Do you believe in Ghosts?



  • MarkB90
    MarkB90 Posts: 12
    I'm a believer since things around the house move randomly even though most of the time the huge glass doors are shut.
  • RunLiftEat
    RunLiftEat Posts: 213 Member
    I believe. A couple quick experiences are my bedroom doorknob turning and the door opening on its own. Another is going to the bathroom one night and the tv was off, but there was a picture on the screen of two people laying in bed, and then the lady got out of bed, went to the the mantle over the fireplace in the room to pick up a cat and put it out of the room. On my way back after using the bathroom, screen was blank again. Also heard sounds of someone walking around when I am home by myself.
  • Abbey70
    Abbey70 Posts: 82 Member
    I experienced seeing a playful figure in the hall of my apartment when I was younger. The next morning a knock at my door with a mutual friend of my brother and mine telling me my brother passed away. My brother was always a jokester so I honestly believe it was him. Another time was I knew my grandma was in the hospital and not doing well. I woke up at about 3 am to a feeling she passed away. My mother called me shortly after.
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    Yes I believe. And I have stories. Many are about the current house I live in which was built in 1999. (Yes, it's only 12 years old.) The previous owner died here of lung cancer under hospice care. (Didn't know that she died in the house when we bought it) After she passed her husband remarried very quickly to a woman he met online and moved out of the house, and rented the house to his deceased wives brother, until it was sold to us about 18 months later. The brother only lived on one side of the house (it's a large split floor plan ranch, meaning the master bedroom is on one side of the house and the other bedroom is on the opposite side of the house) we know this because he told us, and when we were moving in we could see the evidence to prove it. The master bedroom and bath were very cobwebby and the side he lived on was very dirty.

    About 3 weeks after we moved in we started noticing things - shadows in our peripheral vision. At first we didn't realize it was happening, and that it was happening to both of us at the same time. It was happening so often that it became an annoyance, yet neither of us thought it was happening to the other, so we didn't question it. Then one evening when it was happening a lot, my husband (who was a non-believer in ghosts and basically anything unexplainable) noticed that I was turning my head toward something at the same time he was. He asked me if I saw something and we began to talk about it. It was at that same time we noticed both our cat and dog were reacting too. We talked quietly about it, like we both had a secret we didn't want anyone to hear, even though there was no one there to hear it. It was very weird. He then started telling me of other things that were happening to him.

    Very shortly after that we were awakened one night by our shower in the master bath. It began dripping so fast, like if it had been turn on to a steady stream. It was very loud and woke us out of a sound sleep around 4 a.m. It dripped for about 30 seconds and stopped. From then on, that same ritual happened EVERY night with the shower, always sometime between 3:30 and 4:30 a.m. This went on for about 9 months, then it became less frequent, and it still happens to this day, randomly, and infrequently.

    We've lived here six years now. Many other things also happen that we can't explain. We have become use to it and we aren't frightened by it. And my husband is now, very much, a believer. I think the lady that lived here before us just wasn't ready to leave. It was her dream house (her brother told us), and it is also my dream house.

    Oh, by the way, all of the freaky things that happen, happen on one side of the house. the side with the master bedroom. The brother chose to live on the other side of the house. I've always wondered if that was a coincidence.

    Anyway, the reason I am awake right now is because our smoke alarms went off 5 times between 2 a.m. and 2:45 a.m. We got up and searched the house to find no smoke and no reason for them to be going off. This has never happened before. So now that I'm wide awake and thoroughly puzzled, my husband said, google smoke alarms to see if you can find out why they might be doing that. So I opened my I-pad and looked at MFP first (because I'm so addicted' LOL) and saw this thread. I began writhing this answer to you people. It's now 4:15 a.m. and that damn smoke alarm has not gone off at all since I started writing this! And I still have no idea why it went off at all!
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    The house I grew up in was haunted by the previous owner George , who had died in the house. He was just a normal part of life, I was used to things like keys & books not being where I had left them. The there was the time a birthday card 'floated' out of my hand, across the room & stood itself on the mantleshelf.

    The house I live in now has a 'presence'. A friend who came to stay refuse to sleep in the guest bedroom because of the 'cold spot' she could feel. And I have seen a dark shadow in my husbands office chair at night.

