Starting OxyElite Pro!



  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    with all due respect the reason is exactly that they want you to think the product actually works magically but we could debate that all day......these kinds of products come and go everyday...if you are over 18 and want to use them, good. If there was an actual pill or supplement that really worked it would be all over the news and in every topic all day long....this product is caffiene....the symptons are all linked directly to caffeine....but hey....its a free world. good luck

    Well, we can certainly agree to disagree; however, USPlabs in no way endorses this product as some sort of “magical” fat loss supplement. It was designed to speed up the users metabolism, suppress appetite (can be a good or bad thing), enhance energy/focus, and positively affect the users mood. Even on their product page, USPlabs states, “to truly maximize the result of any supplement, you must combine with proper nutrition & exercise plans.”
    I will also agree that products in this category come and go day-to-day, Hydroxycut would be a fine example of this. I have taken Hydroxycut in the past and will say that I think that the product is garbage and did nothing for me or anyone else I know.
    As for the marketing side of it, I have not seen this advertised on any television or even on the internet outside of body building websites. I heard of its capabilities and was drawn by all of the positive attention and testimonials given by people who found improvements when using OxyElite Pro. I won’t coin all of my success to OEP, but my significant reduction in weight can be partially be credited to it along with my rigorous work-ethic in the gym. Since starting this product (today is Day 7), I’ve lost 6.2 lbs. as opposed to the 2.8 lbs. dropped in the prior 8 days with a consistent standard for nutrition throughout my trials. I also work for a coffee company and would consider myself a caffeine addict with how much black coffee I drink each day. So I wouldn’t quite refer to OEP as expensive caffeine at this point as my caffeine consumption prior to supplementing OEP had no propitious effects on my weight/fat loss. As I stated earlier, caffeine has been proven to enhance/trigger the effects of each proprietary blend listed on its nutrition label. This product is definitely not only comprised of caffeine, caffeine is clearly less than half of the entire formula (approximately 45% caffeine per capsule).
    There are plenty of things that benefit society that aren’t plastered all over the news. Accutane is a far more effective drug in the significant reduction of acne as compared to ProActiv, but isn’t advertised at all. This is because it comes down to the individual who assesses their own need at the end of the day and identifies what would be necessary for them. OxyElite Pro may not be for everyone, but for those who are heavy into achieving their fitness goals, are serious about their weight loss, and are in good standing in regards to their personal health, then I do not see an issue in supplementing with a thermogenic such as OxyElite Pro. It certainly has not been a waste of my money and I have yet to hear a negative testimonial going against OEP’s products purpose.

    Nevertheless, as always, this topic is constantly up for debate. What one person swears by, another will denounce. However, I still stand strong by the positive results I’ve seen in others along with myself.

    For all others, if you have any questions you’re unsure of about this product I will happily provide you with an answer to the best of my knowledge. If it involves your own health, I would highly advice you to consult your doctor or physician before supplementing OxyElite Pro.
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    Two days ago I bought whey at GNC and they gave me a 10 capsule bottle of OEP for free. I took Phenorex when the fittness expo people gave me a handful of sample packets, so I am slightly familiar with this type of product. Anyways... I took one capsule yesterday morning. It didn't seem to kick-in until an hour later once I'd gotten to work. At first I thought it wasn't working since Phenorex had kicked-in about 15 minutes after taking it.

    OEP jazzed me up a lot. A big wave over 5-6 hours. Built up to the most buzzy peak gradually, and slowly came back down. That being said, the peak was too intense for me. It was distracting at work (I am an office assistant). I felt like I had to watch myself when interacting with others. Talking fast, fidgeting, that sort of thing. I didn't feel more thirsty but kept better track of of my water intake to make sure I got 8+ spread out through the day,

    It certainly does something to your body. What the ingredients specifically do to your thyroid and other systems, I don't know, but it was similiar to my phenorex experience, just stronger. Same side effects for me. Sweating more, the amp'ed up feeling, no crash, and appetite supressant.

