Obsessing over the scale - how to stop?

I have a very bad habit of weighing myself like...all the time. I am very well aware that your body can change quite a bit with water weight and other things so it's not exactly accurate to weigh yourself daily. My weigh in needs to be weekly according to MFP.

I know it may sound silly, but how do I stop myself from sort of obsessing over the scale?


  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    I made a pact with myself to weigh in once a month on the same day (for me, the Wednesday following the end of my TOM). The first month was really hard... I kept wanting to sneak a peak... But after that it got easier!
  • traceyh1975
    Hi Jessica,

    I had the same problem, so eventually I got my husband to hide the scales, bringing them out once a week so that I could weigh myself. It worked for me!

  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    I don't have an answer .. I weigh daily.
  • sullyboo
    sullyboo Posts: 256 Member
    I'd love to know. I weigh almost daily (only time I didn't was voer christmas!!) I am a tad obsessed with it!! Maybe get someone to conviscate your scales ??:tongue:
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    I have a very bad habit of weighing myself like...all the time. I am very well aware that your body can change quite a bit with water weight and other things so it's not exactly accurate to weigh yourself daily. My weigh in needs to be weekly according to MFP.

    I know it may sound silly, but how do I stop myself from sort of obsessing over the scale?

    I step on the scale every time I walk by it is in the bathroom I'm not obsessed with it it's just fun enjoy it's fun to play with the scale.. The up a bit, down a bit, just a normal process it does not bother me...Learning Tool...
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Maybe by staying as far away from any scales as possible. I have the same problem. I don't have working scales at home but the YMCA does have them and I am there every day. Last night I weighed one pound up since the previous day. I know that I shouldn't worry about that one pound but when I weighed myself..there it was. There are many different thoughts on how often we should weight. Most people say no more than once a week. I like to weigh more often than that so I can catch any problems early.
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    I weigh every day. Same time... first thing in the morning after I have gone potty. I see nothing wrong with that. It is a good indicator of what is going on with my body. I don't have the TOM anymore, but if I eat too much sodium, I will have a temporary gain. Helps me stay on track.. It is different for everyone. No harm in weighing in daily, if that helps you. Do what works for you.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    you can always go by how your clothes fit- sia bevis
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    It was an obsession with me as well, and it wasn't till I realised how stressed I was getting with daily fluctuations that I steeled myself to stay away from the scales and now I only weigh on a Friday morning.

    It was very hard at first, but nothing in life is easy!
  • biff54928
    I also do the same thing usually every morning after the bathroom trip but I like seeing what it is doing whether it is going up or down
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Do you live with someone who can hide the scale from you and only bring it out for your official weekly weigh-ins? That's what I did! I used to weigh myself, every day... sometimes multiple times a day. I got so upset about little fluctuations. So, my husband hid the scale and I only weighed in every week in the beginning. Now, the scale is back out in the open and I'm actually only weighing in monthly. I have found better motivation and sanity weighing myself A LOT less often.
  • smiles4support
    I made a deal with another MFP that was having the same issue to weigh on MONDAY's. We have stuck to it, or I have at least! She has slipped up once, but Idon't want to go back on my word so ONCE A WEEK IT IS!
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Well depending on whether seeing a gain from time to time frustrates you then you need to only weigh in once a week or something like that, seeing a gain doesnt bother me I weigh once a day in the morning after restrooming and usually If I have a gain I know why and it doesnt bother me at all I dont freak out and I learn from it, so if you freak out about gains then have someone take the scaale for a week and bring it out on selected weigh in days , if you dont freak out about a gain then dont worry about it
  • mezzosoprano89
    mezzosoprano89 Posts: 81 Member
    There's a group on this site of people who aren't going to weigh in until Valentine's day!! You could always join a challenge like that one to help you stay motivated to not look for a while. I was getting frustrated so I joined that challenge to help me stay away and focus on just eating right and exercising and pray for a big pay off in a bit over a month :)
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    I don't have an answer .. I weigh daily.

    I also weigh myself every day. It keeps me more accountable. Nothing wrong with it as far as I'm concerned.
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    I weigh myself daily. Its part of the morning routine. I know, per my nutritionist, that a 2 lbs variance (up or down) is considered maintaining for a woman but when I see an up it makes me pause and think about what I did the day before that I might have done better and when I see a down and think "Ok can do this!". When I tried not weighing myself I became obsessed with the numbers. Daily weigh ins work for me.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    My weigh in needs to be weekly according to MFP.

    I know it may sound silly, but how do I stop myself from sort of obsessing over the scale?
    Stop worrying about obsessing. If you want to weigh yourself every day, it's absolutely fine, lots of people on here do it

    If you do, and if you make a note of the weights, you'll learn the things that affect your weight and you'll learn not to panic when you see an increase. It has a massive advantage over weighing weekly - if you happen to weigh yourself on a day when you happen to be heavier, you'll spend the whole week thinking you've failed. If you happen to weigh yourself on a day when you happen to be lighter, you'll spend the whole week thinking you are doing better than you really are, and may treat yourself to something as a consequence.

    Do make sure you weigh yourself at the same time every morning though, after going to the lavatory, before having a drink. It's your body you want to be weighing, not your poo or a cup of tea! :bigsmile:

    Information is power, take control and stop being scared of the scales.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I have a very bad habit of weighing myself like...all the time. I am very well aware that your body can change quite a bit with water weight and other things so it's not exactly accurate to weigh yourself daily. My weigh in needs to be weekly according to MFP.

    I know it may sound silly, but how do I stop myself from sort of obsessing over the scale?
    Just do it, and in time you'll break the habit.

    I weigh myself in the morning after a good poo but before breakfast, then again at night right before bed.

    It's important to do it at the same time under the same conditions.
    And never - EVER try to "make weight" by fasting or sweating off pounds. That's an ABSURD practice some here do for their weekly weight-ins like they see on that pathetic TV show "The Biggest Loser".

    No, the scale is just a tool - one of many. You should also be tracking body fat, and you can do that here for free:

    Good luck!
  • jenc555
    jenc555 Posts: 39 Member
    Measurements! I find the scale does not give me any real information and can really bum me out. I focus on lifting and cardio, and make sure I track my measurements every month or so.

    Good luck!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I decided I wasn't gonna do it anymore it was stressing me loads. Made a pact with the doctors to just weigh in there, every few weeks and I feel a lot more sane. Its easy now too x