Pet peeves at the gym-_-



  • Three things that drive me nuts,

    1. The guys that grunts and yell when they are lifting massive amounts of weight. I get that they do that because of the breathing and what not but do that at home. I don't need to be worried about you blowing a gasket when I'm trying to do my thing.

    2. The personal hygeine at the gym. Shower and go!! Do your hair if you have to go right back to work but you could probably shave at home versus at 1 pm at the gym. My old gym would have the shaving cream on stand-by. I'd rather they stole it versus not shaving at their own house.

    3. This is the worst. I am at the gym to get my workout on, not for all the ladies to stare at my buns and make me unconfortable. If I wanted to be stared at, I'd work at a strip club. Also, I am not there to hook up so please stop putting your numbers in my shorts or giving it to me when I am walking around. And lastly, when I wear my spandex just remember one thing....My eyes are up here when we are talking.
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    I don't really have pet peeves... But there are a set of things that I do in the gym as a ritual:

    And that about does it.

    LMAO!!! I totally needed that.

    Yeah, I keep coming up with more things that I tend to do but forgot to include them:

    - I HATE reading... so instead I just bring in an iPad to set up on the treadmill, this way I can catch up on all of my weekly TV shows
    - I don't bother showering in the morning or putting on deodorant, I'm just going to smell bad after I exercise so what's the point... isn't a manly "musk" supposed to attract women?
    - I find headphones really annoying, but thankfully my iPhone has speakers on it so I don't have a need for headphones. The dangling back and forth feeling is wicked annoying
    - I verbally motivate myself, sporadically exclaiming things such as "COME ON" or "YOU CAN DO IT".. almost like someone with a severe case of touretts would do, except with motivational phrases/words.
    - I also place a cigarette above each of my ears, I have always been one to share my motivational secrets with others. Now the people around me know that I am running to reward myself with a cigarette right after the gym.

    /end -- I can go on forever. I realized this list will never end.
  • If you are being annoyed at people in the gym buy what they are doing or not doing you are not focused in your work out . Wear aI Pod turn the volume up and put blinders on and stay focused

  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    As a person who works at a gym playroom : #1 is people who bring their kids in to work out for 2 hours in the evening, and I have to listen to their poor kids cry because they are hungry and their parents did not feed them or bring them snacks. I am not allowed to feed them even if I had enough food for all the kids. And most people that do this, do it almost every night. FEEDING YOUR KIDS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR DAMN WORKOUT!

    Also, when a kids comes in in the daytime and tells me that he had to stay home from school because he is sick. Yet here he is at the gym, sneezing all over the other kids, including mine.
  • DonziMonster
    DonziMonster Posts: 7 Member
    * people who make fun of other people while they are working out
    People do this? That's horrid!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    If you are being annoyed at people in the gym buy what they are doing or not doing you are not focused in your work out . Wear aI Pod turn the volume up and put blinders on and stay focused


    While I get your point, I sort of hate people that do that. Especially if they are hogging some barbells or bench that I need to use. Nothing like having to ask like 4 times until the person gets a clue an take the earbuds out of the brains.
  • - women with a full face of makeup

    - people who fart
  • Timo113
    Timo113 Posts: 23 Member
    1. The guys that grunts and yell when they are lifting massive amounts of weight. I get that they do that because of the breathing and what not but do that at home. I don't need to be worried about you blowing a gasket when I'm trying to do my thing.

    This cracks me up --- today I was at the fitness center and there was a guy grunting unbelievable so .... and he was only doing ab exercises ....Really ... no REALLY!!!!
  • jessicahelene
    jessicahelene Posts: 77 Member
    * people who make fun of other people while they are working out
    People do this? That's horrid!

    Yes, this is what I was going to say. Hate this.

    Even worse, personal trainers who sit around a table and make fun of people working out. Yes, it happens. Frequently. Wonder why they have so much free time?
  • DuckieMom
    DuckieMom Posts: 22 Member
    People kissing between their reps, while wife is still on the weight bench......UGH! I love my man, too, but seriously....PLEASE GET A ROOM others of us are trying to work out and get on with our day!
  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    when an aerobic class gets out and all the ladies take power dumps in the locker room bathroom.
    I lol'd.

