i need some help with unhealthy snacks



  • treatingmybodyright
    treatingmybodyright Posts: 184 Member
    Jamie Eason has some great recipes for homemade protein bars, and they're really satisfying. Check out this page: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/get-lean-eat-clean-with-jamie-eason-main-page.htm.
  • Are there any kinds of junk food that they like and you don't? My husband is one of those annoying-eats-whatever-he-wants-and-doesn't-gain-an-ounce kind of guy, but I made a compromise with him, and he's only allowed to get the kind of junk food I don't like (to bring home at least, he can go buy whatever snacks that he wants to take to work, as long as they don't enter the door lol.) So he buys his greasy lays potato chips and peach rings, and I'm perfectly happy not eating them haha. After a while, junk food won't even sound good to you, so just hang in there! Good luck!
    no and yes they are one of those annoying-eats-whatever-he-wants-and-doesn't-gain-an-ounce
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    hardboiled eggs with franks red hot
    celery with cream cheese (it's so easy to spread if you put it into a ziplock bag, snip of the corner and squeeze it on)
    frozen grapes (throw them in the freezer for an hour or so and mush them up.. it's almost like a sorbet)
    fiber one bars
    cucumber slices
  • hardboiled eggs with franks red hot
    celery with cream cheese (it's so easy to spread if you put it into a ziplock bag, snip of the corner and squeeze it on)
    frozen grapes (throw them in the freezer for an hour or so and mush them up.. it's almost like a sorbet)
    fiber one bars
    cucumber slices
    i prefer to only eat my celery with peanut butter and raisons lol but i HATE cucumbers lol everything else is awesome thanks
  • Lift_Run_Eat
    Lift_Run_Eat Posts: 986 Member
    My favorite snacks are:

    Del Monte Fruit Chiller tubes - freeze them and they are like fruity popsicles (approx 55 calories). (Kids and husbands love them too)

    Emerald Cocoa roasted almonds (approx 150 calories per ounce). I get my chocolate fix, plus they help fill me up.

    Cottage cheese with fruit. - Cottage cheese contains Casien protein which acts as a time-release protein. My former trainer suggested that I ate this before bed.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Don't keep it in the house and I live by the rule ...if you can get it from a vending machine don't eat it.
    like i said i have a hubby and kids and they all love junk food to much and forget not to get it
    Weather they love it or not, especially the kids, you are doing them a favor by not bringing it in the house. My daughter would eat junk all day if I let her, but its not in the house for her to have. You can make healthy muffins and stuff to take the place of cookies and candy......

    I agree with the this!! The kids dont need it and if hubby must have a treat, he can go out himself buy a single serving of whatever
    it is he wants and enjoy it himself.

    My fave snacks are fruit salad, or fruit in general, hummus and veggies, oatmeal.....it depends on what time of day I am snacking too.
  • My favorite go to snack is a chopped up apple (think little pieces, not slices) and a tablespoon or two of melted peanut butter to dip it it. It takes a while to eat because of all the chewing but it still has crunch and sweetness.
  • awesome im going to try to kick the junks to the curb
  • awesome im going to try to kick the junks to the curb
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    A snack pack of nuts is a great alternative to a bag of chips. I live across from a gas station/convenience store, so not having it in the house doesn't help much for me. It's always right across the street! You just need to try your best to make better choices. One thing that can help if you're craving junk is to eat something healthy. Sometimes you're just plain hungry.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Other nice snacks family might like too is greek yogurt, jello cups, 100 cal packs of well almost anything they have now a days (yogurt covered pretzels or even oreo cookies for a naughty yet low cal treat) also you could make your own trail mix, dry cereal is a tasty snack and you choose whatever you like. Beef jerky (just watch sodium) or baked pita and grated cheese. Veggies are great to nibble on the trick though is to have them cut up in your fridge so you have no excuse to not eat them!!
  • I have this same issue but have found that if I don't have the unhealthy snacks in the house that helps a TON! I've also found that if I have healthier snacks such as grapes, apples, bananas, peanut butter, etc. out and readily available I'm much more inclined to have those instead of the bad things.
  • BundangKiwiGal
    BundangKiwiGal Posts: 78 Member
    Apple slices dipped in natural almond butter or peanut butter with a little cinnamon. It's delish. Also good snack hardboiled egg whites filled with hummus and sprinkled with paprika-my answer to the deviled egg!

    This sounds fantastic! Definitely gonna give these a go soon. Thanks for sharing :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    I just had an honest conversation with my husband that I was trying to get healthy and lose weight and until I got better at self control I needed to keep the junk food out of the house, then I reminded him his wife would be much hotter in the end lol. He agreed and is willing to support me.
  • I just had an honest conversation with my husband that I was trying to get healthy and lose weight and until I got better at self control I needed to keep the junk food out of the house, then I reminded him his wife would be much hotter in the end lol. He agreed and is willing to support me.
    omg i never thought about that
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    I think a lot of people struggle with this.... but a few things that help me are:
    -putting the 'junk' snacks up in a cupboard we almost never use (above the stove for us, it's awkward to get into) and the fruit and veggies, cheese sticks, etc are all on the counter or center shelf of the fridge.
    -animal crackers instead of 'cookies' they give a bit of sweet with crunch, but much fewer calories (plus there is a good size bag at the dollar store)
    -planing meals/snacks ahead of time. going through books or sites like this one for ideas and prepping healthy food helps you look forward to it, and it really does taste better. I'll try to plan either a week ahead, day before, or morning for the full day- depending on what life is throwing at me at the time. If I have no plan, I'm very likely to grab the candy and chips, but if I've prepped the carrots and have them next to me- I'll eat those instead.
  • My son, who is 18, is telling me that I need to throw away all the unhealthy snacks in my house. He likes them, but he said he knows that I will eat them if they are here. When I come home from the store and he sees that I bought more Little Debbie snacks, he lectures me on how I shouldn't buy that. I say "I bought them for you" and he says well I don't need them and you don't either. He is more supportive of my weight loss than I have will power. I never craved sugars as much as I have in the past few months.
  • Here's a really simple snack that hits my sweet tooth when I need it. Tak a banana and lay it on a plate, spread 1 tablespoon of PB on it, then drizzle about 1 Tablespoon of chocolate syrup on it. My 13 year old actually prefers it to ice cream. It's cheaper than the low cal frozen desserts, lighter on the calories and actually has some health benefits to it. Switch it up and use strawberry syrup if you want.

    I have a 13 year old and it's hard NOT to have "junk" in the house. I usually try to wait until the end of the day to see how many calories I have left, IF I feel like exercising, or if I feel the "junk" food is WORTH it.

    Fruit snacks (like the Betty Crocker kind) are another good low cal junk food source at about 80 calories a piece and they hit the spot sometimes. Check out an Aldi store if you have one by you. They make a Fit N Active brand fruit leather that I like to eat.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    There will always be something more tempting than fruit. It boils down to making a conscious decision to grab the fruit instead of whatever else.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    i dont know how to not run to something really unhealthy for me can you give me some advice on how to choose fruits over bad foods

    It's not a matter of not to run to...rather a mental state.While I will echo a lot of what is said here...get it out of the house. Just toss it. Make it a sacraficial ceremony (Have fun doing it)....but if you have kids as I do, yu want to make sure they have stuff they like..I get that. Limit their options....

    Now, back to the mental state....CHOOSE, ACT, ACHIEVE. Everything is a decision. You either choose to or not to eat healthy. Make the right choice, and if its the only thing around, dont starve, just note it and accommodate for it later.