How do I find the time to exercise?



  • jlcampbell2008
    I know exactly how you feel. How about this: Do you have any friends that you could borrow for a couple hours 3x a week? Why not find someone who needs a little extra cash and have them sit with the kids while you go work out. You know what else? When I say I'm going to work out, my kids always ask if they can do it with me. Do you have a Wii or Xbox? Buy either the fit or the kinect and you can dance, zumba, play tennis and so many other thing without ever having to leave home. I know, it's a small investment, but it is so worth it. I'm going to try and buy a kinect one of these times and get the zumba for it. I love to Zumba and I can only go once per week for the next 2 months because my shift is going to mids: 3-11pm and Zumba is at 530.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    I usually begin working out around 8:30pm.
  • Ceebee37
    Get up 30 mins earlier and go for a walk. Do you have a partner who can look after the kids?? Also in the weekends you could go to gym, walk with the kids, bike with theem or on your own. I am in the same situation, I have a exercycle that I use, plus weights, swiss ball, piltes dvd etc, works for me. I also go for a brisk walk on my lunch break, I am on my feet all day as a mum and a teacher.
    There are simple things you can do that can burn a few extra calories here and there. When doing housework, I frequently do things "the hard way". When cleaning floors, I use a dustpan and a small whiskbroom to clean an area, and then use a sponge and bucket to wash the floor instead of getting out the mop. Obviously, you don't want to do that all the time, but the scrubbing and wide circular motions of scrubbing the floors, tubs, tile, etc...can give you a little bit of a workout. I also live in a two story house, and instead of carrying laundry upstairs all at once, I take it up in several small bundles. Climbing the stairs 2-3 extra times per job can add up quickly.

    Of course none of this is a real substitute for a good, solid 30+ minute workout, but burning a few extra calories here and there can help keep the metabolism up throughout the day. (Also keeps me from feeling sedentary.)
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    run outside while your kids are at their activities or find a gym close by where you can run in to do 20 min to a half hour of cardio.. or wake up 45 min earlier and make yourself do at least 20 minutes of cardio at home.. you dont really have to go to a gym to workout. i worked hard to get equipment in to my house by going to garage sales and telling everyone i know im looking for help to build my gym. i have 4 cardio machines, weights, an exercise ball , bench and universal gym.. the only thing i paid for was the universal gym at a garage sale for 75 bucks..its in excellent shape too.. the other stuff i either got for gifts or free. today i did stair step aerobics using my bottom stair to step on and holding 10 lb weights .. im sweating and happy i got my cardio in!!! i own a business and am a nurse as well as extremely active serving on boards in the community as well as politically active.. i can totally relate to feeling like there is no time!!!

    i've switched gears in my way of thinking. instead of scheduling working out around my life i schedule my life around working out..
  • Prozack1964
    hello and welcome here hope you have a great day
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I hate this phrase, but I do think of it when I'm at home on my butt: "Someone busier than you is running right now" (I think it was like an ad for a gym).
    Ha...I actually like that quote. And to echo the theme many others have stated, it's important to make time just for you. How much more effective do you think you can be as a mother & at work after dedicating time to your health each day?
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    We all make choices. You can get up early or go to sleep later. If it's important, you will find the time. We cannot find it for you.

    Start eating healthier and you may start to think, "Wow, this healthy food sure would mean more if I was lifting some weights to go with it." You may see friends here completing 5k races and you might start to think, "Wouldn't it be really cool if my kids saw me running a race." Results don't happen on their own. You're going to have to make it happen. You may just need to change your perspective.

    Good luck. We all KNOW you can do it!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    It's a common misconception that you need 8hours of sleep. It's an average. some people are fine with 6hrs and others need 8-9hrs. So are you working from home or? You also left a huge gap between dinner and bed. What's going on then?
  • missystinky
    missystinky Posts: 15 Member
    I agree! We try to keep our kids so entertained, and run ourselves thin. I've chosen to put my daughter in a program that is once (max twice) a week. Never forget that a healthy mom is a happy mom! Your kids will benefit.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    4:30 am - 5:00 am = workout
    5:00 am - 7:00 am = shower, eat, kid up, kid to school
    8:00 am - 4:00 pm = work
    5:00 pm - 9:00 pm = dinner, dishes, bath (my kid's 19-months)
    9:00 pm - 4:30 am = sleep
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I have 2 kids, they go to 2 different schools, I work full time & I make the time to workout.

    I started w/ just JM 30-day shred right after dinner (while kids are eating) to fit it in, since it's a quick workout. I have also woke up early 45min before my normal time or worked out late after kids are off to bed.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have a similar schedule, but uni instead of work, and honestly, you can't during term time. I only get to run at weekends during term time, and in the holidays stay at my parents who can watch the children so I get to run every other day. I also do a wed eve circuits class that I take the children along to, and they sit in the next room which has a glass door so I can see them.
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 556 Member
    I have nothing original to say... the simple and yet so very difficult answer is to get up early and workout before you get going for the day...

    I can totally relate to your struggles... mine are exactly the same. I have two young girls (2 and 5). I work full time and my husband travels for his job so he is gone at least 3 but sometimes up to 6 of 7 nights in a week leaving most of the cleaning, shopping, cooking, laundry, etc. for me to tackle in addition to caring for the kids. It can get overwhelming at times and is usually the reason that I end up skipping a workout or eating something I really shouldn't or wouldn't if I were better rested and/or had more time in my day.

    I'm always looking for extra support from other moms with similar struggles... feel free to friend me and we can help each other figure out how to be happy and healthy moms :)
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    Have you thought about preparing meals on the weekend and freezing them or using a crockpot to cook your evening meals?

    I do this often. If I am making any kind of soup or chili I usually do it in the fact I have a meal in the crockpot right now. Or if I am splurging on calories and making lasagna, I make it the night before and stick it in the fridge. Then when I get home I pop it into the oven and get a workout in while it bakes.
  • NickIandolo
    NickIandolo Posts: 11 Member
    I have no choice, I have to get up at 5AM and work out having only 5 hours of sleep most nights. It's either that or don't exercise and gain the weight back that I worked so hard to take off. I have a young child, and between working full-time and taking care of her, by the time she goes to bed, and all the dishes are done, etc., I'm lucky if I get to bed by 11PM.

    But I truly value my alone time in the basement on my NordicTrack watching CNN or MSNBC for half my workout and then switching over to reading my eBooks on my iPad2 and listening to Pandora radio for the other half. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I do an intense high resistance 30-35 minute workout. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I do a lower resistance, longer duration and calorie burning workout around 45-50 minutes. Today I jammed out an hour because it was my 45th birthday over the weekend and I went off-off-diet. But today I had 2500 calories to play around with--even after lunch I still have almost 1500!

    The bottom line is that if it is important enough to you, then you'll make the time. For me, it definitely is. Who needs sleep anyway!