Biggest fear about weight loss



  • Jd1360
    Jd1360 Posts: 170 Member
    I'm 23, trying to lose 1 lbs a week and fear the loose skin thing... I'm telling myself I shouldn't, but I still do. I've been overweight my whole life - why should my skin obey me now?
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    That I will be come irresistable to women. LOL
    I found my sweety on this site, so I don't need to worry about such things.
    I have lost 165 pounds since my heaviest and have some loose skin, etc. The Dr.s (here at the hospital where I work) that specialize in weight loss, etc. said after you stop losing weight give it a whole year before you start worrying about the skin. After a year if it is disconcerting then to see someone about it.
    Also, I am glad to be losing boobs. After being heavy for like 30 years (I am 44), I am happy to be close to pecs again. lol
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    You know, I actually get the "how did you avoid bat wings/loose skin" question a lot.

    To be perfectly honest, I was lucky. Genetics plays a pretty big role in it, but the biggest things you can do to reduce/eliminate the chances of excess skin are:
    1) Drink lots of water (think of inflating a regular balloon and a water balloon - if you deflate them both, which goes back to closer to its original size? The one with moisture)
    2) Moisturize - sort of the same as above.
    3) Exercise - that means cardio AND strength (yes, that does mean some lifting - learn to like it - and no, you won't get big manly muscles from it).
    4) Eat healthy foods. You've probably heard the term "abs are made in the kitchen" and the truth is... that's true and that isn't all. The quality of the food you eat is just as important as the number of calories you consume (actually, it is MORE important). When you are providing your body with good nutrition, your muscles, your skin, your EVERYTHING is healthier.

    Other than that, just hope for the best and be patient - skin can take a couple of years to "bounce back" after weight loss (I'm hoping that will happen with my lower tummy, which is the only place I have noticeable loose skin).
  • famlyluv
    famlyluv Posts: 206 Member
    I'm scared that my weight loss will absolutely take over my life and I need to remind myself to still enjoy every day and not focus so much on the scale.
    I have to keep this in mind also, thank you!
  • TheBooBooStew
    TheBooBooStew Posts: 54 Member
    I have heard if you eat Tofu everyday, (I am going to make tofu smoothies, so the taste of fruit covers the tofu lol). anyway, I heard it helps your skin bounce back,
    Worth a try
  • teresastrowz46
    teresastrowz46 Posts: 41 Member
    my biggest fear is just gaining the weight back. my wedding is in less than 6 months now and i have been going strong loosing for about 6 months...i was afraid i'd fizzle out a long time ago, but i'm still motivated because the wedding is still coming. but after it's over, will i quit and gain it all back? i don't EVER want to be that heavy again. i look at family members and i knew that if i continued down the road i was on, i'd be them. so i guess that's what scares me. but i guess i can't imagine not going on MFP every day, counting calories and exercising. it's a complete life style change. i hate it when people call it "my diet" because ya, i'd like to loose more weight, but it's about being healthy...diets fail. it's a life style alteration.
  • MonaRN81
    MonaRN81 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm also afraid of losing my boobs or them being really saggy (more so than they are now. LOL!). I'm currently a 40H!!! I know right!!! I'm breastfeeding too still so hopefully that's part of it!!! But I like having a bigger chest. I always have. Just not THIS big, but I'm afraid that I'll lose weight there faster than anywhere else and look disproportionate. :(
  • cmanche
    cmanche Posts: 1 Member
    The younger you are, the more elastin your skin has. I am 25 and I think eventually, with the right about of exercise and a slower weight loss it will help the skin bounce back. It may not be the case for all, but then again you have to think about what is more important...a little extra skin or being healthy. I have over 100lbs to lose myself so I feel where you are coming from.

    Just stay positive, you will feel better in the long run even with a little extra skin. It may take a year or two but your skin should bounce back! :)

    My first post in this forum (or any on this site!) I have to say that for someone so young, you are incredibly insightful. Good nutrients, youth, slower weight loss, hydration, and genetics all seem to play a role in skin condition.

    Thanks for posting this. It's a very encouraging word.

  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
    im scared to lose muscle, i wanna lose my stomach fat to get a sixpack.
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    My biggest fear was when I reached my goal weight I wouldn't be happy as I thought I would...and it happened BOO :(
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I gotta admit, I have a sneaking fear of the same thing, I've lost about 30 pounds, but very slowly, no more than a pound a week,.. I think so far so good, but I'm 47 yrs old, and I'm worried about saggy skin after losing the next 30 pounds i'm hoping to lose this year... anybody out there to throw us a comfort bone?!?!

    I'm 11 years your senior, have been in maintenance for about 3 and a half months after losing 58 pounds at a pound or less per week, and yeah, my skin sags a little. It's not bad, though. I've read that it can take up to 2 years for your skin to recover as much as it will, but it already looks soooo much better than it did when it was stuffed with fat. When I stand straight and tall in front of a mirror, about the only places I see it are above my belly button, which isn't round anymore but isn't squashed flat either, and my boobs. I've returned to my pre-weight gain C cup size and still have D cup skin. My arms, legs, butt, and belly all look OK, which is pretty much what I'd expect given my apple build. I carried nearly all of my excess weight on my midsection and upper torso.
  • MelissaJ20
    I'll take the excess skin if it buys me more time with my kid.

    That is VERY true! :)
  • ohkaity
    ohkaity Posts: 18
    That I'll lose some of my self identity. I've always been the fat chick. Like my friend said in a blog post on here, how can use maintain your sense of self when it;s been tied to your weight for so long?

    Absolutely. I think there's a part of me that ties up a lot of my fear of doing things into my weight. I blame my shortcomings or failings on my weight and if that's gone, I have to take more ownership.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    The younger you are, the more elastin your skin has. I am 25 and I think eventually, with the right about of exercise and a slower weight loss it will help the skin bounce back. It may not be the case for all, but then again you have to think about what is more important...a little extra skin or being healthy. I have over 100lbs to lose myself so I feel where you are coming from.

    Just stay positive, you will feel better in the long run even with a little extra skin. It may take a year or two but your skin should bounce back! :)

    My first post in this forum (or any on this site!) I have to say that for someone so young, you are incredibly insightful. Good nutrients, youth, slower weight loss, hydration, and genetics all seem to play a role in skin condition.

    Thanks for posting this. It's a very encouraging word.


    Aww thanks! I try to stay educated on things, especially stuff that interests me. I am also a biology major so that sort of stuff is fun, especially nutrition.
  • jesihovey
    jesihovey Posts: 46 Member
    1) That I'll lose my already disproportionate boobs.
    2) That I'll gain it all back with my first pregnancy.
    3) That I won't be as attractive to my fiance. As weird as that fear sounds. He always liked that I'm "Squishy" (our nickname for each other).
    4) That I still won't be able to love what I see in the mirror, even after the weight is off.
    5) Like someone else said, that I will lose part of my identity. I have always been the fat girl, ever since elementary school, and so much of who I am is wrapped up in that. I don't like that I'm fat and I certainly don't want to be, but it's because I wasn't attractive growing up that I have the personality I have. I don't know how I'll feel when I get there...
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    Mine is the excess skin as well. But it's not just a fear, it's a fact. Being over 200 lbs overweight, it's inevitable. It's something that for some reason a few months ago started bothering me and threw me off my eating for a while... =/ But in the end, I know it's better to have skin where the fat was than the fat....
  • Tulipea
    Tulipea Posts: 54 Member
    That I'd have balloon boobies.
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 246 Member
    i lost almost 100 pounds 10 yrs ago in 11 months i exercised and didnt have loose skin just start exercising and u should b ok

    Thanks! That's great to hear.