Anybody else quit drinking?



  • eatlift
    eatlift Posts: 113
    A few beers a couple of time a week. Thats only like 4 or 5 beers. That actually sounds really good. But considering theyre high in calories, then yeah you should probably cut down to maybe one or two a week.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I gave it up when I got serious about my weight loss. I was never a big drinker and it tends to make me feel sick even when I would consume a small amount of it. Why do something I don't really enjoy? AND waste a ton of calories on it?

    Decided if I'm gonna waste calories on a drink - I'd rather it be a flavored coffee. :)
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    Quit Drinking? No way!! Why do we live?
  • JaymeLS
    JaymeLS Posts: 47 Member
    I haven't drank in almost 2 years and haven't smoked cigarettes in a year. I crave for a cheeseburger way more than I did for a smoke or a drink.
  • eatlift
    eatlift Posts: 113
    Spend a year working out and get addicted to the high you get from self generated success. It's taken me about 10 months to start loving this *kitten*. I'm a recovering alcoholic.
  • I've stopped with the exception of new years eve. I knew that my wine and whiskey were high in calories but WOW! I look at it as really what is the point. If I want to hit my target I could have a glass or maybe two, but is it really worth it. I don't even get tipsy off a glass of wine or a couple shots of whiskey. But with that being said I'm still having a hard time saying no. No slip ups yet, I just remind myself that its not worth it. Keep up the good work, you can do it :)
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    Man, that sounds like my situation. I'm not a heavy drinker, but when I do- I love beer. Luckily, I'm pretty cheap... So I don't need a whole lot. But still, I was going out nearly every weekend with a group of "friends" a few months ago. Turns out, all they really DO for fun is get blasted drunk... Unfortunately, I had to stop hanging out with them because it seemed they didn't want to do anything with me unless it involved going out for drinks. Too bad, but hey. I guess they weren't genuine friends anyhow.

    Anyway! Sorry, I enjoy rambling. I haven't had a drink since NYE and Christmas Day :) . If a special occasion hits, I usually try to go for just one beer (and nurse the HELL out of it... which is difficult). But most of the time, I find if I just have a cup in hand (filled with water, or whatnot) - people leave me alone (I am also pretty good at imitating drunken idiots, so that always helps).

    Keep it up man! I'd say cut it out if that is what you are aiming for. But for me, I don't mind having a beer on a special occasion. It's a rarity- but I always manage to "work it in" to my food diary. :drinker:
  • david581c
    david581c Posts: 337
    To those cutting back, Id say thats def. a good choice.

    To those here who are stopping or have stopped already, best of luck and youre a lot further ahead than me.

    It blew my mind when i found out Wild Turkey 101 had like 856+ cals in a bottle, and if i start @ 7 or 8am, that bottles gone by 7pm, not to mention all the crazy drunk food i buy like super nachos or carne fries! Thats like 1000 cals a plate. lol i also drunk dial pizza places to a friend of mine and demolish whole large pizzas or blocks of cheese when drunk. I become a disposal and its really gotten in the way of my progress.

    Not to mention burning a hole in my pocket :S
    So im going from drinking regularly and often since i was 14, and recently a 5 month binge of drinking hard liquor every night and all day on sat+sun, from that to drinking nothing at all. My tolerance is ridiculous and its effecting my job and weightloss. I never figured id be a 21 year old alcoholic. But my resolution is to stop completely w/support from my mfp friends and new friends @ the gym, theyre the ones who got the ball rolling.

    So best of luck to all of you, this will be gnarly.
  • I don't really drink (much though my penchant for falling off of things seems to indicate otherwise) - maybe 2 or 3 times a year. But I think it's good to look at it as something you'll do very occasionally rather than trying to convince yourself never to do it again. Obviously YMMV - if you're an alcoholic, then you probably need to go about it very differently - but one of the ways I keep myself motivated is by reminding myself that I'm not never going to have nice things again... I'm just going to have them in moderation and as a rare treat.

