only 1200 calories per day, help!!!



  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    I have a hard time getting to 1200 calories a day! I do lots of protien (some each time I eat) and I drink a lot of water. Never without a bottle of water. I also eat every 3-4 hours from 6:30am to 8:30pm so my body never has time to get hungry.
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    Drink lots of water... don't just sip it, gulp it. You would be surprised at how much that helps. I have heard that most of the time when we think we are hungry we are really just thirsty.
    i have a bit of a problem with the water.. if i drink the recommened 2L a day a pee like a pregnant lady, im talking every 30mins :ohwell: The doc said it'd sort itself out eventually but after 6 months ive had the same problems, i think ive the worlds smallest bladder :tongue:

    Haha I have you beat! I'm in the bathroom every 10-15 minutes. I actually am convinced I have the smallest bladder. And I drink 120 oz of water a day!
  • EnjoyEverything
    EnjoyEverything Posts: 13 Member
    There are a couple things that work for me.

    1) Exercise more. It adds to the amount you can eat by adjusting your allowable caloric intake.
    2) Change the way you eat. Very simple things like, the bread you buy. Most bread is 70 - 85 calories per slice. Sara Lee 45 Calorie Delight is umm, only 45 calories. Make a great tasting turkey sandwich, drop the mayo, add mustard. Use 1 bread and fold in half. You've saved 156 calories. That difference means being able to eat a nuked med baked potato.

    Drinking 3 cups of coffee? Drop to two and use half the sugar - non-fat cream.

    Switch off in the morning. A Thomson pre sliced bagel _ 280 calories, Jimmy Dean breakfast DeiLights are only 270.

    Salad - drop the dressing and add Virgin Olive oil, maybe some red pepper.

    A WHOLE CAN of Progresso soup is only 239 calories and that will fill you up!

    Use the extra calories to eat something else. Eat throughout the day and

  • jeckyb
    jeckyb Posts: 60
    Break it into 4 sets of 300 calories, thats one each for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

    300 cal breakfasts - 2 eggs, some porridge, yoghurt with fruit and nuts
    Lunch - chop salad made from tomatoes, cucumber, celery, olives. Or home made vegetable soup. A slice of ham or chicken won't bust the calorie bank either.
    Dinner - grilled chicken breast with steam veg (broccoli or cabbage, say) or a stir fry with lots of peppers and mushrooms.
    Snacks - small piece cheese, hard boiled egg, handful of almonds, rice cakes with humous, cottage cheese - any of those should come in around 100 cals.

    It does seem very low at first sight, but with a bit of experimenting it is possible.

    Good luck!

    i'm loving u food plan,it seems so filling and satisfying yet healthy and low in fat! i will most certainly be stealing some tips from you :)
  • dissonancesquared
    Drink lots of water... don't just sip it, gulp it. You would be surprised at how much that helps. I have heard that most of the time when we think we are hungry we are really just thirsty.
    i have a bit of a problem with the water.. if i drink the recommened 2L a day a pee like a pregnant lady, im talking every 30mins :ohwell: The doc said it'd sort itself out eventually but after 6 months ive had the same problems, i think ive the worlds smallest bladder :tongue:

    lol this happens to me too! i just say f- it and drink the water anyways. i just feel better when i am hydrated.
  • beckysiz
    beckysiz Posts: 54 Member
    You don't give me a lot to go on in your profile, but am I right in reading you have more than a 100lb to lose? if that's the case then you are *absolutely* undereating. You need to eat far more than 1200 to lose at a healthy 2lb per week rate.

    Re-run your BMR, and see what MFP are recommending as your daily intake. My guess is it will come out around 1600.

    Also remember to eat back some of your exercise calories in addition to your daily allowance. This isn't so important if you're just doing light exercise, but if you're doing anything that's producing a decent sweat, you need to fuel that.

