus, weak, should feel energized, healthy and happy! Eating the right amount of calories, exercising (eating back your exercise calories) and eating whole, fresh, unprocessed foods will make a TON of difference!!! And 1700 calories is nothing! You should see how much I eat on heavy workout days....nearing 3000 cals on a day that I spend a long time at the gym for Zumba (1 hr) and then a 30 min weight session! And...I keep losing! So, don't let people convince you that starving yourself is the way to go. It is about proper nutrition and finding the balance for YOUR body! You need to take in the proper number of calories....but more importantly, you need to take in the proper amounts of vitamins, Protein, Complex carbs, and Fat. Yes, FAT!! Good fats are important for your health! Fats from nuts and fish are hearth and brain supporting fats. So do not be scared by the word fat! It is not a bad word! lol
  • CarynCharB
    CarynCharB Posts: 215 Member
    I don't know if you're just starting or not but that could be the reason. Anytime I start a new food plan I'm starving for the first 3 days or so. The plan I was on allowed me to have 'free food' like lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower. I could have as much of those as I wanted so between meals I'd eat those and tons of water. It helped a bit. Another thing I was allowed to have was Frozen Crystal Light. I put it in popsicle forms. Another reason for the hunger could be hormones or sometimes if I eat a whole lot one day I'm hungrier than usual the next day.