Question: Over 300 lbs and loss with no surgery???



  • Congrats on your loss so far. :) I started at around 340 in February 2011. I am now at 225ish (been on a plateau for a bit). I started with counting calories using MFP. That worked on its own for several months. I then incorporated some light walking and such, which also worked fine. In December, I joined a gym, so now I am working out a lot harder to keep the loss going. Hope that does the trick!
  • RENorton5
    RENorton5 Posts: 1 Member
    I started at 340 and now at 297 after starting 1 Sept 2011. It is a slow process with a lb or 2 a week but well worth it. You must follow the calorie count and exercise when ever you can even if its only 10 minutes at a time. Write down everything and be honest. I keep a pad in my pocket at all times. Having a weight/nutrition class weekly gets me focused on goal
  • Is this possible?
    I was wondering if anyone had any success stories using MFP that loss without surgery or diet pills that you wouldn't mind sharing?

    Believe me I'm not knocking anyones success no matter how you did it, you did it. I'm just too scared to do any of those things and am finding it real hard to do this on my own so I'm merely looking for inspiration.

    BTW I was 303lbs when I started Nov.1, 2011 and my weight this morning Dec.30,2011 was 288 lbs

    YES!!!!!!!!!!! It is possible. ANYTHING is possible! I know its hard. I started at 400 lbs im so close to 300 now. I have seen people lose 250 lbs on MFP with no surgery. It just stakes TIME. Thats all it is. Just do the same thing, eat the same way, and eat clean and good and try to work out as much as you can. IN TIME you will get to your goal weight. All it is, is time...which we have PLENTY OF! DO IT!
  • Is this possible?
    I was wondering if anyone had any success stories using MFP that loss without surgery or diet pills that you wouldn't mind sharing?

    Believe me I'm not knocking anyones success no matter how you did it, you did it. I'm just too scared to do any of those things and am finding it real hard to do this on my own so I'm merely looking for inspiration.

    BTW I was 303lbs when I started Nov.1, 2011 and my weight this morning Dec.30,2011 was 288 lbs

    YES!!!!!!!!!!! It is possible. ANYTHING is possible! I know its hard. I started at 400 lbs im so close to 300 now. I have seen people lose 250 lbs on MFP with no surgery. It just stakes TIME. Thats all it is. Just do the same thing, eat the same way, and eat clean and good and try to work out as much as you can. IN TIME you will get to your goal weight. All it is, is time...which we have PLENTY OF! DO IT!
  • I started at 270 about 2 years ago and now I am 174. My loss has been slow and steady. No fancy tricks for me, I watch what I eat and I have to exercise. Prior to mfp, I tried all the different pills and products, but the weight always came back. If you commit to the process, you will find success.
  • lupa01
    lupa01 Posts: 162 Member
    It's totally doable without pills or surgery! I wasn't quite 300 but I was 260 when I started Weight Watchers almost 2 years ago. Quit WW mid 2010, joined MFP March of this year, have managed to lose 80 pounds and have just a little further to go to get to my primary goal of 158 (will put me within normal range per BMI).

    The thing with pills and surgery that most people don't realize is they're not the miracle cures that they seem to be - that is, they're not going to truly work if you don't make those lifestyle changes. I know at least 3 people who had gastric bypass or lapband surgery and they lost pretty well for 6 months or so and then stopped losing or even gained back their weight because they didn't make the necessary lifestyle changes. You still need to learn to eat proper portions of healthier foods and get your body moving and none of those folks made those improvements in their lives. The only miracle cure is your own sheer determination and will!

