
  • Morning All!
    Started the day out with Jillian's Extreme Shed & Shred Level 1.
    Let's make it a great week!

    Amy, I'm thinking I should buy one of Jillian's dvds. All the photos I see of the before and afters of women who used Jillian's dvds show amazing transformations in such a short time.

    Also...Kristen, as always, the chart is egg-ceptional!

    Only Day 2 of this challenge and I started out badly. Was home alone and on the computer all AM and was snacking the whole time. Bad! Trying to make up for it now. Not easy. Hope everyone is doing better than me!


    Lyn -- I did 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels. I didn't do it every day for 30 days, but I do it a few times a week. I don't have a gym membership, so it's nice to have a quick at-home workout. I burn about 240 calories in 25 minutes! It's a great workout! I definitely couldn't do everything at the start of each level, but I had definite improvement each time I did it -- which feels even better than the calorie burn!

    Kristen -- the chart looks amazing, as always. Thank you, so much, for all the work you do. You really inspire me, motivate me and keep me on track (as well as many other people, I'm sure!). Thanks!!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,605 Member
    Morning All!
    Started the day out with Jillian's Extreme Shed & Shred Level 1.
    Let's make it a great week!

    Amy, I'm thinking I should buy one of Jillian's dvds. All the photos I see of the before and afters of women who used Jillian's dvds show amazing transformations in such a short time.

    I getting 3 of her tapes tomorrow! I can't wait! I want to start the 30 day one, Sat!
    Also...Kristen, as always, the chart is egg-ceptional!

    Only Day 2 of this challenge and I started out badly. Was home alone and on the computer all AM and was snacking the whole time. Bad! Trying to make up for it now. Not easy. Hope everyone is doing better than me!


    Lyn -- I did 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels. I didn't do it every day for 30 days, but I do it a few times a week. I don't have a gym membership, so it's nice to have a quick at-home workout. I burn about 240 calories in 25 minutes! It's a great workout! I definitely couldn't do everything at the start of each level, but I had definite improvement each time I did it -- which feels even better than the calorie burn!

    Kristen -- the chart looks amazing, as always. Thank you, so much, for all the work you do. You really inspire me, motivate me and keep me on track (as well as many other people, I'm sure!). Thanks!!
  • Kjlloyd1
    Kjlloyd1 Posts: 22 Member
    My day started out pretty good and I was trying so hard. Then about 4:00 I had to take my 13 year old boxer to the vet. I was told she doesn't have much time left. We are making her comfortable for now. I was so sad and tired, so dinner ended up being Wendy's chicken sandwich and French fries. I am so mad at myself now! Tomorrow I'm going to the gym and take out my frustrations.
  • Kjlloyd1
    Kjlloyd1 Posts: 22 Member
    My day started out pretty good and I was trying so hard. Then about 4:00 I had to take my 13 year old boxer to the vet. I was told she doesn't have much time left. We are making her comfortable for now. I was so sad and tired, so dinner ended up being Wendy's chicken sandwich and French fries. I am so mad at myself now! Tomorrow I'm going to the gym and take out my frustrations.
  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    My day started out pretty good and I was trying so hard. Then about 4:00 I had to take my 13 year old boxer to the vet. I was told she doesn't have much time left. We are making her comfortable for now. I was so sad and tired, so dinner ended up being Wendy's chicken sandwich and French fries. I am so mad at myself now! Tomorrow I'm going to the gym and take out my frustrations.

    So sorry...i hope you are both comforted by each other and don't be mad at yourself....let it go....tommorrow is a whole new day!!!
  • aerdna88
    aerdna88 Posts: 74 Member
    Sorry...I am on my phone and unsure of how to quote yet (I'm very new to this even tho I joined MFP a long time ago I never used it)...

    I love Jillian...I am doing the shred (on day 4) and reading one of her books. Her story is great to hear to see how she got where she is!! Anyway the vid is no joke. I don't even wanna move to level two! But I will in a few days! Prob on day 10! Anyway that and 78 min of Zumba today! I feel great!!
  • aerdna88
    aerdna88 Posts: 74 Member
    My day started out pretty good and I was trying so hard. Then about 4:00 I had to take my 13 year old boxer to the vet. I was told she doesn't have much time left. We are making her comfortable for now. I was so sad and tired, so dinner ended up being Wendy's chicken sandwich and French fries. I am so mad at myself now! Tomorrow I'm going to the gym and take out my frustrations.

    So sorry about your dog!!! That's hard!! Hang in there as far as the food goes...tomorrow IS a new day!

  • My day started out pretty good and I was trying so hard. Then about 4:00 I had to take my 13 year old boxer to the vet. I was told she doesn't have much time left. We are making her comfortable for now. I was so sad and tired, so dinner ended up being Wendy's chicken sandwich and French fries. I am so mad at myself now! Tomorrow I'm going to the gym and take out my frustrations.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Its so hard to lose a part of the family.

