Any other pale girls out there?



  • RavenSoul
    You guys need to do some research.

    I work for a dermatologist.
    Yes, there are risks to tanning, including increased risk to skin cancers, and wrinkles, but there are many benefits as well.
    Tanning can help with skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis, vitiligo, and eczema, it can also help with emotional disorders as well, including anxiety, depression, stress, and self confidence.
    Tanning can ALSO help prevent other cancers, such as breast cancer, and increase vitamin D levels, which many people have a deficiency.

    There are medicines that can help prevent wrinkles. Any cream or ointment that has a retinoid in it can help stop wrinkles. And moisturizing is key to nice soft skin regardless of color.

    For me, the benefits outweigh the risk.

    I sure hope you're not the nurse in that clinic and this is not what your doctor is teaching his patients. I am a nurse and everything you said is so freakin scary it is unreal. For one thing, treating psychiatric issues such as depression, stress, and anxiety is not within a dermatologists scope of practice. The better treatments for those conditions are seeking out a psychologist or psychiatrist, who will most definitely NOT recommend tanning but if light therapy is part of the treatment then they will recommend a light box for that, not a tanning bed.

    You're recommending medicine to prevent wrinkles, such as a retinoid, however do we really need to talk about the risks with using retinoids? There are also medicines that you can take to treat acne, psoriasis, and eczema. I have family members who suffer from vitiligo and they're told to be EXTREMELY careful about sun protection all year round.

    Tanning does NOT prevent breast cancer sweetheart! Breast cancers are often genetic and there is NOTHING that tanning will do to prevent something that is in your genes.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    right here! i think you should just embrace your paleness. i get the occasional compliment on how nice my skin look, and i think it's because i stay out of the sun. every morning i apply two layers of spf 15 moisturizer and then i apply bare minerals foundation with spf 15.
  • jennajosephine
    jennajosephine Posts: 85 Member
    I am not promoting tanning. I said I tan, yes. I do enjoy it. that's my opinion. you heard just as many risks from me as benefits.
  • jennajosephine
    jennajosephine Posts: 85 Member
    You guys need to do some research.

    I work for a dermatologist.
    Yes, there are risks to tanning, including increased risk to skin cancers, and wrinkles, but there are many benefits as well.
    Tanning can help with skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis, vitiligo, and eczema, it can also help with emotional disorders as well, including anxiety, depression, stress, and self confidence.
    Tanning can ALSO help prevent other cancers, such as breast cancer, and increase vitamin D levels, which many people have a deficiency.

    There are medicines that can help prevent wrinkles. Any cream or ointment that has a retinoid in it can help stop wrinkles. And moisturizing is key to nice soft skin regardless of color.

    For me, the benefits outweigh the risk.

    I sure hope you're not the nurse in that clinic and this is not what your doctor is teaching his patients. I am a nurse and everything you said is so freakin scary it is unreal. For one thing, treating psychiatric issues such as depression, stress, and anxiety is not within a dermatologists scope of practice. The better treatments for those conditions are seeking out a psychologist or psychiatrist, who will most definitely NOT recommend tanning but if light therapy is part of the treatment then they will recommend a light box for that, not a tanning bed.

    You're recommending medicine to prevent wrinkles, such as a retinoid, however do we really need to talk about the risks with using retinoids? There are also medicines that you can take to treat acne, psoriasis, and eczema. I have family members who suffer from vitiligo and they're told to be EXTREMELY careful about sun protection all year round.

    Tanning does NOT prevent breast cancer sweetheart! Breast cancers are often genetic and there is NOTHING that tanning will do to prevent something that is in your genes.

    Oh no SWEETIE, I don't work at a clinic, it's a private practice.
    I did NOT say tanning PREVENTS breast cancer. I said it HELPS prevent breast cancer.

    There is a retinoid in EVERY single acne medicine you can get, unless it is over the counter. I understand retinoids do make your skin sun-sensitive, and if you are using a medicine that has one, you should be extremely careful about being in sunlight in any form.

    Any patient with psoriasis or vitiligo should be using uvb light treatment, aka lightbox, as that is the best way to treat MOST cases. Vitilgo is most commonly treated by lightbox, so i don't know why your doctor would be telling you to stay away from the sun, it that is your only diagnosis. If a person with psoriasis can't get their health insurance to cover lightbox treatments, which can be upwards of $30 as a aselfpay visit. (and at 1-3 visits per WEEK, who can afford that?) Where do you think those patients go? dingdingding, tanning salons!

    i agree a person with an emotion or mental issue should be seeing a specialist that fits their needs, but like i said, tanning beds CAN be used to help fight those issues.

