fake tan or real pale?

Hi everyone, so I have a quick question...what is your opinion on fake tans? I am Irish and Dutch so my skin is sooooo pale. I really want to get a fake tan sometimes but I am afraid of skin cancer and it might look obviously fake. sometimes I use the tanning lotion but that doesn't really work.... for new years I might be wearing a dress or skirt and if I am going to show my legs they are going to be so WHITE but I could wear leggings....ahh so many decisions but seriously are fake tans worth the risk? or are they just trashy?


  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    How about spray tanning? I've done that and if you go to someone good it looks natural and lasts for about a week or so... Long enough for special events
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Simple, tell everyone you are a vampire. You may need to slaughter a few people to prove your point. Good luck!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I don't bother trying to tan. People can just get over it that I'm pale. Some guys even prefer it.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    natural pale > fake, orange tan
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    natural pale > fake, orange tan
    natural pale > fake, orange tan > nasty dried out wrinkled skin when you're 50 or skin cancer if you're unlucky
  • littleenginethatcan
    Naturally pale, or the spray tanning option. I'm also pale and have wanted to tan many times, but I've had too many friends who developed melanoma due to tanning! They were all in their early/mid 20's.
  • n3wlif3styl3
    Simple, tell everyone you are a vampire. You may need to slaughter a few people to prove your point. Good luck!

    haha too bad it isn't a costume party ;)

    and thanks for the responses everyone :) I'm thinking naturally pale is the way to go!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've never purposefully tanned. And at 39, I still get carded on occasion. I like to think the two are related.

    Stay pale! It's January. If you in the northern hemisphere, you're supposed to be pale this time of year. :wink:
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Go tanning. Just don't go overboard with it. Develop a base tan, then just go once a week (or once every 2 weeks) to maintain it.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Im dutch too.... I feel ya! Dont fake bake! Youre skin probably wont take it anyways. I burned every time I tried and then turned pasty again. Spray tans work for a lot of people but are too dark or orangey for me. I hate the smell of the at home lotions. Ive learned to love my pale skin. Rock the dress as is!
  • themyriadthings
    themyriadthings Posts: 225 Member
    Be who you are.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm a fan of pale :) But if you want a tan, the spray really does look pretty good on pale skin!
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Fake tan = spray tan? I swear you won't look Jersey Shore. I don't even know what they do to achieve that orange color (maybe buy bottled tan at Kmart?) but today's spray tans look great. Just listen to the tech when she tells you what to do, exfoliate before, wait to shower until the time the tech tells you has passed.

    I'll bet you look great with a tan!
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Simple, tell everyone you are a vampire. You may need to slaughter a few people to prove your point. Good luck!

    Hands down best advice on this topic.
  • mwright24skinny
    mwright24skinny Posts: 122 Member
    I have found nothing that helps with pale skin so I had to accept it along with the freckles.
  • kbeller88
    Fair warning I'm Irish and German so I'm not white I'm Elmer's Glue Pastey white lol...Don't get a fake tan you will be the color of a carrot lmao
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    Simple, tell everyone you are a vampire. You may need to slaughter a few people to prove your point. Good luck!


    Go pale... ;) I have Black and Red dyed locks...and LOVE the pale.... i actually look kinda weird tan.. ;) Natural skintones usually look best in my opinion! :)
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    i'm dutch/irish/english/german & I am super pale.. I also avoid the sun like its poison. I think pale skin on women especially is beautiful! Stay natural. Spray tans/tanning beds look fake & orange. Not to mention the health risks with tanning beds. Tanning ages you so quick. There is nothing wrong with pale skin!
  • lq022
    lq022 Posts: 232 Member
    I'm SUPER pale myself lol but i go spray tanning ... i never go more than 2 days in a row .. and the first time. you WILL be orange .. but it'll fade over the next day ... soo my suggestion is to go tanning for the first time on saturday, skip sunday .. and then start again on monday ... The spray reacts differently on everyones skin, so its like anything else, you have to find out how many times a week you want to g o ... I know it looks fake, but for me, I like the routine of it .. and it makes me feel better . Do what makes you happy and who cares what other ppl say!
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    natural pale > fake, orange tan
    natural pale > fake, orange tan > nasty dried out wrinkled skin when you're 50 or skin cancer if you're unlucky

    ^yes to all this. AGREE