Joyful January Challenge!



  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Alright! Just weighed in... 275.4 is my SW! Let's get it down, down, down!
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    Is it too late to join?
  • I would like to join.
    SW -260
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    I'm in. SW: 149 lbs.
  • 12/31/2011 - SW: 164.8
  • janetmartin12
    janetmartin12 Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to join. 1/1/2012 SW 171.2
  • pitawingnut
    pitawingnut Posts: 8 Member
    I'd like to join too. Starting Weight: 250
  • sadafajmal
    sadafajmal Posts: 15 Member
    i am in
  • daisylovespink
    daisylovespink Posts: 89 Member
    Sorry I didn't get a chance to post my start weight yesterday, I did weigh in but lost track of time with all the family stuff going on. Anyway, my SW is 159.8 and I am looking forward to losing some of the weight I've regained this past month or so. Here's to a Joyful and Lighter January! Good Luck my fellow challengers!!!
  • missclaridge
    missclaridge Posts: 7 Member
    SW: 162.4
  • bglick
    bglick Posts: 6
    SW: 183

    Hopefully I won't be seeing this number again for a long time :)
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    SW 95.7kg (210.98lbs)

    I've seen this number before. But this will be the last time.
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    Love to join if there is room, tomorrow is weigh day for me
  • Would love to get in on the challenge. Had already pledged that today would be a re-start. Logged in tonight to record food/exercise and saw this thread. Will post sw tomorrow since I haven't weighed the last couple days.

    Here's to a positive and productive 2012!!!
  • cpip85
    cpip85 Posts: 15 Member
    SW 207.5 (EEKKK!) christmas really has taken its toll!
  • SW 255 (and my biggest eating weekend is still in front of me!)
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 323 Member
    Starting Weight 1/1/2012.... 203lbs
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    SW 200.5 lbs 2/January 2012
    WK1 xxx lbs
    WK2 xxx lbs
    WK3 xxx lbs
    Total loss for January - xx lbs
    WK4 xxx lbs

    I am getting over a cold so my exercise won't be completely up to snuff until maybe the end of the week but I am all on board for this.
  • It still is Absolutely not too late for anyone to join!!!! look for the topic post Joyful January Challenge week 1. (: add me if you haven't already! (: LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS MONTH WITH ALL OF YOU!

    WE CAN DO IT!! (:
  • heaven_511
    heaven_511 Posts: 315 Member
    I'm in:

    SW 162 lbs
    WK1 xxx lbs
    WK2 xxx lbs
    WK3 xxx lbs
    WK4 xxx lbs
    Total loss for January - xx lbs