Less than 1200 calories?



  • I don't think it's a good idea to increase my calorie intake because I am starting off at a weight that is within the 'healthy' range and I also have a slow metabolism. I also don't think I can make myself eat any more, I felt fine by eating an overall of 955 calories yesterday.
    And like I said before, my loss per week is set at 1lb per week and it came out as 1200 calories daily.

    going too low will only "slow" your metabolism more.

    My BMR is low to begin with though
  • Yes, my doctor has me on 1000 and told me to use MFP but to ignore the recommendations set by it.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Is it okay to eat a little less than 1200 calories despite what MFP says about starving the body? Like I mean, eating between 900 to 1200 calories because my goal is set at eating 1200 calories a day but I can't always be on the dot.

    If you're exercising, 1200 isn't enough anyways. So eat more.
  • It also depends on how much weight you have to lose and how much you weigh right now. I have found that after losing 80 lbs my calories go down as I weigh less. It takes less calories to fuel your body when you weigh less.
  • maews
    maews Posts: 39
    Does that mean we should still eat,if were not hungry?As long as it's within the 1200? They tell us at the gym not to starve yourselves,they can't stess that enough.That would be setting myself up for a quick failure.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    LOL @ starving or starvation mode. LOL I get a kick out of comments like them. I have been on 600-800 cals a day for the last 3 weeks... due to docs orders since surgery. I AM NOT HUNGRY ... I AM NOT STARVED... i get ample protein and fluids in and am healthy as a horse and walk 12K a day and have the energy enough for 3 people. AND... my metabolism hasn't slowed one iota!!!!
  • Now that I'm getting all sorts of opinions, how do you tell whats best for yourself?
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    Since you are within your healthy weight range for your height, losing 1 pound per week might be to much. If you eat your BMR, you will have a daily deficit (my guess would be around 250 which would give you a half pound loss per week). You could burn more calories through exercise to increase your deficit.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    Now that I'm getting all sorts of opinions, how do you tell whats best for yourself?

    Trial and error. All of the calculators for maintenance, BMR, calories burned, etc. are estimates. Without being tested, you will not know exactly the numbers that work for your body. The calculators are averages based on the general population. Decide what you want to try (I would try something relating to one of the formulas first) and stick with it for 3 weeks. If you see no results, tweak your goals, and then stick to that again, etc. The calculations will work for most people, but if it doesn't work for you, you might have to fiddle with everything until you find what works for you.

    You are getting a variety of answers because different things worked for different people.
  • You should probably talk to your doctor about what is best for your body. Nobody here really knows your body more than you do. Every person is different. Some people need to eat more to lose weight and others won't lose anything if they eat more. When it comes to the nutrient conundrum, I have to say that there are tons of people who eat 2000 or more calories a day that do not get the nutrients they need. I eat 1200 calories a day now and I eat more fruits and vegetables and nutrient rich food then ever! I'm getting a lot more nutrients than when I was eating Taco Bell every day! Well not every day, but you get the picture. If you are really worried, your doctor would be better than any of us at knowing what is healthy for you personally.
  • Thanks, I think I'll stick to 1200 calories then because it suits my weight, height (~5'4) and BMR the most. Also, I know I won't be in starvation mode because even on 1000 calories a day I feel full. I plan to increase the intake on some days so my metabolism doesn't decrease though.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    The best thing to do to boost your metabolism is strength training.
  • depends on your height/weight, how much fat you have to lose and your goal. personally I have about 10-15 left to lose and my goal is set to 1200 but I usually feel full at 1000. I eat more if my body tells me I'm actually hungry, if not 1000-11000 usually does it. right now I'm on a raw diet (looooads of veggies and fruits, which are low cal) and I feel stuffed even though I still have to eat about 300 more calories tonight!! all depends at where you're at. if you're hungry feed your body healthy food, if you're not then don't obsess over it, just don't starve yourself (:
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    And then, unless you weigh and measure all your food, you'll likely underestimate your calorie intake. This alone can make a difference of 300 calories. So 1200 calories may in reality be closer to 1500. Also the comments about starvation mode: yes, it exists, but only a very small segment of people on MFP is actually going to experience it: for starvation mode your bodyfat % has to be below 6%: only then does your body start to consume muscle in a serious way to feed you.

    If you're consistently at 1200 though you need to be very alert as to your nutrients, because every calorie has to count then.
  • And then, unless you weigh and measure all your food, you'll likely underestimate your calorie intake. This alone can make a difference of 300 calories. So 1200 calories may in reality be closer to 1500. Also the comments about starvation mode: yes, it exists, but only a very small segment of people on MFP is actually going to experience it: for starvation mode your bodyfat % has to be below 6%: only then does your body start to consume muscle in a serious way to feed you.

