what was your turning point..

mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
..that made you decide to lose weight?

I want to hear your stories :)

Mine is a funny one.. I did a bungee jump in August and they weighed me (I wasn't paying attention) to see which cord i needed.. they then wrote "75" on my hand which i thought was some sort of code for the rope.. then turns out it was kilograms and the last time i had weighed i was under 60kgs.. that was the shock i needed and after seeing the footage of my bungee and seeing all the jelly wobble i thought i've gotta change!!


  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    pleaasseee :D
  • avoiceinsideabody
    When arising in the morning I would get up out of bed and both knees would hurt as I stood up.
  • gigiwaterloo
    gigiwaterloo Posts: 102 Member
    Mine wasn't cute like yours, but it was actually more stressful.. I went on a diet back in March 2010, did GREAT, lost about 18 lbs in NO time... Only to get laid off in May & gain IT PLUS back... So I weighed back in November (when I went back to work) and I was at an enormous never seen before weight (except with my last child) and I said OK, this isn't cool... Plus I had JUST quit smoking & drinking & I knew I was suddenly eating everything I could fit in my mouth... TIME TO STOP & get healthy... here I am!
  • barbied123
    barbied123 Posts: 18 Member
    I got diagnosed with PCOS. The only "real" natural cure is to lose weight. I feel like I can finally get this started after yearsssss of trying and giving up because if I beat it, I get the one thing I want most in the world. A baby.
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    Mine wasn't cute like yours, but it was actually more stressful.. I went on a diet back in March 2010, did GREAT, lost about 18 lbs in NO time... Only to get laid off in May & gain IT PLUS back... So I weighed back in November (when I went back to work) and I was at an enormous never seen before weight (except with my last child) and I said OK, this isn't cool... Plus I had JUST quit smoking & drinking & I knew I was suddenly eating everything I could fit in my mouth... TIME TO STOP & get healthy... here I am!

    maybe not so much of a cute story but well done for doing something about it!! you've already overcome smoking and drinking so this should be a doddle for you :)
  • Alicja_W
    Alicja_W Posts: 169
    After amazing holidays in tenerife ( april 2010 ) with my family i weighted myself :sad: it was a shock, 93 kg :noway: , i started exercising and from then i lost 28 kg :happy: i weight 65 kg now, and i still want to lose a bit more :wink:
  • kir911
    kir911 Posts: 228 Member
    There were alot of moments that should have been THE moment, like my youngest daughter asking if there was a baby in my tummy again after I had her baby sister. Seeing pictures of myself looking disgusting, but the moment I decided to do it was more motivated by seeing several close friends losing weight. I had been making alot of excuses and when I saw them doing it, I decided there were no more excuses to be made. So I went for it and I am not looking back!
  • louisau
    louisau Posts: 159 Member
    From the neck down my body looked exactly like my mom's.... not a pretty sight
  • thoma74
    thoma74 Posts: 187 Member
    I had lost and gained weight over the years. But in April I moved back in with my boyfriend to an apartment that is on the 2nd floor. And our apartment has 2 floors. I was KILLING myself trying to walk these damn steps! LOL I gave up smoking the night before I moved in here, gave up drinking a month later. I thought Id start feeling better after that, and I didn't. July 4th we went to my nephews bday party. Seeing the pics literally made me sick. I couldn't do it anymore, live like I was. So 3 days later I started changing my eating and joined Planet Fitness. I've had my ups and downs, but I'm back on track again and starting to feel great!
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    When my female flatmate thought I weighed less than my male flatmate (he's 6ft, 55kg and stick thin, never done a days exercise in his life).
    It was a major shock to think that she saw me as a similar size to him.

    I'm now 5ft10 and 78kg.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Turning 30.
    I figure I'll get in shape now while it's still "easy"
  • stryfe101
    even though this picture was taken a few months before I started...looking back at it in october was my turning point....

    I was out riding with friends this day (with my bike - while being a hot rod of sorts - struggling to keep up) and we stopped at a local dealership for one of my buddies to have a tire switched out.....and I decided to sit on this chopper.....that and I had to custom order a new shock for my bike since I blew out the stock one due to my 350# weight at the time...

    2011-06-18_13-49-41_650 by stryfe101, on Flickr

    I decided the morning my fiance had knee surgery in october to finally start and when I could tie my shoes more easily my motivation was solidly locked in...

  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    these stories are actually pretty inspiring!!
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    I'm 32 yrs old, I have been on Cholesterol medicine approximately 11 years and High Blood Pressure medicine for maybe 4 or 5 years, and my lower back hurts all the time. My mom keeps telling me... "if you lose weight your back will quit hurting and you can probably get off those meds." Last year I tried Weight Watchers for like the 3rd time and lost 16 lbs, which was far from my goal, but they eliminated the At Work program at my aunts work where I was attending meetings. So I fell off the ladder and gained it all back. Right around Christmas (2010) I stepped on my scale to realize... I am almost the heaviest I have ever been. The day after Christmas I joined myfitnesspal at the advice of a co-worker whose nutritionist suggested it. My daughter got Just Dance 3 for the Wii for Christmas so we have been doing that almost every night as exercise and I have been really watching my calorie intake. I have lost 5 lbs in a week and a half. I know I can do this... for my health and for me.
  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    Mine started way back in 2004. My mom handed me over a picture she had taken of me the Christmas before and stated that it should be my "before" picture and she was worried about me. So I considered weight loss surgery and went to a consultation about it. At my initial weigh in I hopped on the ginormous scale and weighed in at 466.6 pounds. That alone was enough to get me started. (Never got the surgery, btw.)

    In summer 2005, though, after losing about 80 pounds we moved to another state and while I fought hard for the next 20 so I could say I lost 100, that didn't stick around long. Eventually the old habits returned but it took a long time for me to notice as I was going through a lot of changes (the move, new job, quit job, newer job, then school full-time and a part-time job on top of my full-time work and full-time school). Graduation from college did it for me. It was something I had put off, dropped out in 2001 and no one ever thought I'd go back and finish (and I did! Top in my class too! While working 2 jobs!!). I realized if I could pick this up again with such success, I could probably pick up other things too - mainly, my healthy lifestyle. I set out April 2010 to sort myself out at 416.2 pounds. I started walking more, started eating healthier meals...and here I am over 100 pounds lighter and ready to start Phase III of the journey - the Long Haul I never thought I would ever get to. The last 100 or so to that final goal I *NEVER* thought I could achieve realistically on my own. I'm here to prove them all wrong once again. And to teach my children a healthy lifestyle while they're still young enough to absorb it! :)
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I'm 5'7" and weighed 215. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE would tell me how fat I was, well I got sick of hearing that. So I did something about it!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I was driving down a rough road one day and could feel my boobs jiggle. That did it for me.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    I was never out of shape...but one day I decided I wanted to exceed the superficial value of the very females I'm attempting to attract...You know, turn the tables a little.

    Now I disregard them entirely...yet still end up acquiring them.

    Mission complete.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Looking at last Christmas's photos and hating the way I looked, I took up running but would get so hungry, I'd eat and wasn't seeing weightloss. Finally someone one one of my running sites said MFP and here I am!
  • likeaphoenix28
    I've known for a little while that I had gained an unacceptable amount of weight, but still I didn't do anything about it. Then, I just got sick and tired of not living my life. It hit me that I was holding myself back from doing things because I felt uncomfortable with myself. Some things, I actually can't do because I'm overweight (skydiving, horseback riding,etc). It was just recently that this happened. So I got a gym membership and joined MFP. I'm not all the way into the swing of things yet, but it's a start.