any 5'7 girls out there?



  • I'm 5'9 and i currently weigh 150 but i feel uncomfortable and wanna get down to 140 because i feel more comfortable, and pretty but i can seem to lose weight :(
  • espence30
    espence30 Posts: 116 Member
    5'7, weigh 143...trying to be under 140... you can add me if you want =)
  • JLervold86
    JLervold86 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm 5'7" and I started at 150, with MFP at 144 and was down and maintaining at 129 before the holidays & moving cross I am sitting at 132... it's very realistic!
  • brybre0413
    brybre0413 Posts: 212 Member
    5'7 at 164.3 and would love to be 145 maybe less will reassess when I get there! I think you are right on.......
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    Me Me! Im 5'7ish and current weight is 158. Size 8 or 10 depending
    getting married in August
    The lowest I've ever been (as an adult, haha) is 138. - Im aiming for 135 for the wedding... fingers crossed.
    I noticed my body is SUPER happy between 145-155. so I know the road is going to be rough ahead.
    Friend me - we all need support!
  • pwnstar
    pwnstar Posts: 15
    Oh, this thread made my day girls! I'm 5'7", at 140 but not a healthy 140 at all.. I used to be 118-120, but I wasn't super active back then either, so it's nice to see what a reasonable goal should be to get fit. I was hoping to get back down to 120-125, but I care a lot more about gaining back flexibility and overall toning my body.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, it'd be great encouragement to see how everyone progresses!
  • kmbhoya2000
    kmbhoya2000 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm 5'7 and 138 with a goal of 130...
  • MelissaW1978
    MelissaW1978 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 5'7 and currently around 138. About a year ago I was at a high of 157. I've moved my goals to maintenance and I'll be happy if I can stay in the 130s. I don't think I could maintain anything under 135. I have a pretty muscular build and I've never had a "skinny" look.
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    Im 5'7" , My normal weight is 145, and Im thin at that weight. Since having my daughter and being hypothyroid now Im 167 and Im not liking it! I look ok, but I dont settle for "ok". My goal isnt really a number , but around 145 or less if possible! Im working out 5 days a week and set my calories for 1,400. For women who are 5'7" weight can vary from 130- 160, depends on a lot of things.
  • clhandwerk
    clhandwerk Posts: 52 Member
    Hey there im about 5'6-5'7ish and my goal is to get to 150 for right now i got quite a while to go, but im ready, ive never really been that weight so im super excited! my goal might change when i get to that weight so we'll see! Feel free to add me fellow 5'7-ers! lol
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    I'm 5'7" and my starting weight was 225. I currently maintain a constant weight of 143-145, and at that weight am a size 10. In a perfect world, I'd like to be smaller, but this is a healthy weight I can maintain and I think this is where my body wants me because I've been here for quite a while and it does not appear the scale is going to budge anytime soon. So be it. Good luck to you. :happy:
  • amaion17
    amaion17 Posts: 27 Member
    i am 5'8 and currently weigh about 140. im comfy there but just trying to be more toned so im sure my weight will go up due to muscle mass and thats OK. sometimes you just gotta concentrate on the bmi and tape measurements and not so much your weight numbers. i wear a size 8-9 i have wider hips and thighs but small waist so they're always sliding down lol. good luck.
  • veggievixen79
    veggievixen79 Posts: 109 Member
    This thread is brilliant! I'm 5'7, started at about 165, now 154 (70 kg). I'm naturally thick and curvy so I'm aiming for 140-145 --don't wanna lose my beyonce booty! I can't imagine ever going down to 130, I don't think it would suit my frame.
  • chunkyme
    chunkyme Posts: 88 Member
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member

    My highest weight was 180, I joined MFP around 154, cw 147 (size 8/10 US), gw 125-130 (we shall see)... I have a small frame, so I still have a lot of fat to loose, although I'm happy to be in the healthy range now, I want to be toned, so don't know the actual number.

    Friend me if you like :o)
  • Lemonysticks
    Lemonysticks Posts: 3 Member
    Yeah I'm 5'7 and I'm 15 years old (: My current weight is about 10.1 stone and I'm trying to get down to 9 stone something (: So yeah, anything is possible, but I guess it also depends on bone structure and muscles x
  • Hi, I'm 5'7ish too and aiming (initially) for 145, currently hovering around 156. I picked 145 as that was a weight I felt good at last time I lost some. I may change that to 135-140, depending how I feel and look. There's an old pair of jeans I really want to get comfortably back into - I'll stop once I'm in those! I've got quite a sturdy lower half so going too low makes me look more pear-shaped than I already am. But in answer to your question, I think you picked a sensible goal.
  • ljcatch22
    ljcatch22 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm about 5'7 and a half to 5'8 and 141 is what I am with very little muscle mass.

    Back when I was in awesome shape, I hovered around 150-155. I also have a bigger frame and sadly not too many curves. So, I'd say 141 is a decent goal depending on your frame, but if you're trying to work out and have a more toned body, you might want to go a little closer to 150. 150 is actually my ultra awesome goal weight.
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    5'7'' girl here! I started at 145 and my goal weight is 125, not too far to go.
  • Hey! I'm 5'7 and I'm 28 years old. My highest weight was 176 lbs. When I joined MFP I was 153 lbs and my goal was 135 lbs. I am at 125 lbs now :) I think you can see my pics on my profile if you want.