I keep binging! Need help!



  • The reality of facing a full blown binge temptation is a really tough one. But there are stratergies you can use to get through it. There are some really good sugestions here. Another one to add might be to read over your goals (without measurable realistic goals you will get lost along the way. Look at photo's and try picture what you want to look, feel and be like at the end of your weightloss journey. Get a book on Cognitive behavioural therapy and transactional analysis. This way you can learn about thoughts, feeling and action and why you do the things you do. I did an interesting thing not so long ago, I wrote a letter to myself from my body (as if my body were a personality)

    eg.I feel really hurt when you run me down in front of people, I dont like the way you feed me so much that I'm uncomfortable and then proceed to try putting more rubbish into me. I really love getting exercise, but you rarely do any at the moment. I feel unloved and uncomfortable.

    Then I wrote a response letter to my body.

    eg. I am so sorry I've made you feel and look this way, I promise to try doing at least 30 minutes of exercise everyday and to think before I put rubbish into my mouth. I will no longer joke about how I look and belittle myself. I will try being the best I can be. But realise that I am falable and will on occasion mess up, but I promise than when I do mess up, I'll get back on track and keep going.

    I know this sounds wierd, but it really gives yuo a chance to think. If you choose to try this.I hope it helps you as much as it helped me...:flowerforyou:
  • What I do is I'll leave the house and leave my money so when I'm out I can't buy anything, take a drive or a walk! Visit a friend or ask someone if they need any errands to be done!
  • One thing that helps me is to put a tablespoon of Chia seeds in a small glass of water - or you can sprinkle them on your fruit or cereal or just about anything. Chia seeds swell so they really make you full and not hungry. Chia seeds are very very good for you. I use them every morning on my homemade cereal. Check the internet for info about chia seeds. Don't know where you live but you can get them at Whole Foods or probably any other store like that. You can also order them from Nuts Online.
  • houstonmacbro
    houstonmacbro Posts: 99 Member
    I've upped my calories to where I am trying to be close to 2000. Plus more if I exercise. Lately I have been having a day a week where I am at least 2000(!!!!) over my goal. I am going crazy and really don't know how to stop myself. I'm full. I'm not hungry yet I keep eating. Digging through cupboards, the freezer and the fridge.
    I drink water, I am trying to eat veggies when I get days like this. I just don't know what to do anymore.

    I find eating every couple of hours (even if it is just nibbling on carrots, hummus, celery) takes the edge off and prevents those cravings and binges. Of course, it now seems like I am eating all the time, but in actuality, my body is rarely ever 'hungry' ... something I want to avoid.

    Try to make sure you have small meals spaced 1.5 - 2 hours throughout the day and see if that takes some of that binge craving away.
  • It really helps to clear all the junk food from your house. Cut out soda pop and sugar drinks. When you are about to eat something you know you shouldnt just say a prayer to Jesus and he will give you the strenghth to control yourself. He loves you so much! :smile:
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    sometimes when our bodies our needing certain nutrients your brain will keep sending hunger signals till it gets them...try having a green smoothie ( a couple big handfuls of greens, 1 banana, and 1/2 cup frozen berries, 1 cup of water, blend in blender) greens have tons of nutrients we need and the smoothie will give you lots of fiber to help keep you full. i will also add 1 tbsp of ground flax seeds too. :)

    Yes good advice. Take a multivitamin daily and avoid sugar.
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    What I do is I'll leave the house and leave my money so when I'm out I can't buy anything, take a drive or a walk! Visit a friend or ask someone if they need any errands to be done!

    I was going to suggest the same thing, but thought maybe she has a reason to stay in (small kids, etc.). If there's nothing keeping you inside, lace them up and take to the streets (or sidewalk or trail or where ever you can get a quick walk in). That will not only distract you, but clear your mind and get the blood pumping. A walk around the block can do wonders. The time and distance really add up too which means you'll see healthy results. Make sure you take some water with you. Best of luck to you!

    Another option is to read or post on MFP before reaching for anything. Add the food item to your exercise diary even before you eat it. That way you'll see the effects on your daily calorie budget and can put the meal or snack in perspective.

    My last suggestion is to make nutritious green smoothies. I usually blend up about 6 cups worth and drink it throughout the day. I add kale, spinach, collards, peas and even lima beans to my smoothie (not all at once though, LOL). Somedays I feel like a chocolatey shake so I'll add some greens, a banana, a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter and some flax or frozen peas to my blender and let it rip. Other days its a combination of fruit and greens. I've even used canned greens with pumpkin puree, cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice and a tablespoon or so of honey or brown sugar to make a killer pumpkin pie smoothie. With smoothies you get the nutrients (fiber, minerals, vitamins) you need to keep you satisfied and the volume of the liquid helps you feel full right away.

    best of luck and keep us posted. feel free to add me.
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    One more thing...