    Best of luck to you continuing to get healthy!!!
  • lupa01
    lupa01 Posts: 162 Member
    Well my friend when I started this new life change I was 303 myself! I was on Blood Pressure Medicine, Cholestrol Medicine and my Dr. told me I needed to go on Blood Sugar Medicine. I told her no give me some time I will turn it around! Six months later I was still in the same boat. The Dr. said just take the medicine you will not be able to lose the weight! Something changed when I heard her say those words. When I went back I was down thrity-eight pounds. She said ok you are getting there. We talked, I set some goals, and she agreed. Six months later I was down to 236 she took me off the blood pressure meds and the cholestrol meds. At the last visit I was 202, and she said eat more, (LOL!) get more protein in your diet and start doing weight training! Today I lift weight 3 days a week and I do cardio a minimum of six days a week for at least an hour! I eat fruits and veggies, chicken and fish! I still treat myself to chicken wings every six to eight weeks along with my favorite fried chicken. I keep M & M's in the house to have something sweet to taste when I get the craving, but I eat no more than 30 and I count it in my calories!

    It can be done! Find that one thing in your life that you love more than anything and keep that in your focus at all times! Yes there are days when you will say I DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS! Do it anyway! Once you start you will be happy you did! Take a day a week off if you want! You will add years to your life to be with the ones you love and they will thank you for thinking of them, more than that temporary high of eating out of pure habit! Goodluck and Please stick with it!

    Very inspiring!:-)
  • lupa01
    lupa01 Posts: 162 Member
    I am so overwhelmed:blushing: and also motivated:bigsmile: by the responses to this post. The stories that I have read have definitely helped to make me realize I can do this and I just need to keep pushing on further. I guess the reason I didn't really celebrate my loss is because I did so well dropping in November but then in December I didn't really loose (thanks to the holidays) but I guess I shouldn't complain too much because I did the math today and these numbers are things I wouldn't have even thought possible at one time but....I know it is now thanks to your wonderful feedback!!! I can't wait to come back and share my success at my next 15 lb loss!! Look out for me....I'll be back!:flowerforyou:

    You are definitely in the right place. You will do fine, just DON'T GIVE UP! The holidays were rough on everyone, but you just pick up where you left off before the holidays and keep it moving. Blessings to you on your journey and I look forward to seeing your progress in the future, I'm sure I will!:bigsmile:
  • cahtchme
    cahtchme Posts: 32 Member
    I started at 300-303 at the beginning of December and I'm at 288-286 (gained two pounds over the holidays). But I'm just watching portion sizes and trying to eat healthier and trying to squeeze in some more physical activity. It's a bit difficult with taking a full load of college courses and working full-time. But I'm slowly but surely going to do it! You don't need to resort to surgery or pills. I thought about doing both and I'm glad I didn't. You can do it!!!!
  • clantiguap
    clantiguap Posts: 2 Member
    I have lost 24 pounds in 3 months!!! south beach diet!
  • VERY possible...I started at around 350 (mfp estimated 340 at the time) pounds in I'm solidly in the 290's though I've leveled off in the loss department. So far I've done this JUST by eating better/a lot less. I'd do some exercise in the form of work around the house, but like I said, thus far I've done it by eating less/better.

    This week starts leg 2 of my journey to 250 or less pounds.....I add in the elliptical machine, and when I get tax money, I'm going to go with a personal trainer to really whip my *kitten* into

    it may seem daunting at first but set a mini goal...mine was to get under 300 before Christmas and I did I've half way to my big goal
  • j_ringsaker
    j_ringsaker Posts: 47 Member
    I started at almost 350, and am now around 225-ish (waiting to weigh in until Sunday). No pills, no surgery, no supplements except for a multi vitamin when I remember, no "diet" food for the most part.

    Eat less, move more.

    Eat less, move more. That's my plan too!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    500lbs2marathon - look him up. He is AMAZING!

    ETA - I was just under 300 pounds at my heaviest (294) but, as you can see, I did it. No surgery, no special diets. Just ate nutritious, well-balanced meals in sensible portions, drank plenty of water, and got my body moving.

    see, and i was going to point her to YOU!

    it's totally possible to do. i'm doing it now. my starting weight was 387. scared the hell out of me. and now i count calories and i work out. i log on here EVERY day. and i'm getting the hang of it.

    i'm finding that the key is to find a workout that you LIKE to do. me? i love to hike. go once a week to a park or a trail and just hike. i think it's FUN so it doesn't feel like a workout.
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