    And you are absolutely correct in the assumption that no dermatologist would ever PROMOTE going to a tanning bed, they would also be able to tell you everything I just did.
  • TriforceRaven
    TriforceRaven Posts: 115 Member
    I'm extremely pale. A few years ago in 6th grade, I put some baby powder on my cheekbones because it looked more natural than blush. I'm "see-your-veins" pale. The "you can tell I haven't slept more than an hour or two a night because I'm so pale and I have dark circles under my eyes". But you know what? I absolutely love it. The one thing I like about being sick is getting even PALER and my skin getting a grey-like tint to it. I'm not sure why, but I've always thought beautiful snow white skin looked prettier than unnaturally tanned skin. I also like those big poofy dresses and bussels. *maybe I should have lived in the Victorian era....OH PLEASE!* During the summer I do EVERYTHING possible not to get sun on me. Long sleeve clothes anytime I go out, usually all black, black parasol, goggles, layers and layers of spf 70, hats, everything! I've gotten some horrible 2nd degree burns on my shoulders from sunburn and I burn very very easily. Even with all of this. But the good thing is that I'm usually pretty cool in the summer anyway, so the thick layers of clothing are nice, and I am very sensitive to bright sunlight (horrible migraines after just an hour). My family and friends joke all the time about me being "a zombie/dead/a vampire/one of those pretty royal Victorian girls/a ghostie" and I love it.

    Some people are really ashamed of their pale skin, or think spray tans or tanning beds are better. Honestly, I think you should embrace your pale skin. It's beautiful! :)

    (I'm not saying that tanning is bad, but I just don't like doing it. Not even naturally. What I'm saying is that /I/ love pale skin and wish more people would embrace it, but if you like tanning, well, that's your thing. And if you are naturally swarthy, it's usually very pretty as well. <3)
  • toabetterlifestyle
    im not going to tan my whole life! only while i have the body i want and deserve.
  • KariePerez
    Me too White as a sheet lol Your not alone
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    pale is the new tan ;)

    i am anti- tanning beds!!! embrace the paleness lol
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    We actually love and embrace our paleness! LOL! It's part of our irish-austrian heritage. In fact, we often tell people that we are clear not pale! LOL! Plus, we have a history of melanoma on both sides of our family so we avoid the sun. Well, at least that's what we tell people so they won't suspect that we are really vampires! LOL! I have actually had people ask me if I am a vampire. I always respond by telling them, "If I were a vampire, would I have wrinkles?" :laugh:
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    I am and always have been SO pale. I don't care to tan either. Rock it!
  • fitaliciag
    Mystic Tan!!
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    Ack...pale is beautiful no tanning beds
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    I'm white as a ghost. I do not tan, nor will I ever. Please, re-think your wanting of tan skin. Tanning beds are awful and will cause cancer. Embrace your paleness. Your skin & body will thank you later in life. When you're 50, you won't look like your 70 with leather skin. Do yourself a favor, and don't tan!
  • mlmccain
    Heard of fair skinned and beautiful? Learn to love it!:smile:
  • fitaliciag
    Pale girls can be sooooooooooooooooooo freaking hot!!!

    IF they are the right kind of pale.....the creamy and even kind of pale skin. I was blessed with red-blotchy pale skin. EW
  • Jessie544
    Jessie544 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm not arguing that pale girls aren't hot, I'm just saying there are ups and downs to every situation.

    Drinking alcohol can lead to liver damage, but do people stop drinking?

    comparing tanning to drinking.... hmmm not exactly the same but I see what you're going for... but hey, I've heard ignorance is bliss...
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    Don't use tanning beds, they can cause skin cancer just like the sun. Best choice is to use Jergen's Natural Glow sunless tanning moisturizer. There are multiple color levels to get from pale to a beautiful and healthy glow without exposing yourself to UV rays. I use it and it works for me.

    I use the natural glow on my face every other day to amke me look like I have a bit of color and no so washed out all the time, it look very natural, lasts me a while and doesn't cost much!

    I don't using tanning beds very often but if I am going on vacation and my skin hasn't seen the sun for a while I will go on a bed a couple of times, using a lotion, for 3 minutes - I find it helps me not to burn but I wouldn't do it all the time.
  • TriforceRaven
    TriforceRaven Posts: 115 Member
    Same here! Irish, Austrian, Scottish, and a little bit of Russian and *I think* Swiss or Norwegian. But the biggest percentage is Irish and Scottish. :)
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Pale is fine. I like my skin. Guys have always liked it. In fact, the ONLY pale skin & white skin comments I've ever gotten were from women.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    If you want to have the plastic surgeon cut a huge hole out of your nose because of growing up in the arizona sun, ie biggest tanning bed in the world, and spending summers baking on the beaches of california then by all means go ahead and tan. I am 44 yrs old, and have a huge scar on my nose that is so unattractive even though I have the absolute best plastic surgeon in the city of Phoenix. I had a basal cell carcinoma so not the worst kind of skin cancer but cancer all the same. I prefer tan in the bottle. no one can tell that it is fake. and by the way I have the cutest nose in the world, so sad that it is damaged now!