    What type of things do you eat when you binge? Are they processed items? There is no nutritional value in that stuff. It literally turns to mush when we eat it and it provides no long term sustinance. As a result, we continue to eat to try and get to the point where we're full. Try to incorporate a clean diet if you haven't already done so. Eat things that take longer to chew to get the jaw muscles tired and give the stomach something to work with.

    Try to determine whether there's an emotional issue behind the binge.
    Ok...that's it for real this time.
  • houstonmacbro
    houstonmacbro Posts: 99 Member
    And water. Make sure you are drinking copious amounts of water. Some of our 'cravings' are actually thirst.
  • I actually give myself 1 day a week to eat whatever I want. I don't count my calories, I just eat and indulge in whatever cravings I have been having the week before. I find that by doing this it helps to stop me from binging during the week. If I'm craving pizza I just tell myself to wait until Monday and I'll have it then. This day also boosts my metabolism and I find I have been losing more weight then before. I average 1 to 1.5 lbs a week.

    I do battle mindless snacking while watching TV, and to help with that I make myself some tea or other type of low calorie drink.

    Keep your head up. This is something you can beat, just believe in yourself :)
  • I know how you feel. These are things that I do now to help me cope.

    Whenever I feel like eating I force myself to drink 3 cups of water one after the other. I rarely can eat after that.

    Also, I eat in three hour intervals. If I feel like eating earlier I just tell myself NO and I wait. Forcing yourself to sit down and wait for something can make you reevaluate what you will stick in your mouth and it might make you not want it anymore.
  • Texas_Nana
    Texas_Nana Posts: 92 Member
    I've noticed that it helps me to have a conversation with myself, make myself hyper aware of my actions...it may not prevent me from eating at that moment, but the times that I fall seem to be father apart and fewer between. It is when I do the mindless eating or vegging on the couch that I have no control.

    Of course I also I pray about it...because I am weak but He is strong.
  • blueimp
    blueimp Posts: 230 Member
    If you are an emotional eater, then I agree with a string of several above, that sitting down and asking why you are eating, what is eating at you, how is this (item of food - one thing at a time) going to change the why or the what. Feelings hide behind emotional binges, invite them into a frank discussion. Lots of folks here will help and you can message friends privately if you don't want to share feelings with the boards.
  • you are NOT alone. i have been in the same boat as you for the past 10 years. i am committing to no-binge january. will you join this challenge, too? i baked brownies last night, individually portioned them out, froze them, and then guess what: ate each one. ugh. you KNOW i am feeling sick and disgusted with myself today. i have decided that when the urge strikes to keep stuffing food into my face after dinner (my weak time), i am going to get onto MFP to find my strength. maybe this will help you, too!
  • i also understand where you are coming from! i have lost about 70 pounds, and still working. My personal trainer has me on a very ambitious goal of 5 pounds this month, started right before christmas. It is not going well. This time of year for me is stressful because i have several sad anniversaries this time of year. So the last 4 days it seems like all i can do is EAT! 4 entire days of it. and i feel HORRIBLE because if i keep up at this rate i will NEVER come even close to my goal. I also work in a kitchen as a cook, so i have unlimited access to food a,d cookies and cakes etc, it is terrible.

    But as for what everyone has said, try to not eat for a little while, and if you are still hungry in an hour, then go find something to eat. Healthy, greek yogurt, raw veggies, etc. Good luck and i hope your figure out what your triggers are!
  • I have had many hours of counseling with an eating therapist that specializes in Binge eating. I have learned to be honest with myself and voice what I need, what I want, et . When I am tempted to binge I ask myself why I am sabatoging my efforts to lose weight. In September, I finally got myself straightened out (no I wasn't crazy, just my eating and thoughts were). I have messages up at my desk at work such as, "Just don't go there!!" "I will be responsible for my actions." "Today I choose to be happy and satisfied by not binging." I have a great support system set up at work. Those around me know that I am determined to eat healthy and don't even offer me anything any more. I have 9 weeks of menus planned and stick to them pretty religously. My weekly menu hangs on the refrigerator where I can see exactly what I have planned to eat that day. Then I stick to it. If left to "fend for myself" and decide toi "wing it" that sets off a binge. I am more than happy to be friends to help support you and to get support in return. It has been Since September 1st since my last binge. Yeah!!!!!!
  • I have had this problem too, I saw some chocolate earlier and ate loads, rather to many to be honest, if something is in my reach or I think about food, I binge....
    To try and stop, I eat healthy snacks, have water or try and distract myself :)
  • Thank you everyone!!