    It does get better with time but you will always miss them. :heart:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    My day started out pretty good and I was trying so hard. Then about 4:00 I had to take my 13 year old boxer to the vet. I was told she doesn't have much time left. We are making her comfortable for now. I was so sad and tired, so dinner ended up being Wendy's chicken sandwich and French fries. I am so mad at myself now! Tomorrow I'm going to the gym and take out my frustrations.

    so sorry about your is a new day.......big hug for your boxer.....yesterday i had a similar experience...i had notice on monday that our almot to be 7yr old jack russell did not eat and was a bit off, so on tuesday when i notice he didnt eat his bfast, i called the vet and took him, after a day of the vet, test and a hospital stay, its determined that he has something called ADDISON's ,..something to do with the adrenal gland...thankfully its something that can be treated with meds for life....he's now at the vet, to monitor him for the day....our other jack looking very lonely.....but i too responded to the stress by eating my way through the kitchen last night.....i so hate when i do this, every stressful event i just look to food(i do it for less time now) i had my good bfast, wont be working out toay, lots of errands to run and have to pick up roscoe later.....have a wonderful day all:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • gmomlyn
    gmomlyn Posts: 134
    My day started out pretty good and I was trying so hard. Then about 4:00 I had to take my 13 year old boxer to the vet. I was told she doesn't have much time left. We are making her comfortable for now. I was so sad and tired, so dinner ended up being Wendy's chicken sandwich and French fries. I am so mad at myself now! Tomorrow I'm going to the gym and take out my frustrations.

    So sorry to hear about your boxer. One of my daughters has a boxer, and her dog isn't as old as yours but already has health issues. Out of my pets (a Bichon, a pot-bellied pig, a Jenday conure, and 2 of which is an old Siamese), my old cat is having some health issues and I worry about him all the time. We don't know how old he is, as we got him 14 year ago and he was already a grown cat that had atleast 3 previous owners before he came to live with us. He's my favorite pet too. He's devoted to me and acts more like a dog the way he follows me around the house all day and night. And yes.....he sleeps on the bed near me too! Anyway, during the past year he's become a very picky picky that he loses a lot of weight, then begins eating again and puts some of the weight back on, then starts losing it again when he stops eating. I've taken him to the vet.....his teeth are okay and overall the vet said he's just getting mostly I try all different kinds of cat food to coax him to eat. you said, just keep doing your best to keep your boxer comfortable. And don't beat yourself up for eating stuff you don't think you should have eaten because you were tired and upset. Pets are part of our family, and when they are suffering, so do we.
    Take care,
  • Vacationista
    Vacationista Posts: 42 Member
    My day started out pretty good and I was trying so hard. Then about 4:00 I had to take my 13 year old boxer to the vet. I was told she doesn't have much time left. We are making her comfortable for now. I was so sad and tired, so dinner ended up being Wendy's chicken sandwich and French fries. I am so mad at myself now! Tomorrow I'm going to the gym and take out my frustrations.

    I'm so sorry! With two cats and a dog myself, I know a day like this will come for me, too. They're really members of our family. I'm sure it'll be a struggle for a while. . . Sometimes, when I'm having a lot of stress, I try to plan rewards for myself - like little stress-breaks- a coffee at Starbucks, or a nice long shower. I try to remember that when I'm stressed is when I need to be my healthiest, because the stress itself takes a toll on my body. Of course, sometimes I eat badly anyway, but that's what I try to think about. Best wishes and hope you get feeling better!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hello most egg-cellent ones!

    I have my food intake logged thus far, water & vitamins on board... planning Jillian's Extreme Shed & Shred for this afternoon.

    I love to see all the animal lovers we have on here! I am allergic to so many (cats, dogs, guinea pigs, goats, rabbits, horses.. ugh!).. but, I have 2 dogs anyway. Overtime, my body adjusts to them, though I do have a bit of a constant low level congestion as a result... but they are worth it!

    For example, last night I had a Migraine maximus - and what did my pups do but wrap themselves around me on the couch (at 90 pounds & 68 pounds, that's a lot of puppy love!)

    Anyway.. enough about me...

    Shirley - I hope you are better ASAP - those lingering coughs can be so draining

    Lyn - I have Jillian's 30 day shred (great burn for a 25 minute workout with 3 levels to choose from)... Jillian's Extreme Shed & Shred (LOVE it!) - can do Level 1 or Level 2 for a 40 minute workout - or straight thru for a 60+ minute workout... I also have another.. something like Lower Fat Boost Metabolism (?)... that one is pretty intense. For any of them, I just do what I can - and after awhile I can make it thru the whole thing...

    KristinKT - great job getting into the challenge for this week!

    Shannon - I love 30 Day shred too!

    Kjiloyd1 - So sorry about your pup! Exercise does seem the better option to handle the stress.

    aerdna88 - which Jillian book are you reading? I saw that she has a new one out.

    Pam - puppy hugs to Roscoe (what a great name!)

    oK - Have a great day all!