    If you're consistently at 1200 though you need to be very alert as to your nutrients, because every calorie has to count then.

    I understand that which is why I quick add 200 calories in case of any underestimation. Thanks for the info though :)
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    females no less than 1200 a day
    males no less than 1800 a day


    if you eat less your body goes into starvation mode which causes it to store which causes weight gain

    3500 burned cals = loss on 1lb of fat
    3500 cals = 1lb of fat put on

    low carb is key my dietitian says 150 or less per day =)

    lean meats, red meat and taters 3-4 times in a 2 week period, whole grains keep you fuller longer, heavier meals in the morning, sodium no more than 2400mg a day, fresh fruit and veggies, don't drink you calories, 8+ glasses of water a day, stay away from junk food/fast food/processed food, treat it when you meet your goals, um trying to remember what else

    but i learned all this when I gained 195lbs from quitting smoking, got on track with healthy eating and workouts and lost 156lbs in 19 months (put some back on with stress of buying/selling houses) but back on track now =)

    you can do it!
  • females no less than 1200 a day
    males no less than 1800 a day


    if you eat less your body goes into starvation mode which causes it to store which causes weight gain

    3500 burned cals = loss on 1lb of fat
    3500 cals = 1lb of fat put on

    low carb is key my dietitian says 150 or less per day =)

    lean meats, red meat and taters 3-4 times in a 2 week period, whole grains keep you fuller longer, heavier meals in the morning, sodium no more than 2400mg a day, fresh fruit and veggies, don't drink you calories, 8+ glasses of water a day, stay away from junk food/fast food/processed food, treat it when you meet your goals, um trying to remember what else

    but i learned all this when I gained 195lbs from quitting smoking, got on track with healthy eating and workouts and lost 156lbs in 19 months (put some back on with stress of buying/selling houses) but back on track now =)

    you can do it!

    Thanks for the info! I have been eating healthy foods since forever and I hate fatty foods and junk food anyway (my friends think I'm weird for this haha). So on that note I guess I'm okay.
    I'll definitely try and eat up to 1200 calories but I can't be exactly on the dot so a tiny weeny bit below should be fine, right?
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member

    low carb is key my dietitian says 150 or less per day =)

    Sorry, but "Low Carb is key my dietician says 150 or less per day" is tailored for your own individual care. The OP is a different individual altogether, and what works for you, may not be advisable for the OP... You really shouldnt be sharing medical and/or nutritional advice that was designed for you, for another person....
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    females no less than 1200 a day
    males no less than 1800 a day


    if you eat less your body goes into starvation mode which causes it to store which causes weight gain

    3500 burned cals = loss on 1lb of fat
    3500 cals = 1lb of fat put on

    low carb is key my dietitian says 150 or less per day =)

    lean meats, red meat and taters 3-4 times in a 2 week period, whole grains keep you fuller longer, heavier meals in the morning, sodium no more than 2400mg a day, fresh fruit and veggies, don't drink you calories, 8+ glasses of water a day, stay away from junk food/fast food/processed food, treat it when you meet your goals, um trying to remember what else

    but i learned all this when I gained 195lbs from quitting smoking, got on track with healthy eating and workouts and lost 156lbs in 19 months (put some back on with stress of buying/selling houses) but back on track now =)

    you can do it!

    Thanks for the info! I have been eating healthy foods since forever and I hate fatty foods and junk food anyway (my friends think I'm weird for this haha). So on that note I guess I'm okay.
    I'll definitely try and eat up to 1200 calories but I can't be exactly on the dot so a tiny weeny bit below should be fine, right?

    Easy way to get the exact 1200 cause you honestly should do no less, having a egg this morning instead of fat free cooking spray put a 1/2tsp of oil in the pan instead those little extra things or a extra half a apple or drink a glass of milk or juice will help you bump those calories when you can't get them =)
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member

    low carb is key my dietitian says 150 or less per day =)

    Sorry, but "Low Carb is key my dietician says 150 or less per day" is tailored for your own individual care. The OP is a different individual altogether, and what works for you, may not be advisable for the OP... You really shouldnt be sharing medical and/or nutritional advice that was designed for you, for another person....

    Actually its what she tells everyone she told me but every dietician has there own methods with all there folks, tho its helped me I lost 156lbs in 19 months doing it that way =) But to each there own!