Going to bed hungry

Whenever I have a "good day" more often than not I go to bed hungry. Not STARVING, though, just a little tummy rumbles and a higher urge to eat things. This is sometimes a battle: not to snack before bed. My question is this: how many of you go to bed hungry in order to achieve your calorie intake for the day? What do you think about going to bed hungry and how do you feel when it happens to you? Sometimes I think the only way I see weight loss is when I am hungry at night. I read somewhere that it is good to go to bed hungry because it means your body is using your fat stores.

I'm curious to see everyone's opinion on this.


  • coolchick03270
    I have had the exact same thoughts! I have been going to bed hungry every night for the past week- since I joined MFP, really started eating healthy/low cals/etc. I'm hungry right now. I have no idea if it's the right thing to do, but I actually feel better going to bed hungry. I try my best to not eat after 7pm too.
  • TaraTLC83
    TaraTLC83 Posts: 93 Member
    Sometimes the body mistakes thirst for hungry... you could try drinking a glass of milk, or tea or something. Or, you could just eat something like a grapefruit or an orange. Something that isn't too heavy. I love sitting on the couch peeling a grapefruit to nibble on in the evenings.
  • smbyrd13
    smbyrd13 Posts: 52 Member
    I agree with you, when I have a "good" day...i.e. within or below my calorie limit, I almost always go to bed hungry. I just know what I have a nice, healthy, and filling breakfast to look forward to in the morning. I figure that I don't notice hunger when I'm sleeping so it's not a big deal for me and it's just less calories I'm consuming. It's hard because my husband always has a soda and snack sometime around 9pm....but I've gotten to the point where snacking after dinner isn't an option for me.
  • michelledyan
    michelledyan Posts: 98 Member
    I didn't know the body confused thirst with hunger. Thanks for the post!
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    I've never gone to bed hungry.

    I always try and eat all my calories and get enough protein in my diet to keep me full. If I'm hungry,I eat and have always had a bedtime snack. I just make sure it's healthy and it fits into my macros for the day.

    Edit: If you go over your macros...don't worry about it! You can make up for it later...
  • Semperfione
    Hi lovelylovebug, first I am not so sure you should go to bed early hungry. Your body does need to be tricked into thinking your starving it again, but if you kept an even amount of calories, then the next day drop on calories, stagger them and it will happen.

    I too do what you do. Go to bed early hungry. I don't think its healthy. But then I think if it works for us tonight then we need to fess up and let each other know if it worked. Just be careful to not get it back..

    Wishng you the best, keep us posted...

  • Cslicemarie
    Ooooh. I hate that feeling! I've tried drinking water to help curb the hunger but then I always have to pee in the middle of the night. :(
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I usually try to go to bed at least slightly hungry... or rather, not full. I get awful nightmares if I eat before I go to sleep :/
  • amh1974
    amh1974 Posts: 79 Member
    I feel the same way! I hate going to bed hungry but I do it. I hate being hungry at all, ever! I get cranky. :grumble: Last night I was hungry and ate 2 saltine crackers and 5 baby carrots in an attempt to settle the grumbling. When that didn't work I drank a bottle of water. That didn't really help either because I was up running to the bathroom all night! Honestly, I just give in many times and then I feel like crap that I did. If you have any earth shattering answers please let me know. I'm always looking for friends to keep me on track!

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  • lovelylovebug
    lovelylovebug Posts: 27 Member
    Sometimes the body mistakes thirst for hungry... you could try drinking a glass of milk, or tea or something. Or, you could just eat something like a grapefruit or an orange. Something that isn't too heavy. I love sitting on the couch peeling a grapefruit to nibble on in the evenings.

    Yeah, I knew about that. But I can usually tell the difference between my body wanting to eat because it's thirsty (I will crave things like apples or cold things), hunger because of boredom and actual hunger. It's always good to drink a full glass of water before actually eating anything and waiting ten minutes to see if it goes away, because if it isn't real hunger then the urge should subside. Another way to test real hunger is to gauge what you want to eat... if a bowl of steamed veggies and chicken doesn't appeal to you (or any other healthy thing), then you aren't "really" hungry.
  • Spazbme
    Spazbme Posts: 9 Member
    ah hahaha! I kept reading thinking that and then saw your post. Same problem I have. I worked out this morning and didn't drink enough water today. That's probably why I have a headache and literally don't feel good I'm so hungry. I hate going to bed on a full stomach though and there is nothing satisfying in the house anyway. All I can think is that staggering my calories might be better for my glucose levels... I seem to be very sensitive to my blood-sugar levels, I get nauseated although I'm not diabetic. weird, but thanks for all the posts, it's helpful to read.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    I know people say not to eat after some time or another but I emotionally cant do it, if I go to bed hungry I cry, I need to eat before I go to sleep, I dont eat carbs in the day but I do before bed, I feel like my body has all nite to digest it, I feel like I sleep better if Ive eaten and wake up feeling better, I tend to not eat breakfast but if I dont eat before I go to sleep I wake up moody and craving
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    If you are actually hungry and not just craving chocolate (maybe that's just me!) then I find that a few almonds is a good snack before bed. I find that having just 4 or 5 almonds is enough to quieten down my tummy and I go to sleep feeling better. If this takes me a few cals over for the day, I don't think it's a problem.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    It takes a while to get your eating habits in your calorie range AND fulfilling. Don't be afraid to go over by 100-200 calories if you are hungry.
  • girllimberlost
    Having something to eat before bed is the best way to keep your blood sugar stable through the night. Putting your body into starvation mode will be the best way to GAIN weight. Keeping your blood sugar stable will help you burn extra fat.

    You should be eating 6 meals a day, and one of them should be within a couple of hours of going to bed. The meal before bed should be complete, protein, healthy fat, and complex carbohydrate. It should also be low calorie, around 100-120.
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Would having your evening meal later help?
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Whenever I am hungry, I eat something. To hell with calories- I can make that up later. I have actually woke up in the middle of the night (sometimes like 2am), felt hungry, and eaten rice cakes and almond butter. When I had a 12am to 4am diary category, all kinds of strange things appeared there.

    In summary- I'm not doing anything hungry, definitely not trying to sleep with a rumbling stomach.
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    Whenever I am hungry, I eat something. To hell with calories- I can make that up later. I have actually woke up in the middle of the night (sometimes like 2am), felt hungry, and eaten rice cakes and almond butter. When I had a 12am to 4am diary category, all kinds of strange things appeared there.

    In summary- I'm not doing anything hungry, definitely not trying to sleep with a rumbling stomach.

    I like your way of thinking!:smile:
  • princesspeach577
    princesspeach577 Posts: 56 Member
    If I'm hungry late at night, I try to drink something warm like tea. It's pretty filling and helps you not go over your calories.
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    I don't think there is any need to go to bed hungry. Try to have a healthy snack an hour or 2 before going to bed.

    One healthy snack that someone suggested to me & I love = cut up an apple, a teaspoon of peanut butter, and a half cup of low fat/calorie ice cream. It's pretty awesome, fills ya up, and makes you feel like you had a pretty awesome snack.

    Guaranteed to conquer bed time hunger pains. :bigsmile: