Pet peeves at the gym-_-



  • houstonmacbro
    houstonmacbro Posts: 99 Member
    There is a couple of guys at my gym that like to blowdry their privates rather than using a towel. to top it off they insist on putting one foot up on the stool to do it. Nothing ruins my start to the day but walk in to get started and see that.

    Sometimes you just have to air the 'fellas' out ... LOL
  • Hecnotha1
    Hecnotha1 Posts: 200
    I can tolerate anything in the gym, everything is fair game, exept for curls in the squat rack, or @the bench. Really pisses me off
  • houstonmacbro
    houstonmacbro Posts: 99 Member
    One other thing are the power-lifters who just drop the weights instead of letting them down gracefully. This is not the friggin' Olympics!
  • amygee05nb
    When the gym is almost empty and someone uses the machine RIGHT next to you.
    People who don't wipe the machines when they are done
    People who MOAN and yell.
    People on their cells.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I know there are a lot of weird things that people do at the gym. What are some of your pet peeves you see at the gym. My personal favs are people that sit in one spot and text for an hour.... but dont worry they still went to the gym lol. And the people that stay on one machine/bench and refuse to allow you to work in with them or even move until they've done their 12th set.

    I hate it when @ssholes don't let me work in. My first assumption is that they see me and don't take me seriously. I don't know WTF I'm doing or talking about because I'm a "girl". But if I didn't know then I wouldn't be asking, right? I hate people that openly stare. I don't give a damn if you're admiring me, that's rude!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    omg people who don't wipe the machines off. that's just gross.
  • trixirn
    trixirn Posts: 130 Member
    Blow dry their privates? Now I've heard everything...
  • lovinbeinold
    I quit that women's work out place (don' t know if I'm allowed to say the name) where you exercise for 30 seconds to music, then move to the next machine. The machines are in a circle.

    I quit that place because there was no time to wipe down the machines. I don't sweat a lot, but sometimes I'd get next to a woman who did and it would be disgusting to me.

    When I asked about it I was told they wipe of the machines often. And yes, I've seen the employees do that, but they don't do it until the machines are available, so you still wind up in other people's sweat. Or I did.

    They may have solved that problem by now. It's been a few years since I went there.
  • b757
    b757 Posts: 61 Member
    It's been many years since I lifted weights at the gym, which was when I was single. Occasionally I go to do cardio but I do free weights at home now. One thing though, that pissed me off, was getting hit on and stared at. I wasn't there to get hit on, and this guy was harassing me, following me around, telling me he could be my personal trainer, and he clearly was NOT qualified and I already had a professional trainer, thanks. I had to threaten him with making a phone call to get him away from me. So fellas, if you go to the gym to hit on the ladies, think again. Really that is the last place a woman wants to be hit on, or stared at and you're asking for trouble if you think otherwise.
  • erin0250
    moms who bring their sons into the women's locker room - hello - that is what the family locker room is for
  • kmhendershot
    When there are those people that are regulars in class...and I'm a regular...but they think that they are the instructor! Just come to class, work your hardest, and get your good workout on! No need to impress the rest of us. We're all doing the same thing you are!

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  • b757
    b757 Posts: 61 Member
    "I have many pet peeves, but I don't understand why someone reading while working out, or someone weighing themself in the evening is anyone's business.

    Single mother and former nursing student (just graduated). I've read my printed class slides while walking on the treadmill and if I make it to the gym at night, I weigh myself. And if anyone has a problem with it they can go f-themselves :):):):)"

    sorry I meant to quote that from someone else and accidentally made a regular post, but lol...amen!
  • nitka653
    nitka653 Posts: 97 Member
    I don't worry about other people at the gym. Makes it much more pleasant.
    Ditto. I'm not them; they're not me. So unless they're personally hindering my getting a workout, then I don't care what others do.
    (high five)

    Love it!
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 212
    Men who think it's appropriate to either stare you down or try to chat. No girl wants to be hit on when she's sweaty with no makeup and there to work.

    THANK YOU!!!! That's it for me! Everything else I can deal with!
  • dancezebra21
    Ugh! Plenty. I usually do the elliptical for a good 30 min, then i get off and do other things. The thing that annoys me are the people on the elliptical machines next to me. They think theyre going so fast and burning a gazillion calories when theyre really going at resistance level 15. And then theres me, going at like 70 and slow because I am working my butt off, pouring sweat! Its annoying cuz they look at me (and trust me i can read their faces) and think "wow, shes going so slow.." And its funny cuz i am usually the youngest there. The other thing is the New Year's rush. It usuall lasts a week, then the gym is pretty calm again. Haha! The other thing is the people constantly switching machines and staying on each one like 5 min. And I am talking about those people who just stand/sit there reading magazines or watching the tv. I also get REALLY annoyed with people who walk in with BIG egos then do nothing. Its annoying. Its like "okay we get it. you think you are awesome. now either do something or get out and allow those who want to workout, workout!" sorry if this was harsh but its true.
  • Mailaaa
    people who don't clean after themselves when finished using the equipment/machines >:(!
  • houstonmacbro
    houstonmacbro Posts: 99 Member
    Men who think it's appropriate to either stare you down or try to chat.

    Yeah, I hate that too ...

  • tlsegar
    tlsegar Posts: 185 Member
    Men who think it's appropriate to either stare you down or try to chat. No girl wants to be hit on when she's sweaty with no makeup and there to work.
    YES. Thank you!! -__- When I work out, I'm in it. Leave me the HECK alone! I don't wanna talk. I'm running. I can hardly breathe guy so f*** off! I usually work out in my school gym, but I started running outside and strength training at home, because:

    1.) The dumb broads with the magazines hog the good treadmill and walk at barely 3.0 mph for an hour or more :huh: seriously?

    Then people must be PISSED with me. Luckily, I don't really care.

    I can't say this was pet peeve, but the funniest thing I saw while working out was a man reading the newspaper while on the thigh adductor machine. I don't mean reading a folded up newspaper. It was like the front page section fully opened with both arms extended. And he must have been doing at least 40 reps a minute. I almost cried I laughed so hard.
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    Body odor. There used to be a couple who came into the gym in the mornings who smelled like pure funk. They finally were told they had to go shower. Ugh.

  • houstonmacbro
    houstonmacbro Posts: 99 Member
    Body odor. There used to be a couple who came into the gym in the mornings who smelled like pure funk. They finally were told they had to go shower. Ugh.


    Body odor doesn't bother ... but bad breathe. Eeew.

    Not just bad mouth breath, but that deep down, stank—like something rotten down in their guts. It's like ... something's terribly wrong with some folks' insides.
