the new GREEN TEAM!!! Would like to invite any new members



  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    This is who I have so far if you are not on the list let me know so I can add you
    Green Team
    Name Start Weight Current Weight Weekly Weight Loss Cumulative Weight Loss Previous Weight
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Sorry full table did not go on, workin on it. But all the names are there
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Sorry full table did not go on, workin on it. But all the names are there
  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    hi, where o where did our green team go???? i am bummed you guys!! :sad: jacque, thanks for getting this new thread up and going, and i am so happy with all the newbies!! welcome to GREEN TEAM! i think the name was originally created by N2DFIRE, and for no real reason, just a color that was not being used, and was formed Jan 21. so, a few of us have remained, but most have moved on. i sure hope it is that the gang is just busy with their lives right now, and soon they will be back. geeez, just when i was getting to know ya all!

    soooo, here we go! let the lifestyle changes begin, and REMAIN!! our bodies will be transformed. make yourself a priority every single day. you matter and you are worth taking care of. GO GREEN!! 2 more days til weigh in.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hi all,
    Will be away from the computer untill late this afternoon. Have a work class to attend. Please get to know each other.
    But first I like everyone to meet some of the green team cheerleaders! KELLYA!! She is the Green team Cheerleader Captain!! She keeps me so psych, You will fall in love with her spirit!! then there is Porka29 she has a lot of great info, and had made me laugh on a few occasion. Also aml0484 always has a kind word and also a good motivator. Like Kellya said we really have a great bunch of people and as they are able to get back with us as their schedule permit, we welcome you all and see Friday for the weight in!!:smile::drinker: :flowerforyou: :blushing:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Hey Jacque,

    just wanted to let you know that its kitn621 I think you put me in as kim621.
    i didnt know if that was a typo or not so i wanted to make sure.
    I am so excited to be on the team. I have a feeling this will help me out tremendously!!!
  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    hi kitn621!! glad to have you on board here! what a special day coming for you....a June bride? :flowerforyou: :heart: there is tons of information on MFP, so if you have time, really surf the topics! if not, just ask, some of us here might be able to help. i am a school bus driver and try to get on at least once a day.....kinda busy here lately tho with the year winding down as i have been doing afternoon/evening activity track driving and day field trips.10 1/2 days and we're done! YEEE HAW!! we wish you nothing but the best and all success on this journey! you can do it, and we will be here for you!! can't wait to get to know you! let the wt loss begin!

    and to the rest of the newbies, and the Greens that are still among us keep on keepin'!!....GOOD LUCK! stay positive and really focus on WHY you are here......losing wt, changing your lifestyle from bad habits to good ones is not will have some challenges along the way, no the new you and love who you are becoming! nothing is more rewarding to your body than eating healthy, exercising regularly......FOR LIFE!! everything that you are doing NOW that is resulting in wt loss does not stop once you get to a goal wt, certain is for LIFE. get serious about your health....make your heart smile, your muscles sing! hmmmm, harmony!! provide the best nutrition to YOU!! ok, nuf of that. but hey, you all know what i mean. SO DO IT!! :smile:

  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    ok, i know i just posted a few hrs ago....but i HAVE to share this......i just jogged my FIRST EVER mile!! EVER!! i am so happy with myself and how much i have improved physically! i never thought in a zillion years that i would jog a mile, let alone at 43 yrs!! i knew i was getting very close to it, since i have been doing a walk/jog for almost 2 mos now, i just kept telling myself today, keep going, go, go, I CAN DO THIS......AND I DID!! :happy: to all of are stronger than you imagine and much more capable than you give yourself credit for......push yourself, each and every day! goals and accomplishments that will sustain your motivation!!
  • holly78
    holly78 Posts: 347
    Count me in for the new green team!

    I too Miss the old members, but hopefully we can continue on with some new motivated member as well!

    Let me start by intorducing myself to our new members!

    My name is Holly, I am 30 yo, I live near Philadelphia, PA, I have been on MFP since february, and it has provided great support for me. Since i started my weight loss journey in January 2008, I have lost 32lbs! I am getting Married in June 2010, and i am determined to look amazing for my wedding.

    One Tip for the new members of the team, Keep in mind, your journey is what you make of it....If you put nothing in, you will get nothing out. If you put everything in, what you want will be yours. You did not gain weight overnight, therefore you cannot realistically expect to lose it overnight as well. We all fall short every now and then, but we just have to get back up and start again, and kepp starting until it sticks!

    see you guys soon! :flowerforyou:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok List update!
    Kitn21 Soory Bifocal malfunction (HAHA) :laugh:
    Kellya!! Yeah that is awsome! Good for you:flowerforyou: :drinker: :smile:
    Holly glad to see ya!!

    If I'm missing someone let me know please! remember weight in the morning to kick off Week !
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    My name is Jacque, I live in H-town,Texas. Orginally from Washington State! Single mom of 2 TEENAGERS!! yeah go ahead feel sorry for me.:laugh: I started out when the green team first started and been up and down since. But what I have done is because of this team! Everyday I feel discouraged or ready to quit I remember my friends and thier kind words keep me going. As my fellow team members say if a life style change and what u put in u get out of it. Some are slower than others so NEVER GIVE UP!! We are here for ya
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Thanks Kellya for the support and just friendly mannerisms you have. you will be a great friend and supporter...I can already tell. And let me be the first to say CONGRATS on jogging a mile. I know that is a hard thing to master and you doing that is such a great thing. I am so happy for you. Keep it up and before long you will be running marathons:bigsmile:

    I will be posting my weight and all tomorrow and letting it be an official start of tracking my weight. I have been watching what I eat and have been exercising but have not been monitoring any weightloss or inches but now i will. I have to go buy a scale b/c believe it or not I do not own one. I never wanted to weigh myself.

    Cant wait till tomorrow GREENIES!!!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: My name is Erica, I live in washington state, but i am from california. Ex military girl, and current military wife. I have 2 daughters one that is 5 one that is 6. I have 3 fish, 2 hamsters and 2 dogs! (thought that I would throw that in there, animals are personal;) And over the last 2 years i have lost 69 pounds (Still no done yet) But I have been stuck in a stand-still for about 5 months now, so i came here to change it up a bit and start keeping track of everything and get the much needed support that i see is here! I am totally motivated, and am a total team player! So I am very glad to be on the NEW Green team!
    GOOOOOO GREEEEEEEEN!:heart::bigsmile:
  • hollyb321
    hollyb321 Posts: 12
    hi there,

    i'd like to join please :happy:

    can't wait!

    i will try get my stats on tomorrow, but due to work its hard sorry.

    any help i will do now...
    5/13/09: start, 160 lbs
    gw, 126lbs (do not have a date limit just want to get there)

    thankyoou xxx
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey Greenies!!
    You all ready? Here the updated list. If you want to join just let me know
    I will post it on the new tread too. Look forward to Week 1 starting tomorrow!!
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    hi guys, i would love to join too if thats ok

    i started a Summer 2009 group, but would like to join this one too if thats ok :flowerforyou:

    will i post my stats tomorrow morning then?

    thanks so much! :bigsmile: