He called HER a fat azz?!



  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    Hell, I want Michelle's body...he's a hater and those women on SI damn near kill themselves to get that thin. I think she is a totally hot wife and I don't think Barack is complaining!!
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    1. "Ignorant?" LOL 2. "Free Speech?" LOL

    1. I know how the discussion was overheard. I know he said it and didn't plan for the world to hear it. That honestly makes it no less hysterical. That has nothing to do with why it was funny and/or inappropriate.

    2. Did someone call for his legal arrest? I sure didn't. Free speech doesn't mean I don't get to respond to something someone else says. Free speech is not a one-way street-- he's allowed to speak freely, but I'm also allowed to respond to it. :).
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    In the spirit of free speech... I think he has walked past the mirrors in his house for years - without looking.... ^^ (and prolly for a good reason, because he would have to admit to himself, that he is far from anything being called healthy lol)

    I am well jel when it comes to Mrs Presidents arms.... o.0... and I like her bum ^^
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member

    I'd tap that.


    ME TOO!!!!

    Our First Lady is HOT!!!! and I'm sorry- but her butt may be a little round but I don't know guy who wants a flat butted women.
    and look at those guns- she could kick his *kitten*. He better be watching over his shoulder.
  • slayerdan
    Freedom of speech is there to protect unpopular speech, not popular speech. Bottom line--who cares? If she does have a fat azz, does that mean that just because he does too he cant say it? Lets flip it to something positive---if I have amazing hair should I not tell someone else they have amazing hair too?

    He said it. Who cares. The only thing that gives this any weight(amazing pun applause here) is people that Michelle Obama doesnt give two ounces about talking about it.

    Find a better cause.
  • tracy287
    It's funny how much people like to argue on here lol. its like ok
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I think that's hilarious. A man never should comment on the size of a woman's posterior. Ever. Well,not unless he wants to wake up without his nuts...

    And seriously does this Jim person ever look in the mirror. The guy has more chins than a Chinese phonebook...

    Well said!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Its funny how ignorant everyone on this board is. If you would have read the article he was talking on the phone and was over heard saying this. Was not a direct quote or something that was meant for the public domain. I am sure you would not want things you say in your private conversations becoming public.

    If I'm talking loud enough on my cell in a public place then all bets are off, especially if I work for the public.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    That the remark made headlines shows just how ridiculous and pathetic the news & media are in this country... has nothing or little to do with reality... or her behind! That this made HEADLINES is enough to secure the US as the #1 *kitten* country as far as the news goes... and what we like to read and hear about.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    That the remark made headlines shows just how ridiculous and pathetic the news & media are in this country... has nothing or little to do with reality... or her behind! That this made HEADLINES is enough to secure the US as the #1 *kitten* country as far as the news goes... and what we like to read and hear about.

    I still love my douchbag country. :tongue:
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    That the remark made headlines shows just how ridiculous and pathetic the news & media are in this country... has nothing or little to do with reality... or her behind! That this made HEADLINES is enough to secure the US as the #1 *kitten* country as far as the news goes... and what we like to read and hear about.

    I still love my douchbag country. :tongue:
    Me, too!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Here's a thought. WHY DOES IT MATTER?

    Everyone has an opinion. Why this ended up in the news is just plain stupid. Everyone is open for interpretation. Elected official or First Wife.

    To debate over this is foolish. You need not care about what others think about you or anyone else. All that matters is what YOU think and believe about YOURSELF.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    This will probably get blocked and people will probably jump on here with colorful racist remarks and political views. But bottom line, this jerk shouldn't be throwing rocks in glass houses!!! She is not deserving of these personal attacks.



    Look who's calling who a "fat *kitten*"...lol
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    Technically he was downplaying her cause that she is bleeding money from our tax dollars to fund something that makes no sense, like providing fresh fruits and vegetables to kids that do not have access to them and amazingly enough she starts in New York City, Washington DC, and CHicago for anybody that been there they have access to them and just like many Americans it might not be right outside your house but it's not a crazy amount of time to get them.

    So he actually used an insult to bring light to a problem that he see's so even though it wasn't tactful maybe some people will learn about the issue.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    He's just jealous that his wife doesn't look like her. She is hot as far as I am concerned. I would take her shape any day. As for him, he reminds me of my brother. My brother is always commenting on how heavy I am. He is a heart attack waiting to happen with all the lard he carries around the midsection. The last time he said that to me, I sunk my finger into his midsection and said, "Oh, I suppose that's all muscle." He hasn't said it again. Maybe Michelle needs to do that to this guy.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    LOL @ freedom of speech arguments!

    Sure, say what you want but FOS means I can say what I want too ... it just so happens I think you should STFU (that fat politician guy, not anyone here) ... (and I'm allowed to say 'fat' because I'm fat too!)

    And you think FOS has issue in the US? In Australia there's a thing called 'Parliamentary Privilege'. A politician can say anything he or she wants during an official session in Parliament and not be subject to defamation laws. They can falsely accuse people of anything and get away with it and it'll be broadcast on the news. They could accuse someone of being a child molester, ruin that person's life and be scot free.

    Saying someone has a big *kitten* is light weight compared to some of the crap Australian politicians say and get away with.
  • lexibelk
    lexibelk Posts: 83 Member
    That the remark made headlines shows just how ridiculous and pathetic the news & media are in this country... has nothing or little to do with reality... or her behind! That this made HEADLINES is enough to secure the US as the #1 *kitten* country as far as the news goes... and what we like to read and hear about.

    I still love my douchbag country. :tongue:

    I love my douche pickle country!
  • auntchelle11
    auntchelle11 Posts: 41 Member
    Michelle is a freaking gorgeous woman and one of the few women today who sport an average body with pride! I don't appreciate her being called fat as that would make me a whale!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    He's just jealous that his wife doesn't look like her. She is hot as far as I am concerned. I would take her shape any day. As for him, he reminds me of my brother. My brother is always commenting on how heavy I am. He is a heart attack waiting to happen with all the lard he carries around the midsection. The last time he said that to me, I sunk my finger into his midsection and said, "Oh, I suppose that's all muscle." He hasn't said it again. Maybe Michelle needs to do that to this guy.

    oh yes, I've heard that two wrongs make...................you both wrong.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    This will probably get blocked and people will probably jump on here with colorful racist remarks...
    Setting oneself up for victimization? Nice...