    I don't expect the pill to make me lose weight. I expect ithe caffine and whatever their special formula, is to give my metabolism a little revving for the day (or three_ never done more than 3 days in a row) and the appetite supressant. Its a tool to use spareingly for a kick in the butt.
  • Squir88
    I started taking it at the beginning of this week. The first time I took it... I started to really get cold. As the week has progressed that feeling has went away. Tomorrow I am going to start on taking one in the morning and one right before lunch to see how that works. I have noticed a weight decrease since taking it. I kind of started to plateau at about 49 pounds, but I have dropped another 8 pounds almost just this week. I drink caffeine almost constantly and have stopped while on this. IMAO I like it.
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    Two days ago I bought whey at GNC and they gave me a 10 capsule bottle of OEP for free. I took Phenorex when the fittness expo people gave me a handful of sample packets, so I am slightly familiar with this type of product. Anyways... I took one capsule yesterday morning. It didn't seem to kick-in until an hour later once I'd gotten to work. At first I thought it wasn't working since Phenorex had kicked-in about 15 minutes after taking it.

    OEP jazzed me up a lot. A big wave over 5-6 hours. Built up to the most buzzy peak gradually, and slowly came back down. That being said, the peak was too intense for me. It was distracting at work (I am an office assistant). I felt like I had to watch myself when interacting with others. Talking fast, fidgeting, that sort of thing. I didn't feel more thirsty but kept better track of of my water intake to make sure I got 8+ spread out through the day,

    It certainly does something to your body. What the ingredients specifically do to your thyroid and other systems, I don't know, but it was similiar to my phenorex experience, just stronger. Same side effects for me. Sweating more, the amp'ed up feeling, no crash, and appetite supressant.

    I don't expect the pill to make me lose weight. I expect ithe caffine and whatever their special formula, is to give my metabolism a little revving for the day (or three_ never done more than 3 days in a row) and the appetite supressant. Its a tool to use spareingly for a kick in the butt.

    First, if I may, you should consider purchasing Whey and other supplements through Amazon or another online website, they’re typically much cheaper. The Whey that I buy would normally cost $77.99 at GNC whereas the same product on Amazon costs me $45.83 with free 2-day shipping. Just a suggestion, sometimes going to pick the product up at a store can be easier though.

    I can’t speak to Phenorex at all since I haven’t tried it. On the third day of supplementing OEP, I felt an immediate need to exercise and had sporadic bursts of energy for the first few hours. I would compare the feeling to that of what an amphetamine, such as Adderall, would give me. On Day 4, I shifted my dosage to 1 pill in the morning and 1 before the gym. On Day 5, I supplemented 2 doses in the morning and 1 before the gym. By day 4, I no longer felt the jittery feelings or excessive bursts of energy.
    I do still feel more awake though and I won’t be working in an office again for another couple of weeks from now so I’ll see how that fares; I’ll also be interested to see how I do when I get to class.

    The appetite suppressant lasts for around 6 hours or so for me, I would advise anyone dosing more than one capsule not to take it after 12 PM as the suppressant will affect your appetite for dinner and it will be difficult for you to stomach food.

    I think that the results of OEP varies drastically from person-to-person. I can attest to ladykate7’s claims in that OEP will give you tons of energy, sometimes even a bit excessive. I haven’t gotten that feeling for a few days now though, even when taking double-doses in the morning when I wake up.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I got more energy from a banana.

    Save your $35 and spend $1.96 on a bunch of bananas.

    OxyElite was created to make companies like GNC money.

    I took this stuff then swapped to bananas and water. works much better IMO.
    8 bananas=$1.35
    Water is free.
    USP Labs is just praying on impatient people by putting flowers and caffein in a pretty purple pill.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    I just started this on the 11th. The first day It made me super jittery but I began drinking lots of water to control that. Also the first day was a terrible day because I ended up not having time to excerise it off, however I did get a lot accomplished at work that day (LOL). I haven't felt jittery again, but then again I have made time to excerise 45 minutes after taking the pill no matter what. The appettie supressant works really well, however I make sure I eat. I'm not expecting to lose a massive amount a weight in a short period of time, I just wanted a little boost in functioning. I have 4 children ages 7 and under, work full time, iin graduate school, and do volunteer work. This actually allows me to get every thing done and sleep well at night. But i guess it's too early for me to really post so I will check back in two weeks. Drink lots of water and get in some type of activity.
    To the gentleman who stated that this pill is nothing but a glorified caffeine pill, you should probably be careful what you tell people on these message boards, it actually contains 3-Dimethylamylamine HCL, which is 2 chemical components away from being Methamphetamine, Meth. Soldiers have died from taking this drug during training. Who knows if they were taking the proper dose, but still. .Only take as directed, and be careful everyone!
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    you should not take this garbage. it is terrible for you.