Doing a food shop - Low calorie foods?

Can someone suggest some low calorie foods please? I am doing a food shop and want to make sure I am buying the right kind of foods.


  • judynunes
    judynunes Posts: 43 Member
    Try buying whole wheat products instead of white that helps alot. it all depends on what you eat. you can eat salad, veggies, chicken breast.
  • SLT4273
    SLT4273 Posts: 56
    low-cal peanut butter
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    Try planning more veggies for snacks.
  • christinajohnson
    christinajohnson Posts: 102 Member
    I'm a fan of organic products and high quality grains. That way, I know whatever I intake is of high quality and I try to then work on my proportion control. I try to cook in low sodium chicken or vegetable stock instead of butter or oil as well. I have also stocked up on herbs and spices instead of loading stuff with salt and butter. Just changing how you prepare some things and buying quality ingredients is a great step.
  • BeckaT79
    BeckaT79 Posts: 216
    Dark Chocolate (3 pieces 126 cal) and Sergento string cheese (50 cal per serving)
    I also like Oatmeal with frozen yogurt on top for snacks.
    Soup (Progresso)
    Fruits and Veggies.

    Good luck. :-)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    fish, veggies, fruit, poultry, soy cheese, almond milk, salsa, tortilla wraps, eggs, brown rice, water, green tea, honey, sodium free herbs and spices, cinnamon (I love to put it on my fruit), cereal