    My 30th birthday is coming up at the end of this month, and when my husband takes me out I'm going to have a fillet steak from an amazing restaurant in Manchester. On that night, I won't be counting calories and I'm going to have some really wonderful food. I'm going to be careful to really enjoy it, and not just shovel it in... And I'm going to Albert's Shed, which does really fantastic food. And in the days leading up to that one, and in the days after, I'll be counting my calories and eating healthily.

    Weight loss isn't about losing it all as quickly as possible, it really is about making lifestyle changes that you can sustain throughout the rest of your life, and that means occasionally indulging yourself.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I quit drinking the hard stuff and still enjoy a few glasses of vino during the week.
    AA is for those who quit everything entirely.

    No way!
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    I love beer, but they don't love me when it comes to calories. So, if I drink, I usually nurse a liquor/diet soda combo. Ice added to dilute the sugars.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I wouldn't say I've quit drinking but I think twice before drinking. Honestly that cider or beer isn't worth the 200 calories to me right now.

    I had 7 ciders at new years and I'm still getting over them! Now whenever's the chance to have a big night out I'll think twice. Seriously, if one night on the turps affects my exercise and diet so much then I don't want to do it.
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    I don't know about other situations, but I'm pretty sure I was on the verge of alcoholism.. or maybe I was an alcoholic? Whenever I would drink, it would be to lose my freaking mind. Sometimes I would even drink in the middle of the day between classes, anything to get a good buzz going. Friday and Saturday nights were absurd, I would drink hard alcohol straight out of the bottle. I felt as though a mixer was juts another additive getting in the way of me getting drunk sooner.

    I have to credit MFP and some of the lifting supplements I was taking for my abrupt halt to drinking. Some of the stuff I was on (and still am) puts a strain on your liver and it is highly advisable to stop drinking. Actually, when I first started, my friends (in really good shape) came into my room and abducted all of my supplements in fear that I would binge drink while on them.

    It's kind of like how you hear many bodybuilders start up their transformations; they sign themselves up for a competition and then panic follows suit. I bought myself a highly expensive amount of supplements and a friend wrote me up a lifting plan and I suppose I followed suit.

    For those of you who are about to enter college, be careful. Especially if you don't go to a traditional college, where drinking becomes the only recreational activity that never gets old...
  • After realizing a few months ago that my life was a complete mess from my drinking I gave it up a few months ago. At my peak it wasn't uncommon to down a fifth of vodka or more over a 24 hour period and think nothing of it. My tolerance was so high that 3 or 4 shots didn't even seem to give me a buzz and I was always tired, depressed, etc. Not to mention the credit card bills I now have from buying the booze, pizzas, and other junk that seemed like a good idea while I was hammered.

    It took really stepping back and looking at myself to realize how far gone I was and that I had gone from 160 lbs to 233 lbs in a little over 1.5 years. At first I told myself that I would just limit my drinking to one or two per night. That seemed to work fine for a while until a two day long binge that brought the habit back full force. After that I realized that I just can't drink at all since I can't stop myself once I start.

    Since I've stopped which was a little over 2 months ago I've felt so much better and it's made all the difference in my weight loss and appearance. It is a struggle though especially when friends drag you to a restaurant or bar to say no to a drink. One day at a time is all I keep telling myself since I don't want to go back to being the 22 year old alcoholic.
  • Major Blue Moon fan myself, instead of quitting cold turkey maybe try water soda and vodka fewer calories and you still get your fix :)
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Spent many years as a 12pk a night drinker and have 300 lbs of bodyweight to show for it. Yes, easy to order a pizza when your drinking and tastes yummy too, but man making a habit of that has dire consequences. Nowadays, i allow myself one week a year to cut loose but still in moderation. That usually happens during the Strugis Rally. You just can go to the Full Throttle Saloon, or One Eyed Jacks, or the Knuckle without having a few cold ones.
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    I've been using MFP since spring of 2011. At first, I quit drinking all together. But then I found it was a good treat for me to have one every once in awhile. I drink Michelob Ultra because its only 95 calories a bottle. Once I got used to it compared to Blue Moon, Boulevard Wheat, or Guinness its alright. I go by the rule of thumb "all things in limited moderation"