    You need to listen to this advice. Eating 1200 calories is NOT enough. Your body is probably going into starvation mode. I know for myself I lose way more if I eat more. I used the BMR calculator and put in my goal weight- this is the amount of calories I allow myself to eat and if I work out I eat almost 100% of my exercise calories back. I feel good, look good, and I don't feel like I am starving!
  • Sweetcheeks278
    If you have over 100 lbs to lose you can definitely be eating more than 1200 calories a day. Also, EXERCISE. I didn't exercise the first couple of mths I was on here and once I started exercising and having all those extra calories to eat it kept me motivated to keep on doing it. I would think, "I would love to have such and such today for dinner" so I would exercise to earn the extra calories. lol
    I found the first 3 weeks at 1200 were the hardest for me and then I adjusted and it seemed like the norm after that. Good luck!!
  • ButterflyJourney
    ButterflyJourney Posts: 46 Member
    First, this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. If you think of it as a diet, it becomes short term and it is easier to gain it back once you hit your goals. Be sure to eat every 2-3 hours. Usually a protein and a carb. Such as an apple and a tablespoon of peanut butter. I follow a 1200 a day plan myself. And am never hungry becuase I make sure I eat something every 2-3 hours. Even if only 10 raw almonds or a piece of fruit, etc. I also follow a Pesce vegetarian lifestyle (which means only fish as protein). I do this because I also have a personal trainer and he weight trains me. I need the protein for that. Rather than follow a straight 1200 calorie day, I make sure I eat a certain amount of grams of Protein, Fats and Carbs. By following this, I was able to lose over 80 lbs. I keep my fats at 26 grams a day or below. Don't forget to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. If you can't do it all at once, three 10 minute intervals works too.

    Foods I eat: 0% Fat Greek Yogurt, raw almonds, Bear Naked Granola (I mix this in my yogurt); English cucumbers (less seedy); Steel Cut Oatmeal (McCann is best, but Starbucks makes a good one for when you're on the go); Fruit (all kinds - fresh); Vegetables - both steamed and raw; Lara Bars (Cherry is my fav); Hummus, etc.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    How do you do it? I've been on diets before but find it impossible to stay under 1200 calories without being famished :(
    So guys what do you eat on a typical day and still manage to stay within your goal? I know sometimes if I’m under on calories I’m usually way over on fat/carbs/sodium, help me please :)

    Why are you eating so little? When I was in my 20's and 30's , even my 40's I exercised for 10 minutes in the morning and ate whatever I wanted. You are so young, I think you will drop the weight quickly. Just exercise and eat.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    How do you do it? I've been on diets before but find it impossible to stay under 1200 calories without being famished :(
    So guys what do you eat on a typical day and still manage to stay within your goal? I know sometimes if I’m under on calories I’m usually way over on fat/carbs/sodium, help me please :)
  • gailashton
    I start my day with a giant omelet with either egg beaters with egg whites or 4 eggs total & only 1 yoke. Add a bunch of spinach, maybe some mushrooms, thin & trim low sodium ham, salsa, light cheese or anything else you have around, even beans. It's very filling and just over 120 calories depending on what you put in it. Loaded with protein, low carb, etc. The rest of the day green yogurt, lots of veggies, chicken, etc.... it's not really that hard once you get into the habit. Good luck. Remember, if your a guy though you should give yourself more calories..... Hope this helps!
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Calories be damned!!! If you are hungry, eat more.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Here's how I started:

    1) tracking for a couple of weeks before I worried about losing.
    (although seeing what I was eating I couldn't help but rein back a bit)

    2) seeing where I could make small changes on things that weren't that important to me.
    (Don't even think of taking chocolate out of my diet!!!)
    --Reducing quantities where I won't notice it so much
    --Swapping out things instead of eliminating them.

    3) Look at my diary and started adding foods that had positive healthy effects specifically for the health issue in my family.
    I found most of the things I "should" add were really yummy too! salmon, avocado, oatmeal, mango, red grapes....
    (Sort of think of food as medicine to deal with family history of various health issue oatmeal is good for heart health, mango and red grapes lower cholesterol, tumeric and cinnamon good for arthritis)

    4) every couple of weeks I see where I can make another couple of small changes.
    If you completely revamp your diet, it's way easy to revert to old ways in times of stress. (and who doesn't have stress?)
    If you make a series of small changes, food still offers you some sense of comfort.
    sort of a comfort continuum, and after a while the first small changes will seem comforting in themselves.
    You don't have to be perfect you just have to do better.

    5) also rather than being uberstrict with the target MFP set for me I did the math to find out the calories needed to maintain my goal weight and my current weight and I gave myself a range with 1200 as my rock bottom, lose 1 lb/wk as my target*** and maintain my goal weight as the top of my range. As long as I keep within in this range I'll lose. I tend to naturally zig zag my calories 3-4 at very close to my target and then a higher calorie day closer to the top of my range.

    As long as I stayed under maintain my current weight calories I won't gain. So no need to throw in the towel, just pick-up where I left off.

    Once I found ways to lessen the stress, I found it way easier to focus on the process and let the results follow. (It's what worked for me some people need the stress to get them motivated. Me I get scared and overwhelmed and don't see the big goal as achievable. I only worry about it 1 lb at a time.)

