Have you lost close to or more than 100lbs?



  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    I have lost a 129 lbs and have about 6 more to go!!!

    I chose bariatric surgery. It was the best option for me. My health was failing, and My doc. said it was the best option for me.

    I still have to watch what I eat and work out everyday. It is not a quick fix by any means it was just a tool to help me get acclamated to my new life style.

    I know several people who have lost weight without surgery, and they have been very successful!! As you have seen on the previous posts!
  • I've lost 100.2 lbs in 13 months...walking, Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, changing the foods I ate...no sugar or processed carbs for periods of time...then slowly incorporating them in to rebuild tolerance and trying to maintain weight loss accomplished.

    What got me started was that I saw some pictures my husband had taken...I didn't like what I saw. I went in around the same time for a doctor appointment for an annual physical. When he told me he was amazed that I was as healthy as I was (all blood work was in normal range except good cholesterol - low) I decided I was done being fat. Both sides of my family, parents, aunts, uncles, grandfathers, have/had diabetes...both my grandfathers died from not taking care properly. I also realized I am not getting any younger (I'll be 40 this next June)...I jsut decided it was time to stop talking about it and do it...and so far I have. I am within 30 lbs of my final goal. I am excited...I think I can make it before my birthday, which was my original goal anyway!

    Youcan do it...you have to stay determined and don't let slip ups get you so down you're ready to quit.

    Good luck!
  • ValerieKovacs
    ValerieKovacs Posts: 17 Member
    hello to all ...

    I am working on kilograms , but have converted to pounds .. resulting in me having to lose at least 100 pound to make me feel good ...
    the weight I am currently being 248 pounds is a massive burden to bear for my 5ft height ...

    the large number is daunting to say the least , I guess if we break down this large number into smaller goals , it will help us achieve the huge loss we have signed on for

    GOOD LUCK all

    here to support , and would love support back

    from one improving body , to another

    LET's DO THIS !!!

    feel free to add me .. :smile:
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    I got up to 270 pounds and was very, very unhealthy for someone 52 years old. I finally ended up in the ER with heart and blood pressure issues. That snapped me out of it and I started calorie counting the next day. I was a nutritional bonehead at the time. But some of the changes I could make seemed obvious. As I learned more I refined my diet and narrowed it so "safe" foods for me. For exercise I started slow and worked up. When I joined MFP I started by setting weekly goals for calories burned from exercise. Combining that with clean food choices and keeping to the calorie count has done it.

    It's been 20 months. I'm currently 54 years old, 163 pounds, 17% body fat. My ultimate goal is not a number of pounds. It's 10% body fat. I work out six days a week for about 8-9 hours of weekly exercise.

    You definitely can do this. You need a variety of ways to exercise that you mix and match. Don't be a one-trick pony with exercise or it begins to lose effectiveness. Reduce Animal Fats. Follow the food groups. Water, water, water. One half your body weight in ounces of water. Eight more ounces for every 20 minutes of rigorous exercise.

    Mostly, believe in yourself and don't view it as a diet. You're changing your life for health and you're not going back. Try not to set goal dates. Your body will lose what it wants to, when it wants. It's a life change, so there is no ending to it. Forget the dates and don't frustrate yourself.

    You will hit MANY plateaus without weightloss. Sometimes they last months. Don't let it get you. Stick to the plan. Never stop.

