lossing over 100 lbs?



  • lauragoat
    lauragoat Posts: 197 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I'm at 73 pounds since April. I have at least 100 more to go. You have to start somewhere. A lot of people on MFP have said that they didn't want the surgery and have opted for MFP and HAD AT IT! You can do this.! Just start.

    AS far as the food, we are in the same boat. But you do not want to buy the chocolates and sweet stuff and carb loaded items and bring them in your house... buy stuff that is better for you.

    Good luck! Feel free to friend me as we get healthier together!!!!
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    I aim for fresh fruit and veggies every day. And lean meat for protien. It can be cost effective to eat right. Especially if you avoid fast food. $3.00 worth of salad supplies at home is much healthier, more filling and tastes better than the $3 crap at McDonalds. And snacks should be fresh, whole fruit. An apple is pretty cheap, fills you up, helps your skin, hydrates you, and probably really does keep the doctor away.

    I still have 97lbs to lose, but have lost 60 already, and 54 of them here. And the suggestion of building a great friend network is the key! If you are using both hands to type and support your MFP friends, you can't eat. And they will help you with food ideas, exercise ideas, motivation, etc. I met my real world best friend here even!
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm also looking to lose over 100 lbs. I've been at this for 2 months, and what has helped me is to increase my water, eat fruits and veggies, just in general eat better and not stuff my face full of sweets.

    I am not one for sweets. I am a pasta person. I eat alot of carbs. I am trying to lower myself before my start date. I am as well as arming myself with as much information I can before. I wish you so much luck. Please add me to your friends :)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I have lost 92lbs since joining mfp in july 2010 I eat between 1200-1300 cals a day and try to exercise 5-6 days a week. I go the gym 1-2xs a week but mostly I just do walking and once in awhile execise dvds.Feel free to add me as a friend if you want....you can do it. I would suggest just concentrating on 10 lbs at a time 100 lbs seems impossible
  • lauragoat
    lauragoat Posts: 197 Member
    Definitely do this! I just weighed out some cheese, some salami and counted out the chips and had a great lighter-type lunch....We're going out for dinner and didn't want to be hungry when I got to the restaurant!

    I didn't have much support at home either, but now my husband is doing MFP and he's lost 45 pounds so far.

    Come on! You can do this!
  • gailashton
    I've lost 117 pounds 3 times, but this time is the last time. You don't need surgery. No Way! You can do it. If all else fails, then go that route, but you have to seriously give yourself a chance. There is a girl in my group who is 5'2" tall and weighed 329 pounds. She's lost almost 200 pounds without surgery, just through healthy eating and exercise. You can do it! Don't despare and give up. I've only lost 80 pounds this time around but have done it the healthy way. You can buy some bands, a yoga ball and some light weights for like $25 at TJ maxx or walmart. That's how this girl lost her first 100 pounds. Oh, and walking too, simple exercises leg, lifts, push ups, etc at home. Some come on girl, lets go do it!
  • nannersue6
    nannersue6 Posts: 9 Member
    Good Luck. I am trying to first lose 30 lbs., then I will tackle another 30, and then another 30 and then hopefully the last 10. I am in no hurry though I want to be. Take one day at a time and have faith in yourself. I have lost some weight before I started here, which was about 20 lbs., I am taking one day at a time and am eating healthier. I know you and I can do it. Just Never, Ever Stop trying. Best of Luck! Diana :flowerforyou:
  • nannersue6
    nannersue6 Posts: 9 Member
    Good Luck. I am trying to first lose 30 lbs., then I will tackle another 30, and then another 30 and then hopefully the last 10. I am in no hurry though I want to be. Take one day at a time and have faith in yourself. I have lost some weight before I started here, which was about 20 lbs., I am taking one day at a time and am eating healthier. I know you and I can do it. Just Never, Ever Stop trying. Best of Luck! Diana :flowerforyou:
  • CAlley1985
    CAlley1985 Posts: 8 Member
    Eating healthy is not expensive really... It does seem this way due to a huge amount of marketing dollars spent on getting you to think this way... The best way to look at it is this...Say you eat three meals per day every day for one month...Thats 90 meals per month...now lets say you buy groceries only instead of eating out....say you spend 300 dollars per month...Thats $3.33 per meal per day...for anything you want to eat. Its not so bad when you break it down. Go for it!
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    I haven't done it yet, but my long term goal is well over 100lbs, I'm not stopping at a year, though, I've got two years till my wedding, I am only guessing at the pound-age, I have a goal size in mind, I think thinner than a size 10-12 on me would look like I was starving myself.

