is there an exercise you wish you could do?



  • capalm
    capalm Posts: 4 Member
    I don't know why, but I hate them, cuz they are tough. My knees are down and it is still tough
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    Pull Ups. I can't do them YET because I have almost zero arm strength.
  • aps85
    aps85 Posts: 6
    I wish I could move fast enough to Zumba! I've got the DVD set, but there's just NO way! I'm just not that coordinated!
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    Pull ups.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Time isn't the issue here.

    I have strayed away from running because of my dang belly. Even if I wear my super duper sports bra and strap the girls down, my belly bounces too much and it makes me far too self conscious to run. I rock the eliptical machine though!

    As far as physically not being capable - I'd like to be able to do a chin up - that would be so awesome!
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    Pull ups
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    pulls ups, push ups, hand stand, and I really want to be able to do a cartwheel! Just because they look so fun and remind me of being a kid!
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    Pushups! No matter how hard I try I just cant do them, so I have to stick with the girlie version of them. LOL
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    As far as physically not being able to do something, I'm still not in shape for proper tai chi. Sure, I can lumber my way through it, but it's not right. I'd like to get to a point where I can do it for real.
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    I wish I could run but due to having three children under 6 I just don't have the free time to do it at the moment. I see others running and really wish I could. So for now I have to stick to walking and dvds.

    So is there anything you wish you could do and why can't you?

    Have you tried running in place its something you can do with the kids around. I know it doesn't sound like much but that's what i've been doing and its been awesome. It take a bit getting used to. I also run outside when I my lungs can handle it so I know it works....

    I wish I could do pull ups and a lot of plyo moves that I have yet to be able to do.
  • Figuringoutme
    I am trying to build up strength to do Push ups and pull ups.

    I really want to run, but it always makes me have to pee!
    (if anyone have suggestions message me)
  • 76wendyful
    Full push ups(not girlie ones) and planks
  • darcyrobillard
    This past summer I started running. Much to my surprise I was able to run 4-5 miles. I never ran before and never considered myself a runner but once I started I became to love the exercise above all others. BUT after 6 months of running my Left outer knee and middle knee started to hurt about 20 min into my run. I researched other runners and the internet and it seems that I have a common runners complaint (IT band). I figured I could just push through the pain but the last time I ran it hurt so bad that I had to stop running and it was difficult to get to me destination by walking.

    I can do everything else (step aerobics/circuit training/kick boxing/Zumba without the leg/knee hurting. I am so afraid that if I continue to run I could do permanent damage req some sort of surgery that would keep me from doing other excersises for months so I said forget running.

    When I see other people running I get so upset that I can't anymore. So I wish that this darn leg/knee didn't act up.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    jogging would be the way i'd go. every year i say i'm going to give it a shot, and then i don't do it because it gets me so out of breath.

    i had significant lung surgery at birth, so i've never been able to run long distances. but i am able to do other aerobic exercise, and i'm a singer, so maybe it's something i can learn to do. there is a whole breathing technique to it that i haven't learned yet.

    every spring / summer / fall, i do a lot of walking at almost jogging speed. if i could jog, it would make my workouts shorter and more effective. might give it a try again and see if i can do it now that i'm in much better physical condition. and if i can't, then i'm pretty happy with what i can do.
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    Archery. It doesn't burn too much, but more than I expected. I have no bow and no space to do it in. Le sigh.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    pull ups when i lost weight the first time i could do 13 of them that was a long time ago adni was 24yrs old. I still have a desire to get small enough and strong enough to lift my own body weight again, shoot id settle for five of them even.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Several yoga poses. HA!

    This, a pull-up, and I do regular push-ups but I would like to do over 20 with perfect form.
  • RollinDawg
    RollinDawg Posts: 235 Member
    Basketball, I played in high school and loved it. I want to get back in shape to play again.
  • ChanlynMay
    ChanlynMay Posts: 37 Member
    I wish I could do zumba dance or some other dance cardio workout but with too left feet and no moves that will never happen LOL

    Have ypu tried any of the Zumba videos? I am very uncoordinated but recently purchased Zumba 2 for the WII. I love it!! I think I burn just as many calories laughing as I do dancing :)
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    So many things!
    Running- hip arthritis stops that
    climb a rope- never been able??
    Lift serious weights- can't really justify even more equipment at home and i'm nowhere near a gym.
    Most yoga poses involving any kind of flexibility!