    Good luck.
  • You can do this. I started on my diet in April of 2011. April 25th to be exact. I was 282. Today, just over 8 months later, I am 179 and going strong. Believe in yourself, look at the whole picture. It has to be a combination of diet and exercise and a lifestyle change. Medical weight loss has helped me. But, I also work out 6 days a week, read a weight loss devotional as often as I can, and have a group of friends that support me. This website is a big part of that too. We are here for you! You can take back your life, you really can!
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    My "motivation" was being told by a doctor that I was only two BMI points from being considered morbidly obese. Those words stung like no other. I mean......I knew I was chubby but almost morbidly obese?....YUCK! It just sounds horrible. One thing that really keeps me in check is looking at myself in photos. I have something wrong with my head....when I look in the mirror, I think I look ok. But when I see a photo of myself, I can see the real me and it scares the crap out of me. I also have to weigh myself at least once a week.....because I can literally gain 20 pounds and not know it either through hard core denial or whatever is wrong with my head, lol! I am down 40 pounds so far and I have 63 more pounds to go to reach my goal weight. I have stopped eating processed food almost completely, I eat 30 grams of protein at each of my 5-6 meals a day, I have about 2 servings of complex carbs per day and never have them after 3 (I consider fruit, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, sprouted bread, etc. to fit this bill), I eat low carb veggies at least 3 times per day, I drink a ton of water and I try to exercise 4 times per week. If I can't get to the gym or work out at home because I am busy with the baby or life or I’m exhausted.... it is what it is....I don't beat myself up over it. Heck, cleaning the house and chasing a one year old after a full day of work burns calories too you know....lol! What you eat is 80% of weight loss so the diet to me is more important than anything else at this point. If I don't work out, I am spot on with my calories. If I’ve burned 800 calories at the gym, I eat some back if I want to or I save it for a rainy day......so far this has worked for me. Another thing that’s worked for me.....I make sure to have a cheat meal at least once a week and I try to stick close to my BMR for daily calories. I did 1250 a day for a while....I lost weight at first but then I plateaued big time. I think trying to lose ½ a pound to 1 pound per week is the best way to go to avoid starvation mode. It’s not a race, it’s a marathon!
  • tanya54727
    tanya54727 Posts: 16 Member
    I have to admire your way to go about things. Find people who are successful and model after them.
  • pussycat626
    pussycat626 Posts: 129 Member
    Thank you to everyone who has shared their stories. I truly appreciate it. It has given me lots of food for thought and motivation :)
  • I just started today on my road to lose 170 lbs. Started with 30 Day Shred, much harder than I thought it would be but was worth it when I didn't have as much trouble climbing the stairs afterwards. All of your stories are such great motivation for me. I have no willpower and struggle daily with additctions to sugar and carbs. Thanks all of you for your amazing stories and I hope I have the same success as you.
  • Down 191 since my highest and have 37 more to go. Posted a block on New Years with photos and history - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/msjamartin/view/new-years-2012-and-one-more-milepost-gone-184664

    You can do this!!!!!
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    It is one day one step one pound at a time.
    drink your water
    daily log your food and be honest as to what you are eating
    buy a food scale and measuring cups and spoons don't estimate get you in trouble
    exercise at least 3-4 time a week. start off small 30min but as you get stronger increase those calories burn
    limit sodium intake to 1500-1800 grams a day. (avoid process foods if you can)
    take picture or cut out a picture as to what you would like to weigh or look like. Buy a dress you know you can not wear and hang it up so you can see it everyday.

    I wish you the best
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I started my 'journey' on 1/1/2011 -- have lost 96.4 pounds so far, and counting -- total goal is around 130-140 pounds down!! you can do - if I can anyone can..... I've become a gym rat - one of my favorite things to do is go to the gym. that's sad to a lot of people, but it's become like showering to me - if I don't work out I feel like something is missing from my day, my whole routine is off! Good luck!!
  • Udail51
    Udail51 Posts: 35 Member
    For my first goal I have about 30 more pounds to go. After that I may go for another 50 or so will just have to see how I feel. I have tried to keep my strength up during this so I have not lost as fast as I could have. I did lose some strength but I am getting it back.

    I restarted my journey in November of 2010, but did not really get it rolling until February 2011. I have had the help of a great "cross-fit/boot camp" instructor and my love of lifting weights. I am starting to train for a 5k. I must add that I am an offensive lineman and my definition of a good run has always been 3 fast steps.

    Track what you eat but make sure you eat enough.