    ***also once my lose 1 lb/week target was down to 1200 calories I switch to lose 1/2 lb/ week (1200 cal rock bottom, 1/2 lb/week as my target, maintain goal weight as the high end of my range.)

    Food is not the enemy.
    Oddly enough on my journey here I've reduced guilt over food.
    I have the occasional treat and I fully enjoy it with no guilt involved.
    The thing is since I'm not eating crap all the time the occasional treat is just that a TREAT it's special and I enjoy it so much more than when I was unconsciously shovel junk food into my face.

    I figure if I've got a good plan that I can actually maintain I can keep this off for a long time to come, without feeling deprived.
  • starshine420
    How do you do it? I've been on diets before but find it impossible to stay under 1200 calories without being famished :(
    So guys what do you eat on a typical day and still manage to stay within your goal? I know sometimes if I’m under on calories I’m usually way over on fat/carbs/sodium, help me please :)

    I'm on the same and it is possible. first off, the more you exercise, the more you can eat. Second off, don't diet, just make smarter choices. Instead of a chocolate bar, eat an apple (130 calories compared to 35). Make your main meals roughly 300 (a little less or more is okay), whatever is left over can be snacks. Don't drink too much soda or juice, drink tea and water instead, lots of water gives your tummy the "i'm full" feeling longer. Start with a healthy breakfast and just keep it up throughout the day. Good luck
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    I eat little for breakfast and lunch, not very hungry...I save my calories for dinner which is the only meal hubby, and my 3 kids have together. Worth the save. Night time is tough, I want a glass of wine and to snack. I've been trying to keep busy, play with kids, read, drink lots of seltza water and go to bed extra early. It can be done, trying hard to stick to it.
  • mhopp71
    mhopp71 Posts: 46 Member
    You shouldn't need to be at 1200 calories everyday. You should be eating back 1/2 of your workout calories in my opinion. Somedays I will burn 600 - 800 calories working out. This gives me the freedom to indulge (within reason) in some extras or at least more healthy food
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Also track your sugar... Both sugar and artificial sweeteners INCREASE your appetite.

    When I have a diet coke no way I could stay under 1200 calories
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    If I had a penny for every one of these topics id be rich!

    Set goals to appx 1600 calories per day.
    Do it for 2 weeks.
    In the meantime go to Fat to Fit Radio on their tools page and do the calculators.

    Use the military body fat calc first then the BMR tool.
    Once the BMR tool gives you your calories, choose the activity level that best describes you.
    Eat those calories for 2 weeks and see if you lose weight.

    For macros youll set protein to 1g per lean body pound (youll know this after the military BF calc)
    Set fats to .45-.60g per Lean body pound.
    Find out the closest % that the protein and fat comes to...normally around 25-30% for protein and 35% for fat.
    Carbs will make up the rest.
    dont forget to eat!
    Dont forget to drink tons of water.
    Dont forget to hide your scale for 2 weeks.

    hope this helps!

    PS: A lot of people dont realize the importance of proper macronutrients and they start to plateau because if this.
    Protein if set too low will hinder your progress.
    Youll lose weight but you will also lose muscle mass.
    Avoiding fats is bad as well.
    Fats are extremely important.
    Avoid saturated fats unless you are consuming coconut milk or dark chocolate.
    If you are staying within your carbs macro and eating the proper foods you will always go over in sugars.
    MFP cannot distinguish between a twinky and a banana. Both have appx 20g sugar.
    So if you see red in sugars but you are eating proper complex carbs with some simple carbs dont worry!
    You wont explode!
    Dont make the mistakes I made in the beginning!
    Set the macros right and youll do very well!
  • starshine420
    Drink lots of water... don't just sip it, gulp it. You would be surprised at how much that helps. I have heard that most of the time when we think we are hungry we are really just thirsty.
    i have a bit of a problem with the water.. if i drink the recommened 2L a day a pee like a pregnant lady, im talking every 30mins :ohwell: The doc said it'd sort itself out eventually but after 6 months ive had the same problems, i think ive the worlds smallest bladder :tongue:
    I have that issue sometimes too. I found if I space the water out throughout the day instead of trying to drink a lot at once, it helps
  • NeshBeMe
    NeshBeMe Posts: 148 Member
    You should NEVER be under 1200 calories a day. Even when you complete your daily diary, if you're under 1200 it tells you that you aren't eating enough and should intake more. If you workout, you should also be eating some, if not most of those calories too. I was HORRIBLE about this. I would only eat really small meals that consist of really NO cals. My results were horrible and I was getting headaches. Now that I understand this healthy lifestyle so much more, I am seeing the results. And I'm no longer hungry! lol