How can I lost the boob fat..



  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    All I have to do is LOOK at a diet and *that* fat is gone! :devil:
  • I went from 270 to 180 and my boobs went from just a D to a B lol. I've always had a huge *kitten* though! Like Kardashian...but not as nice. It depends on your body unfortunately, we can't choose :grumble:
  • Gone from 48 to 36 in a year and a half...still a DD (but then the extra skin is what really keeps them cups full..have to stuff it somewhere. Hoping once more firming happens I'll be a D.

    It will come.
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    This thread made me cry

  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Lol, the post and the comments made me laugh, but sadly, there isn't really any particular way to tell your body how and when to lose the fat.

    I read somewhere that, generally, you'll see the fat drop first from the place you picked it up last (kind of like a last-in, first-out reverse order kind of thing). The sad truth of that might mean as an example then that if you started out gaining weight in your belly (like me) and you've "always" had a problem with belly fat, then that's probably going to be the very last place your body will lose its weight from. Unfortunately for most gals, they pick up weight in their boobs all along, so it tends to fall off easily, too. :(

    Hard to tell when it might come for yours, but I hope it's soon...? I guess? Lol, that does seem a sad thing to wish for... ;)
  • MzCaramel6
    MzCaramel6 Posts: 5 Member
    I wonder the same thing, when I gain it goes to my chest but when I loose it barely leaves.. I am going to fall over,lol... And I have not had kids yet, so Im gonna be huge then:-( Breast are defintely a blessing and a curse... People pay for what I dont want,lol...
  • Anselee
    Anselee Posts: 62 Member
    cardio.... I've been wondering the same
  • Anselee
    Anselee Posts: 62 Member
    This thread made me cry

  • you cannot lose only where you want. The body loses, where it chooses.

    Eventually most people will lose in bust also, if you keep dropping bodyfat lower, keep eating in a reasonable deficit.

    I would strongly recommend you also add in strength training,

    Especially making sure you have moves targeted to lower body. This will help you keep lean muscle mass all over, (if you work whole body, at a heavier weight to keep your muscles stressed) and in lower body. This can help you keep an attractive shape, and firmness.

    Also maintain good protein levels to keep lean muscle.

    Thanks for the advice!
  • Jupitermermaid
    Jupitermermaid Posts: 270 Member
    I'm also a DD, and though I've been loosing weight, and I went from a 44 to a 40" bust, I went down from a 38 DD to a 36 DD, and that's getting small around the diaphram. I'm loosing the inches, but not the cup. I find I have to do pushups and other chest strengthening exercises so I don't get black eyes doing jumping jacks. I would be very happy with a D or C cup. It's so much easier to find clothes (and bras) that fit.
  • LindySparkles
    LindySparkles Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 28, have two kids, DD, and sag :( I would looooove to lose some boobage! If they don't lose a bit from weight loss, I'd like to eventually get a reduction (and lift!).
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    It might sound dumb but, every time that I lose weight the first thing to go is my butt. Keep in mind that I don't have much. I would looooove to reduce my cup size and keep my already lil booty. Any suggestions? Opps type-o in the topic title...oh well...
    You and I have the exact opposite problems! I have lost more than six inches from my boobs :sad:

    'Look at me, I'm a pear!'
  • joan1957
    joan1957 Posts: 32 Member
    Last on first off......
  • pussycat626
    pussycat626 Posts: 129 Member
    My boobs are all my poor body really has going for it these days I love these suckers. I hope I lose weight everywhere but my boobs :) Good luck to you though. I don't know how to lose boob weight
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I have the same problem. Boobs are the last to go..When you are a size DDD you want them to go down a little. Mine are just now getting smaller. 30ds, RI30, and running have done wonders for the booty though!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    You can have my butt, problem solved. I hate big butts. :explode:
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    I am not sure if this was touched on, but there is a breast massage method, if you massage them both inwards 100 to 300 strokes with any lotion they will increase in size, if you massage them the opposite way they are supposed to decrease in size.
    I used the one to increase in size to keep mine while I was losing weight along with a few other things and it definitely works.
    I see and feel a difference with in a week and so does hubby. Good luck!
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I'm also a DD, and though I've been loosing weight, and I went from a 44 to a 40" bust, I went down from a 38 DD to a 36 DD, and that's getting small around the diaphram. I'm loosing the inches, but not the cup. I find I have to do pushups and other chest strengthening exercises so I don't get black eyes doing jumping jacks. I would be very happy with a D or C cup. It's so much easier to find clothes (and bras) that fit.

    Right! They just don't make cute bras in DD and DDD :( or at least not as cute as the BCD club.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    This thread made me cry

    im 39, DD and have had kids. You wouldnt cry if you saw a pair of real boobs that sagged to someones ankles!!:sad:

    I'm older, also DD, also had kids, and mine don't sag anywhere.
    I'm almost 23 and a D cup and I sag... and I've had NO KIDS. So I think that some women naturally sag more than others just like some women are bustier than others...
    To the OP... You can't target but I believe that you can tone. Try toning up your pecs (The muscles under your mammary tissues) and see what results you can get.
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 189 Member
    I am a little that way too. Just remember - your butt is made of muscle and fat. Breasts are all fat. Lunges must become our friends. Whatever you do - don't lose muscle.