    You can do this just look at it as a change in lifestyle.

    Good luck to you.
  • jellyfishbones
    jellyfishbones Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks to everyone who has replied, even though I'm not the OP. Your stories are extremely helpful!
  • MissBettyBoop2
    MissBettyBoop2 Posts: 32 Member
    I've lost 76 pounds so far and I'm still working on losing more. My goal weight is 141. I WILL GET THERE!

    I finally realized how much I was missing out on life. I also realized if I didn't change my habits and lose the weight, I was going to die.

    Best advice I can give is, it's a long process. You didn't gain the weight overnight. It's not going to come off overnight. Don't give up! If you fall off the horse, GET BACK ON! A one day screw up doesn't mean you have to give up. Go back to your plan.

  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    I have lost 189lbs in 2 years. How I did it:

    1. Had Gastric Banding Surgery Sept 09. Controls my Hunger and Portion sizes
    2. Have been attending Over eaters Anonymous for 3 years. Avoid all personal binge foods. And working a 12 step program which helps me live life on lifes terms rather than turning to food for emotional reason.
    3. Hiking/Kayaking/Gym with trainer (last year)/Learned to Run this summer and doing a 10k class this winter.
    4. Knitting keeps my hands busy when watching tv. Actually got rid of cable as well.
    5. MFP keeps me honest and lets me know how many calories are really in things also a big support network.
    6. really finally having a lifestyle change! These things all combined I don't worry about my wt..I know it will happen where before I was just like you..looking at this 200lbs I had to lose..and thinking it was completely impossible so I ate more and got bigger. One good choice at a time..one day at a time I am doing the right thing, being open and honest and surrounding myself with supportive like minded people has changed my life. MFP is a great place to start off.
  • landorki
    landorki Posts: 93 Member
    the food is the hardest part. I always loved food... I still do, but Now I have to Love healthy things. I love playing with recipes. I take a good ol comfort food that I obviously LOVE BUT is too bad for me and I change the ingredients to make it healthy. I make healthy meatloaf, pasta, eggplant parm, etc... It all comes down to eat this NOT THAT.

    The exercise will come in time. I am not saying sit on the couch... but get your eating under wraps FIRST. If you do not do this, working out will not matter. Do a little at a time. Go for a walk, do some sit-ups, etc. I joined a water aerobics class because I would ALWAYS hurt myself working out... and that was as low impact as I could get... and it was not only fun, but helped alot on the scale.... NOW I am running miles!
  • madameduffay
    madameduffay Posts: 166 Member
    Closing in on the 300 lbs. lost mark (11 lbs. to go) my motivation was simple after getting to 560 lbs. and not leaving the house in over 2 years,(severe depression, major social phobia, etc..), not able to walk from room to room.. I spent 3 days contemplating Life or Death (yes it was that black and white) and on that 3rd day I choose LIFE and took the first step and that was to ask for help. From there it was baby steps, seeking out doctors, therapist (both mental and physical) and continuing to put one foot in front of the other. It was a total lifestyle change, throw out all crap foods that got me where I was and replace them with healthy choices (chicken, fish , veggies, whole grains, etc...) Exercise was rough at the beginning I could barely walk from one room to the other so I started in Pool therapy (lost over 170 lbs. in the pool before I was able to support my own weight to exercise on land) Everyday you just have to get up and do everything you can do to make sure you are as successful as you can be and then get up and do it all over again tomorrow.... Baby steps..... Goodluck!!

    Amazing story!!!! Thanks for sharing
  • joyfulnoise27870
    joyfulnoise27870 Posts: 32 Member
    Definitely agree with setting small goals. I first started with a 20 lb goal- then I would do 5 lb goals each time. I am now working on my last 5lbs. It has taken me about 17 months so far. The first 6 weeks was the hardest for me. Most of my exercise was walking but I have added weights now trying to tone. Feel free to friend me it you have questions or just need support. If I can do it- I know you can.
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