is there an exercise you wish you could do?



  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Dragon Flag. OMG it's leet core badassery.
  • coll18
    coll18 Posts: 13
    My goal is to to pull-ups. Always been something I've wanted to be able to do.
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    There is this one exercise at the gym that I go to. It's a bar that you pull down on, at a sitting position. It's suppose to help develop your upper arms, I think. All I know is that I tried it once with the PT, and that was the only time. I have NO core muscles to be able to get UP from a seated position. With the weight in place, I have to let go of the bar, and not ease up into a standing position. Does that make any sense to ANYONE???

    I want CORE strength....I clearly don't have ANY!!!!! AHHHHHHH.... :laugh:
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    yes. many.
    I'd really like to be able to peacock. :smile:
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Despite the fact that I take 6 to 8 gym classes a week, i really don't do anything well.
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Pushups are my achilles heel...and to think they were so easy to do 30 years ago! :laugh:
  • chyloet
    chyloet Posts: 196 Member
    Regular (big girl) pushups ... just don't know why I can't do more than a couple :( my wrists feel like they're going to snap.
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    There is a TRX "thing" at the gym that you do atomic push ups in. I tried one and laughed at myself.
  • push ups and pull ups!! I need to learn how to do them for the NAVY but I just do not have the upper body strength =((
  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    Would love to be able to run for longer than 10 minutes every once in a while...
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I wish I could run but due to having three children under 6 I just don't have the free time to do it at the moment. I see others running and really wish I could. So for now I have to stick to walking and dvds.

    So is there anything you wish you could do and why can't you?
    No, because I tailor my physical training to match my circumstances.
    When in prison, I could not run, but I could do jumping jacks.

    There are ALWAYS possibilities, and everybody has time to exercise when it's a priority.
  • chelljo12
    chelljo12 Posts: 187 Member
    RUN RUN AND RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • NianMaya
    NianMaya Posts: 108
    I wish I could do real push ups and pull ups like 25 in a row. Clearly I don't have arm muscles :(
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member

    I try to integrate bursts of it into my walks or treadmill walks at the gym but I can't do it for long distances/time. I also wish I didn't feel self stops me from wanting too when I feel my body wanting too.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I'd like to be able to do a straddle to a handstand too. Everyone in my yoga class can do it but me! :frown: :sad:
  • ninu13
    ninu13 Posts: 196 Member
    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu! I cant do it by the moment cuz' need surgery for an hernia first!
  • I want to run. So badly. I'm working towards it, though.
  • zlem
    zlem Posts: 92
    I wish I could do more strength work with my arms, I have a bad shoulder that likes to dislocate itself very easily, very painful to try and put it back in place. I bought some dumbbells and started doing a few exercises and it felt great, but then during the xmas period it dislocated 3 times in 3 days doing simple things.
    Soo I have put the heavy dumbbells away and I am slowly working on strengthening the rotator cuff muscles with tiny weights for a while before I attempt anything else now.

    Would be nice to run too, but I don't wanna permanently damage my poor knees I think I ought to lose a bit more weight first. And buy some proper shoes.
  • JenabeeRose
    JenabeeRose Posts: 73 Member
    push-ups and pull-ups... ugggh
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Amazed to see, like me, there are a lot of people who cannot run. I've got crappy knees and 100 extra pounds for my excuse.