Need Buddies for Motivation

Hi guys and Girls,

i work in the food industry and i need

and i need buddies help me reach my goals

my first workout was today and i almost dropped!!!


  • mackenzg
    mackenzg Posts: 37 Member
    Take it one day at a time! Most important thing is...YOU DID IT!!!! Good job! Feel free to add me as a friend
  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    Hi, I'm starting out too and would be willing to support in exchange for support (hahaha). Will send ya a friend request.
  • HI. I got serious about losing weight about 2 weeks ago. The first time I did squats my legs were jello for 3 days. LOL :happy:
  • I just joined myself and would like buddies who would understand what I am going through and who are there to exchange support and motivation!
  • misigs
    misigs Posts: 2
    hi everyone!
    I could use some buddies to help me with my journey too. I'm new to this and have dragging my feet on logging all my food. I've been training for about two years, I can gain muscle but I don't deem to drop pounds like others. I bel ieve will now make me accountable. this app is really good. I know it will be better than carrying my journal around. So..... I would like to make some friends because it gets really lonely when your by yourself.
  • carrie0210
    carrie0210 Posts: 42 Member
    We can all use as much encouragement as possible, or at least I know I could! Feel free to add me.
  • TheCloverFreak
    TheCloverFreak Posts: 49 Member
    Hi! I just graduated culinary school this past year and I am trying really hard to find a job in the industry. But no one around were I live wants someone with no experience. But I do feel your pains.

    I just started my exercises this past week! My shoulders are soo sore. Please add me as a friend and we can all get through it together!
  • 2dayirun4me
    2dayirun4me Posts: 336 Member
    Hi and welcome to mfp so glad you found it you can add me :smile:
  • BProudOfU
    BProudOfU Posts: 83 Member
    I know the feeling. The first time I worked out I was sore for days. It got better with everyday so just keep at it.
  • 20tolosethisyear
    20tolosethisyear Posts: 9 Member
    You can add me to your friends! I need to stick with this with others' encouragement as well.
  • I'll be glad to help you as you help me.
  • BundangKiwiGal
    BundangKiwiGal Posts: 78 Member
    We've all been there and understand how hard those first steps are. Feel free to add me.
    Best of luck :smile:
  • I'm in too. I've tried over and over again and never stick with it. I really need some motivation to keep me with it!
  • Cueball55
    Cueball55 Posts: 152 Member
    Yah dude, add me!!

    Start slow - pace yourself, and remember that fitness is more than just going to the gym!
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend for the motivation!
  • glennam1
    glennam1 Posts: 172 Member
    welcome to MFP and anybody who wants can add me as a friend....I'll hold you accountable and cheer you on....ADD ME :smile:
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    Welcome to the group. I've found it very helpful just keeping track of my food. I hope that you have a wonderful experience here. ENJOY!!!! Feel free to add me. if you'd like.....
  • Welcome to the hall of justice!
  • Hi!

    I am new at this and I need buddies.. I know together that we can DO THIS.. Let's start this New Year out right...
  • One day at a time and just know that you are capable of taking on any obstacle!! :)