    Mine would probably be that dude you don't know that offers to spot you on bench press and winds up teabagging you.

    At least buy me a drink first.
  • carcrsh
    carcrsh Posts: 70
    Why does reading during cardio bother so many people? How does it affect you? Is it any different than watching TV or listening to music?

    I don't think it should and I doubt it really bothers that many. If you're working you're working and at your own pace. It really shouldn't be anyone else's business if you are doing what you need to get done. Some people feel like those that read while working out aren't working hard enough or are taking up space but if it works for you keep on and don't worry about others. You paid for a membership and you're moving more than you would at home. Personally, I couldn't read while being on the treadmill or elliptical though. I tried to do it once with class notes to study and I just jiggle around too much and the text is too small. X)
  • Psychomasokism
    Psychomasokism Posts: 46 Member
    Men who think it's appropriate to either stare you down or try to chat. No girl wants to be hit on when she's sweaty with no makeup and there to work.
    YES. Thank you!! -__- When I work out, I'm in it. Leave me the HECK alone! I don't wanna talk. I'm running. I can hardly breathe guy so f*** off! I usually work out in my school gym, but I started running outside and strength training at home, because:

    1.) The dumb broads with the magazines hog the good treadmill and walk at barely 3.0 mph for an hour or more :huh: seriously?
    2.) Those sneaky farters :sick: They ALWAYS end up near me! ;_; I can't work out properly if I'm choking on your fumes!
    3.) People who apparently refuse to shower/brush their teeth. EVER. The ones that, as soon as they walk in, you can smell 'em.

    They were a blessing in disguise. I much prefer the outdoors anyway. But in winter… I'm f**ked :sad:
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    What bothers me is when you can see someone is having trouble with a machine they are on and the staff members are to busy chatting with each other, to take notice. Or in the bathroom, after a lady showers and there is hair all over the place.....gross:sick:
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    when an aerobic class gets out and all the ladies take power dumps in the locker room bathroom.
    I lol'd.

    Mine would probably be that dude you don't know that offers to spot you on bench press and winds up teabagging you.

    At least buy me a drink first.

    Seriously hilarious.
  • mcrmsi77
    mcrmsi77 Posts: 216 Member
    When people don't clean the machines after they use them. I want nothing to do with other people's sweat, etc. :grumble: :noway:

    This! I don't need your germs!

    I also get frustrated when two or more people come in together and have a LOUD conversation. I'm going to go deaf from my iPod so you can get your weekly chat in.

    And seriously... why torture yourself by watching THE FOOD NETWORK while you work out??

    That's all. :)

    My gym ALWAYS has the Food Network on. And it seems like when I go, it's all baked goods on - my weakness!
    hahahahaahahahahaah do you go to planet fitness?? They do the same thing drives me up the wall!! Its always something that i can not eat!!!

    Yeah I do! bahaha. I thought it was just mine that was weird. It's just torture when I get a treadmill in front of that!
    I know!! Its there job security lol. You burn all those calories and then go home and eat a whole cake hahahaha jk
  • mcrmsi77
    mcrmsi77 Posts: 216 Member
    oh and I hate when girls wear too short of shorts and they are on the floor mats with there legs in the air and their camel toe or beaver is hanging out!! I know you feel a breeze down there cover it up!!

    That doesn't bother me that much
    it doesn't bother my husband either lol
  • ultimate is when you're almost safely out the bathroom slash shower rooms you see itty bitty old ladies lettin' it all hang out walking out of their stalls... hmmm age must have sumthing to do w/ not caring who sees you in your birthday suit lol.
  • Pronoiac
    Pronoiac Posts: 304
    There are other people at the gym?
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    OMG... females who go to parade themselves in the weight area; texting, talking loudly, laughing loudly - with no doubt trying to call attention to themselves - pretty much occupying good space for those of us who actually go to work out.

    Reason why I go to the gym between 5- 5:15 am, those who go at that time are there to workout not to socialize and get into each other's way - we say our good mornings and we do our thing with a nice flow!!!