Joyful January Challenge WK 1!



  • lynneb42000
    lynneb42000 Posts: 9 Member
    We can do it!!

    SW 236.8
    WK1 xxx lbs
    WK2 xxx lbs
    WK3 xxx lbs
    WK4 xxx lbs
    Total loss for January xxx lbs
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    So we weigh in on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th.

    Let us all know what your SW is, and each week log that weeks weight at the end of the 4 weeks tell us your total weight loss of that month
    SW 200.5 lbs
    WK1 xxx lbs
    WK2 xxx lbs
    WK3 xxx lbs
    Total loss for January - xx lbs
    WK4 xxx lbs

    I actually lost a few pounds over the holidays but that's from being sick so i no that isn't a truly accurate number. You know its bad when opening a can of chicken noodle soup sounds like too much work. Today though i felt good enough to be bothered by the mess in my kitchen and actually began to have a bit of appetite by dinner. Hopefully the scale won;t go up too much in this " not really sick but not well enough to work out stage" I hate that time!

    Anyway, here's to a fabulous and continually shrinking January!!
  • pinky_b
    pinky_b Posts: 29 Member
    Going well so far... I'm finding it hard to eat all my calories... OMG so much food... But I guess its what I need to kick start my metabolism.

    Hope everyone else is doing well :)

    SW 300lbs

    WK1-7th xxxlbs
    WK2-14th xxxlbs
    WK3-21st xxxlbs
    WK4-28th xxxlbs
  • megcc
    megcc Posts: 92 Member
    Starting up today, so far so good but it's still early :-)
  • kayprice12
    SW 256
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    SW 156lbs

    WK1-7th xxxlbs
    WK2-14th xxxlbs
    WK3-21st xxxlbs
    WK4-28th xxxlbs

    Off to a good start so far, been under calories each day and managed to get out for my first run/walk for about a month!! Lets have a fantastic January everyone :happy:
  • brownmami22
    Is it too late to join the January challenge?
  • petersoncl
    SW 164.5

    WK1-7th xxxlbs
    WK2-14th xxxlbs
    WK3-21st xxxlbs
    WK4-28th xxxlbs

    Off to a good start. Still have to exercise today.
  • polarcubby
    SW 255lb
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    I'm in. Starting weight was 175 on Saturday. Let's rock!
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    I would love to join! I know for a fact that challenges do give you that extra push. I lost almost 25 pounds last year and then let myself go and I am only down 11 pounds. I have 14 pounds to go to reach that point again! I can do this and I need all the help I can get! :) Please let me know what I need to do to. I was wondering if there is a chart that you keep track or will you post them directly on here? When I was in charge of the challenge before, I used google spreadsheets. Not sure how ya do it. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with too :)

    Starting weight for January 1, 2012 is 164.0 pounds <~~ Should be way lower than that by now :(
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    Sorry, I didn't know which one I was supposed to post on. :-X Got a little confused. I will copy and paste the chart for my weight :)

    SW 164.0 lbs
    WK1 xxx lbs
    WK2 xxx lbs
    WK3 xxx lbs
    WK4 xxx lbs
    Total loss for January - xx lbs
  • daisylovespink
    daisylovespink Posts: 89 Member
    So my start weight on Saturday was 159.8. The first few days I was still in holiday mode so not too hopeful for the first weigh in but already getting back on track. Yesterday I went for my first run in over a month. Goal was 2 miles and finished at 2.33 so WIN! I even made it back to my regular bootcamp class this morning and have planned my food for today. I feel 100% better already.

    My goal for this week is to get back to tracking every gosh darn thing I eat into my food diary, even if it's bad and I don't want to see it in print. I need to hold myself accountable! It took be FOREVER to break my 160's plataue and I'll be d*mned if I see 16 in front of my weight again!

    Keep up the great work fellow challengers!
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    Please count me in. Hope to do better with out major Holidays around this month!
    By the way...What is our weigh in day?

    ☆SW - 165 lbs (01/01/2012)
    Week 1 - xxx lbs
    Week 2 - xxx lbs
    Week 3 - xxx lbs
    Week 4 - xxx lbs

    Total loss for January - xx lbs
  • daisylovespink
    daisylovespink Posts: 89 Member
    weigh in day is saturday :)
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    weigh in day is saturday :)

    Thanks!!! :wink:
  • bacanbit
    bacanbit Posts: 58 Member
    Ahhh! I caved and stopped at Mcdonald's this morning. I got 2 egg biscuits...600 calories total!!! My daily "goal" is 1600 but still I am SO MAD at myself now!! "smack, smack, smack" Ok, now it's to the gym tonight to work extra hard.

    :heart: Cherie
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Yesterday I woke up with a very stiff shoulder/upper back area and I took leave of my senses and I didn't even log!! What was that about?! Thankfully today I am back on track, haven't exercised yet as I am still quite sore but there is no reason why I can't at least walk today. I didn't expect to stumble so early in the new year, but I need to realize that I have to be ready to deal with the unexpected lol
  • lynn12
    lynn12 Posts: 87 Member
    Sw - 164 lbs (01/01/2012)
    Week 1 - xxx lbs
    Week 2 - xxx lbs
    Week 3 - xxx lbs
    Week 4 - xxx lbs

    Total loss for January - xx lbs
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    I am coming in late, but I just filled my calendar with at least one workout per day. I was down 16 lbs, gained back 8, so I have some catching up to do. I got my workout in this morning by starting the B210K!

    Start Weight is 176

    Week 1: 176
    Week 2:
    Week 3:
    Week 4: