Any trick to drink 8 cups of water per day?



  • camy_chick
    camy_chick Posts: 277 Member
    i fill a 4 cup bottle twice a day.......but just make sure you drink 2 cups with each meal, 3 meals a day x 2 cups = 6 cups.....and drink the other 2 throughout the day. it takes some time to get used to it. but once you are used to it, you'll miss it if you miss a day.
  • Rebecca_Evans1
    Remembering that the water in your food, other drinks also counts towards this :)

    Saying that, I tend to keep a bottle on my desk and add just a little bit of squash to it to make it taste a bit sweeter. I also substitute cups of tea / coffee for fruit or peppermint tea which are a bit more refreshing and good for you...

  • dayylight
    I work in the sun all the time so we all drink water easily. When I first moved positions in my company and started spending up to 8 hours a day in the sun I got heat exhaustion the first day. It's not as bad as heat stroke but it still took me a full week to recover. And I got it again a month later because I still hadn't adjusted to the conditions. So I always stay hydrated at work now. On days I work I usually drink 4-10 glasses of water just at work.

    The other thing that helps is I only really drink water and milk. I have the very rare diet soda when I'm out somewhere, or alcohol at a bar but I limit that as much as possible. I don't drink coffee or tea, and I think fruit juice is kind of pointless, I'd rather drink a glass of water and eat the fruit. If you really just don't like water you can add sliced fruit to it to give it flavor. Or you can carry a water bottle. I drink more water now that I carry one than I did before.

    You may not need to drink 8 glass of water a day but I personally feel better when I do. Plus my skin looks better when I stay constantly hydrated.
  • Paulie68
    Paulie68 Posts: 1 Member
    If you are like me, I hate water, and love fizzy, so for me, the smart option is icy cold soda water, I easily down about 4 litres a day, and love it :)
  • shaneNSW
    shaneNSW Posts: 42 Member
    I wonder now how I ever got by without at least 8 cups a day. =)
  • beckyskeens
    beckyskeens Posts: 16 Member
    I have a water bottle that holds 16 oz. I fill it up for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and make sure I drink it before leaving the table. I usually fit another bottle during the day. i don't drink anything else usually except coffee in the morning. Not an exciting answer, but it helps me! Hope it helps!
  • sexysize12
    sexysize12 Posts: 105 Member
    I use my water intake to drink green tea, pekoe tea, coffee and crystal lite mix ins and the rest if pure water. I hope this helps, keep up the good work.:drinker:
  • Ashlea_M
    Ashlea_M Posts: 165 Member
    I keep multiple small water bottles around the house and when I was at uni (just graduated) I had two in my bag and whenever I was separated from my bag (in the workshop etc) I'd take the second with me to my workspace. I just always have it with me to remind me to drink it :)
  • richardholt2011
    richardholt2011 Posts: 118 Member
    Keep a plastic cup on your desk. Drink a cupful on the hour every hour. Cross each drink off with a marker pen on the cup. (if you dont spend the day at a desk there is surely some way you could adapt this)
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    In real terms it should read 8 cups of liquid. Any more than 2 litres of liquid a day can be harmful. That includes tea, coffee and drinks like coca cola/lemonade. Other than coffee/tea I only drink water. I add a squeeze of lime or lemon (e.g. Berri 99% lemon juice) to the water....makes it tasty.

    Sorry dear, but that is misinformation. A persons water consumption is based on bodyweight, along with activity level. Caffeinated beverages do not count for water as they do not hydrate the body. Coffee, caffeinated sodas, and alcohol actually deplete the body of 2 glasses of water for every one that you consume.

    OP: My advise. . . get your self a water bottle that you like, make it habit. . such as filling it as soon as you get up in the morning, and then always keep it with you. I have a 32oz bottle. If you prefer it cold you can always add ice or freeze it. It takes some training to get yourself in the habit of drinking it, but you can do it!:flowerforyou:
  • changinmyways72
    I have such a hard time with drinking any water at all. I know I need to and I just have such a war trying to get it down lol. I've tried Crystal Light, Tetley Infusions, etc. and I might get one bottle down, but it ends there. You're supposed to drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day... that's almost 100 ounces a day for me. Yuck!! I am trying though! Good luck to everyone facing this battle!

  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    CHUG, CHUG, CHUG! a couple times a day I'll just chug down a 6-8 oz of water.

    I always keep water in my reach
    I bought a jug that holds the "daily recommended 8 cups of water" so I can see my progress right in front of me.
    drink it room temp. or just a little ice. water that is ICE cold can be hard to keep drinking especially in the colder months.
    try hot water with lemon and honey. ( or even add mint or ginger)

    Any way you can get non-caffeine, excessive sugary water based beverages in DRINK IT UP!
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    I have a 2litre bottle of water I fill up and put in the fridge at work every night so it's cold the next morning. Put a couple of elastic bands around it. Every time you fill it up remove a band. Then you'll be aware of how much you have drunk and have left to do.
  • mightyharriss
    I have a 1L water bottle which I keep nearby on my desk at work or at home. As I feel a bit thirsty throughout the day I just have some of it. I doesn't take too long before I need to refill the bottle and with the 1L size I'm not trying to fill 8 or more glasses to get the recommended 2L of water a day.

    This is the idea I use... More of a psychological advantage only having to fill a bottle once
  • Davemann
    Small bottles seem to be best for me although find it difficult to always have one.
  • tanias001
    tanias001 Posts: 41 Member
    fluid in fluid out.
    Everytime i go to the toilet i replace the fluid i got rid of.
    So i have a glass 250mls of water so if i go to the loo 4 times i have 4 glasses of water. If i was to go more i drin:smile:more.
    Tea and coffee also count towards your totals. But both tea and coffee will dehydrate you, water is always best or very very weak cordial or barley water or water with a twist of lime of lemon to quench the thirst.
    Hope this helps.
  • tanias001
    tanias001 Posts: 41 Member
    fluid in fluid out.
    Everytime i go to the toilet i replace the fluid i got rid of.
    So i have a glass 250mls of water so if i go to the loo 4 times i have 4 glasses of water. If i was to go more i drik more.
    Tea and coffee also count towards your totals. But both tea and coffee will dehydrate you, water is always best or very very weak cordial or barley water or water with a twist of lime of lemon to quench the thirst.
    Hope this helps.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    what I want to know is how do you not end up peeing 50 times a day?! I barely drink and go to the bathroom about twice an hour - which makes work and stuff really hard... adding 8 cups of water each day would be terrible!

    This is true at the beginning but your body will get used to the extra water. Keep at it, don't stop just so you don't have to run to the bathroom so often.
  • Slimtara
    Slimtara Posts: 44 Member
    I am topping my water up with Dr. Brandt Skincare anti-oxidant water booster in pomegranate each addition is equal to 15 cups of green tea - does wonders for my complexion and as I hate Green Tea, its a great way to get the benefit. So far so good. I also keep a bottle with me, and when I forget - boy do I notice. I get blinding headaches. But here's a question does drinking more water actually help lose weight? What's the science? Does it improve metabolic rate?

    T :drinker: