Pet peeves at the gym-_-



  • Hilarious!! Made me think of the scene from "Bridesmaids". Too funny!
  • DonziMonster
    DonziMonster Posts: 7 Member
    Seriously, if this thread is anything to go by, it seems as though an alarming percentage of the gym-going population were raised by wolves. I'm eternally grateful that I've been pretty lucky with my gym - only once have I found a puddle of (presumably, and God I hope so, sweat) on one of the weight machines.

    My only issue with the gym is that the weights area tends to be pretty busy with guys that I affectionately refer to as 'Beefcakes', working out in front of the mirrors, travelling in packs (you know the scene, on guy lifting weights, one guy spotting him, six friends supervising/supporting from the sidelines :D). So I, with my pathetic little T-Rex-esque arms tend to avoid the weight area, because I'm afraid I'll look like a fool as I muscle through, you know, 50 reps at 25kg :D And I feel like I'm wasting someone's time, kinda, using a machine so pathetically when someone else could be using it, you know, better :) Which is a shame, coz I like to do some weight machines, particularly ab focused ones (if only so I can sit down for a few minutes after killing myself to death on the eliptical and treadmill :D ). This isn't really an issue with the gym though, I think it's just a part of gym culture that will always be and you either suck it up and work around it or you don't. I'm a big la la, so to date I have not :)
  • I think everyone has there way of keeping "entertained" working out. Especially, since it's easy to get bored. I workout to music, occasionally text (only because I usually check in on my hubby to make sure the kids aren't getting to overwhelming, especially having 2). I mean if there reading and not bugging you, then why does it bother? You go to the gym to focus on you & your workout. But everyone has pet peeves, it happens.
  • mcrmsi77
    mcrmsi77 Posts: 216 Member
    * people who make fun of other people while they are working out
    People do this? That's horrid!

    Yes, this is what I was going to say. Hate this.

    Even worse, personal trainers who sit around a table and make fun of people working out. Yes, it happens. Frequently. Wonder why they have so much free time?
    I know!!! Yes it happens all the time where I go! I just want to tell them obviously you are not focusing on your workout if you are making fun of others working out!!! I people watch when I am on the treadmill I can't help it and there are these two guys that come and physically point and laugh and go around trying to show how much weight they can lift!!! Get over yourselves! I hear them making comments as well!
  • nakiarhall
    nakiarhall Posts: 51 Member
    Why does reading during cardio bother so many people? How does it affect you? Is it any different than watching TV or listening to music?

  • Body odor. There used to be a couple who came into the gym in the mornings who smelled like pure funk. They finally were told they had to go shower. Ugh.

    Ewww that is gross
  • OMG... females who go to parade themselves in the weight area; texting, talking loudly, laughing loudly - with no doubt trying to call attention to themselves - pretty much occupying good space for those of us who actually go to work out.

    Reason why I go to the gym between 5- 5:15 am, those who go at that time are there to workout not to socialize and get into each other's way - we say our good mornings and we do our thing with a nice flow!!!

    omg yess! There is often this group of girls who come into my gym, stick skinny!, and get on the treadmills just to walk. So here I am, SWEATING, and all I see in my side vision is the girls taking their hair out of their ponytails and then putting it back up about 100 times. Looking at their phones every 5 seconds. Turning their heads to the guys..every 2 seconds? And then they walk fast and suddenly just stop! and start all over...just go talk to them already and get out of my way jesus!!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I can see where alot of you are coming from, but some of these 'peeves' are just how normal people help push through a workout. I mean, COME ON. What's so bad about reading a magazine/book or playing on your phone when you're on a low impact workout, like biking or ellip? You're still working out. I read my FML app on the stationary bike and pedal at 8mph. Maybe you guys just need to loosen up a little..
  • The guys in the power rack doing curls... I have nothing against curls but please there are curl benches and if you need to be doing standing barbell curls we have extra bars everywhere in my gym you don't need a rack to do them just set the bar on the ground... but no, they have to sit in the power rack that is a safety device and important for doing squats safely.
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    @ Planet Fitness & people misuse the circuit training room......THIS IN NOT YOUR PERSONAL WORKOUT ROOM!:devil: :angry: :mad:
  • - women with a full face of makeup

    Agree, its not a fashion parade
  • I'm with the few positives. To each his/her own. Life is too short to be angry.
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    There is a couple of guys at my gym that like to blowdry their privates rather than using a towel. to top it off they insist on putting one foot up on the stool to do it. Nothing ruins my start to the day but walk in to get started and see that.
  • mcrmsi77
    mcrmsi77 Posts: 216 Member
    @ Planet Fitness & people misuse the circuit training room......THIS IN NOT YOUR PERSONAL WORKOUT ROOM!:devil: :angry: :mad:
    AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its also not a place to just sit and chill get out of my way!!!!!
  • Shev2012
    Shev2012 Posts: 3 Member
    Oh how that reminds me of when we took Boot Camp together in the morning. LOL
  • Why does reading during cardio bother so many people? How does it affect you? Is it any different than watching TV or listening to music?

    Totally agree! I can read and jog. Who cares?
  • ksbob
    ksbob Posts: 4
    I hate it when the other inmates check out my *kitten*.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    READING - I just wonder how people do it - doesn't bother me a bit, it sorta impresses me that someone can read while on an elliptical machine without falling - I am not that coordinated in that way, LOL
  • This thread cracked me up! Rarely do I read an entire thread!

    I can NOT stand when people walk into yoga late, and then plop themselves down right next to me when there is a TON of open space elsewhere. I also can't stand when I don't get my "normal" spot, but I can't ***** about that when I don't get there early enough to grab it. Also, bugs me when I feel like people are watching me do poses that my instructor gives as challenges, knowing there are a few of us that need them....and then after class everyone feels the need to comment on it. I don't do yoga to impress anyone or to make anyone feel the need to inquire "do you even have BONES?!" Just makes me a little selfconscious when I am only there trying to get MY best workout in.

    Sigh. Rant over. LOL!
  • I really have only one pet peeve at the gym: people who use the machine and walk away without washing it despite all the signage everywhere telling/asking people to be courteous and wash their machines after use. I always wash mine. They (the offenders who don't wash them) always look at me like I've got three heads, but then never attempt to follow suit....