    And where I work is based in a very old mill that finally was pulled down in the 70's after a fire. Quite a lot of us have either seen or felt or heard something at night there. One of the guys refuses to go into the werehouse on his own, and this is a young fit bloke who's not exactly the timid type.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    the great Harry Houdini did a lot of work with the spiritual world and the afterlife following the death of his mother. He had the financial ability, the time and the experience to really make a difference in our knowledge of the supernatural. If you have time and are interested you should check out some of his work.
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    I believe in spirts and energy. My friend B had a awesome story. Her grandmother called her and they talked for a good 30 minutes. After she got off the phone her mother called her into the living room to give her some bad news. When B came in the room her mom asked her who she was talking too. B Said grandma. Her mom told her to stop lying and no she didn't. B said I did, i talked to her for 30 minutes. Her mom told her that her grandma died 2 hours ago in the hospital.

    oooh that one gave me a good chill.....although I don't believe in silly nonsense like ghosts, but I know zombies will walk the earth one day soon.
  • kalexander2005
    kalexander2005 Posts: 223 Member
    I have had a number of experiences with spirits. I believe they are demonic in nature and come from a very bad place. I have used The Bondage Breaker to get rid of them. Worth it! :)
  • kalexander2005
    kalexander2005 Posts: 223 Member

    Anyway, the reason I am awake right now is because our smoke alarms went off 5 times between 2 a.m. and 2:45 a.m. We got up and searched the house to find no smoke and no reason for them to be going off. This has never happened before. So now that I'm wide awake and thoroughly puzzled, my husband said, google smoke alarms to see if you can find out why they might be doing that. So I opened my I-pad and looked at MFP first (because I'm so addicted' LOL) and saw this thread. I began writhing this answer to you people. It's now 4:15 a.m. and that damn smoke alarm has not gone off at all since I started writing this! And I still have no idea why it went off at all!

    Re smoke alarms, not to discount the cause, but when one goes off, they are all supposed to respond by going off too -- some kind of sound activated trigger in them. :)
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member

    Anyway, the reason I am awake right now is because our smoke alarms went off 5 times between 2 a.m. and 2:45 a.m. We got up and searched the house to find no smoke and no reason for them to be going off. This has never happened before. So now that I'm wide awake and thoroughly puzzled, my husband said, google smoke alarms to see if you can find out why they might be doing that. So I opened my I-pad and looked at MFP first (because I'm so addicted' LOL) and saw this thread. I began writhing this answer to you people. It's now 4:15 a.m. and that damn smoke alarm has not gone off at all since I started writing this! And I still have no idea why it went off at all!

    Re smoke alarms, not to discount the cause, but when one goes off, they are all supposed to respond by going off too -- some kind of sound activated trigger in them. :)

    I guess it's time to buy new smoke alarms. It says on the back of the alarm to replace them after 10 years from manufacturing. :)
    I will chalk this one up to age (of smoke alarm), not the supernatural! :)
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member

    Anyway, the reason I am awake right now is because our smoke alarms went off 5 times between 2 a.m. and 2:45 a.m. We got up and searched the house to find no smoke and no reason for them to be going off. This has never happened before. So now that I'm wide awake and thoroughly puzzled, my husband said, google smoke alarms to see if you can find out why they might be doing that. So I opened my I-pad and looked at MFP first (because I'm so addicted' LOL) and saw this thread. I began writhing this answer to you people. It's now 4:15 a.m. and that damn smoke alarm has not gone off at all since I started writing this! And I still have no idea why it went off at all!

    Re smoke alarms, not to discount the cause, but when one goes off, they are all supposed to respond by going off too -- some kind of sound activated trigger in them. :)

    I guess it's time to buy new smoke alarms. It says on the back of the alarm to replace them after 10 years from manufacturing. :)
    I will chalk this one up to age (of smoke alarm), not the supernatural! :)
  • ljb82
    ljb82 Posts: 72 Member
    I never had any personal experiences with the paranormal but I do believe in spirits
  • Danifannie
    I have always been fascinated by the paranormal ever since I was little. When I was about 10 I saw what I believe to be an apparition at an old army base. I'm still a little skeptical at the whole idea of ghosts though cause most occurrences can be explained as something else. The apparition I saw looked like a man wearing a brown trench coat but it disappeared really abruptly so I didn't get a good look. I also did pet sitting for an older couple for over a month while they were on an extended vacation and I had some really weird experiences in their home. The phone would ring constantly and nobody would be on the line. Sounds of foot steps, and the house just had an overall eerie feeling and was very cold. The weirdest event was that every morning the master bedroom door would be wide open. I kept it closed because I felt a strong presence in the back of the house so I wanted to close it off. The door was very hard to open and close so I thought it very strange it opened on its own when it was hard to open period and it only opened at night. My husband also had an experience when he was little and he swears to this day he saw a full apparition walking down a sidewalk along some tall bushes towards him. He was sitting in his dads truck so he ducked his head down and he felt the spirit come right up to the window. He felt it hover over him for quite some time before disappearing. My husband hates talking about stuff like this cause he knows they exist without a doubt. I believe my husband so I can pretty much say I'm a believer but till I see something like he did I will never know for sure.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Not entirely sure if I believe or not, however I do sometimes see someone out of the corner of my eye, when I turn around, there's no one there.