  • alisons7598
    alisons7598 Posts: 162 Member
    My day started out pretty good and I was trying so hard. Then about 4:00 I had to take my 13 year old boxer to the vet. I was told she doesn't have much time left. We are making her comfortable for now. I was so sad and tired, so dinner ended up being Wendy's chicken sandwich and French fries. I am so mad at myself now! Tomorrow I'm going to the gym and take out my frustrations.

    Hugs! I'm so sorry:( We have 2 boxers and a boxer mix. I can't imagine having to deal with that. They are such a part of the family....
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Shirley61 - I hope you feel better soon!

    kristinkt - I hadn't actually done the first challenge before yesterday. What I did was... for my intervals... ran in place as fast as I could for 20 seconds, rested for 20 seconds, and again and again for 5 minutes. Next, I rested for 5 minutes and then did my elliptical/treadmill (I alternate between the two, over and over) for 48 min and then a cool down for 5 minutes. What I noticed was I burned more calories than I usually do during that amount of time! For your intervals on the elliptical, I've seen a good site that said to do it as fast as you can for 10 seconds, slow for 10, and again and again for your interval time. The first challenge is from "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" and I don't remember it being more specific than that. That part stood out to me so I copied and pasted it into a jpg so I could remember it. :-) So, for the intervals, I think you can do it how you want as long as you are doing (whatever) as challenging as you can, alternating with slow, etc. for the amount of time that you're going to give for the interval part.

    kristinkt & thurberj - Woo hoo for incorporating the first challenge!

    shannonaufman - Thanks for the nice comments. :blushing:

    Kjlloyd1 - I'm so sorry about your boxer. :-(

    AmyByExample - Yay for all of your planning today!

    Yesterday was my first day back to lose-weight-eating after all of the out of town, traveling, etc. of the holidays. My Shredded Wheat tasted like sticks. ;-) My tastebuds need to re-acclimate (I know they will). I felt so physically terrible that I decided not to exercise. BUT!! As I kept seeing my friends logging their exercise for the day, I decided I needed to do that too! I'm so glad I did! Sometimes it is a little hard to get back into the groove after being out of it but being a part of MFP sure helps a lot! On that note...

    This is the 4th day of the new year. How are you doing with your eating/exercise/water? Have you stayed in the green numbers? Have you been exercising? Have you done well with your water or trying to do better with it? If not, what are you going to do TODAY to line you up better with your weight/fitness goals? I am going to have all green numbers at the end of the day. I am going to do my exercise and I'm going to drink more water today than yesterday. That is my plan. What is yours? (This whole site is worth looking into.)
  • Walked our manager's dog today at lunch... 88 lb lab that apparently loves squirrels... talk about interval training!! LOL!!! She would have me walking at a brisk pace then take off running... then stop for a few seonds, then off again!! I loved it though.
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Walked our manager's dog today at lunch... 88 lb lab that apparently loves squirrels... talk about interval training!! LOL!!! She would have me walking at a brisk pace then take off running... then stop for a few seonds, then off again!! I loved it though.

    I can so picture this! LOL!

    Kristen - it feels great to get back on track, doesn't it? I have had headaches the past 2 days - I'm not sure it my body is rebelling at the lack of unhealthy foods... or if it's just the weather!

    So far (4 days in) 2012 has started out great! I feel on track, focused... I'm logging my food, drinking nothing but water... exercising (I do have some sore muscles, but that feels good to be reminded that they are still there waiting for me to get back in shape!)

    Well, back to Mommyland....

    Hugs All!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    My day started out pretty good and I was trying so hard. Then about 4:00 I had to take my 13 year old boxer to the vet. I was told she doesn't have much time left. We are making her comfortable for now. I was so sad and tired, so dinner ended up being Wendy's chicken sandwich and French fries. I am so mad at myself now! Tomorrow I'm going to the gym and take out my frustrations.

    Sorry to hear about your dog!!
  • sew1222
    sew1222 Posts: 241
    Sorry...I am on my phone and unsure of how to quote yet (I'm very new to this even tho I joined MFP a long time ago I never used it)...

    I love Jillian...I am doing the shred (on day 4) and reading one of her books. Her story is great to hear to see how she got where she is!! Anyway the vid is no joke. I don't even wanna move to level two! But I will in a few days! Prob on day 10! Anyway that and 78 min of Zumba today! I feel great!!

    im on day 5 of the shred and i am still sore, are you? i do notice it is getting easier are you?
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Sorry...I am on my phone and unsure of how to quote yet (I'm very new to this even tho I joined MFP a long time ago I never used it)...

    I love Jillian...I am doing the shred (on day 4) and reading one of her books. Her story is great to hear to see how she got where she is!! Anyway the vid is no joke. I don't even wanna move to level two! But I will in a few days! Prob on day 10! Anyway that and 78 min of Zumba today! I feel great!!
    I love Jillian and the Shred is a great workout!!