    My husband is worried about me losing this much. He dosnt want me to look sickly. I would love to be to a size 12 again but Ill be honest I would link to see a size 8.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I want to lose (at least) 110 lbs myself. Earlier this year I'd lost 40 but I put it all back on because I'd deprived myself of a lot of things I liked instead of doing things more in moderation. I've learned my lesson and now I'm back and ready to do this the *right* way - no deprivation, but keeping motivated with diet and exercise. If you need a partner in crime, add me as a friend. I promise to support you!!
  • Marcel7
    Marcel7 Posts: 52 Member
    I have lost over 100 pounds in approximately 8 months. The keys are daily exercise plus eating a healthy diet. I didn't have any surgery, and I don't eat any special foods.
  • Jesusinme4life
    Jesusinme4life Posts: 105 Member
    Hi there. I have almost 200 pounds to lose. I would love to be a friend and do all I can to support and encourage you on this journey. I would say if you stay away from the extras and drink water then eat what you are able to in moderation, as well as add in exercise you should be fine. I understand the buying healthier. Right now I am able to but not sure if I will continue to. We don't buy the extras but trying to buy healthy for a family of 5, which is 3 adults and 2 kids, can get expensive. Do the best you can and you will be fine.:smile:
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    I have lost 92lbs since joining mfp in july 2010 I eat between 1200-1300 cals a day and try to exercise 5-6 days a week. I go the gym 1-2xs a week but mostly I just do walking and once in awhile execise dvds.Feel free to add me as a friend if you want....you can do it. I would suggest just concentrating on 10 lbs at a time 100 lbs seems impossible

    I plan on eating 1300 cals a day. Working out with dvds 6x a week and the gym 3x a week. 125lbs seems like to much I am trying not to think about the over all but in to what I want to loss a week. My weekly goal is 2 lbs a week.
  • chipmunk70
    chipmunk70 Posts: 55 Member
    It's definately doable, I've lost 92 pounds since starting out on this weight loss journey at the end of June 2010.

    1300 is seeming quite low like someone else said, i'm now down 92 pounds, and still on 1460 calories, but it does depend on your height, how active you are normally during the day, my job is quite active, so probably why my calories are higher.

    Just take it one day at a time, 10 lbs at a time etc, set yourself little mini goals. Drink plenty of water, and if you can't tolerate pure water add sugar free flavouring to it.

    Exercise is important as well, just going out and walking is as good as anything, and as you lose the weight, so you will find yourself able and willing to do more exercise. I'm even contemplating doing a half marathon at the end of march next year......something 18 months ago I wouldn't even have dreamed of.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want, happy to help and support as much as I can.
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    Definitely do this! I just weighed out some cheese, some salami and counted out the chips and had a great lighter-type lunch....We're going out for dinner and didn't want to be hungry when I got to the restaurant!

    I didn't have much support at home either, but now my husband is doing MFP and he's lost 45 pounds so far.

    Come on! You can do this!

    my issue is my husband will not make changes in his eating. I know it is gonna drive me crazy cooking his dinner the way he wants and me having some thing else. When my husband and I met he was 150 lbs thinner. I want him to take better care of him self but dosnt want to change. I some times feel like he sets me up to fail.
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    It's definately doable, I've lost 92 pounds since starting out on this weight loss journey at the end of June 2010.

    1300 is seeming quite low like someone else said, i'm now down 92 pounds, and still on 1460 calories, but it does depend on your height, how active you are normally during the day, my job is quite active, so probably why my calories are higher.

    Just take it one day at a time, 10 lbs at a time etc, set yourself little mini goals. Drink plenty of water, and if you can't tolerate pure water add sugar free flavouring to it.

    Exercise is important as well, just going out and walking is as good as anything, and as you lose the weight, so you will find yourself able and willing to do more exercise. I'm even contemplating doing a half marathon at the end of march next year......something 18 months ago I wouldn't even have dreamed of.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want, happy to help and support as much as I can.

    I am a stay at home mother. So I guess having OCD and cleaning all the time does not count lol. I am shot I am 5'3. I used to be so active and loved hiking and the out doors. Now having my three children I dont get out that much. I need to learn to find time for my self as well as my family and school work.
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    I have lost over 100 pounds in approximately 8 months. The keys are daily exercise plus eating a healthy diet. I didn't have any surgery, and I don't eat any special foods.

    Thank you for responding to my post. I never thought I could loss it before a year. I would love to look smokin hot next New Years lol
  • dmouse0225
    You can do it!!! I started trying to lose weight at the beginning of 2011, and I have lost about 85 lbs! I have another 35 to go. You definitely don't need surgery. Just start off by making little changes, and progressively add more. I don't want to advocate for non-healthy eating, but I am certainly not the healthiest eater, and I still manage. Just limit the "junk".

    Good luck!!!
  • marlabelle
    marlabelle Posts: 55 Member
    If I lose 3 more pounds by Feb.1, I will have lost 100 lbs in a year. I was so desperate to be happy I was willing to eat healthy & start working out! Ha! When I got started my husband was out of work so we were on a shoe string budget. Avoiding the super market at hitting the local produce stand actually saved us money. I have to tell you it has been several small changes in my eating that have made the biggest impact. I would use MFP to see where I was deficient or over and then swap out not so great foods with healthier choices. I also struggled with becoming a water drinker & a person who works out. Those two things are crucial if you want to see the pounds go fast. I also recommend tracking your fiber intake. I think of fiber as little scrubbers that clean your body from the inside out. The only caveat is eat foods high in natural fiber. Ie don't get your fiber from manufactured brownies & bars. Also if you have a sweet tooth a great way to kick the crap food cravings is to ween yourself off sugar. It will suck at first but you will feel great! You can totally do this and get great results as long as you are honest with yourself and your diary. Best of luck and I hope 2012 is a positive year of change and health!