Dear furry child!



  • Have you tried hanging a bell on the door so he can ring it when he needs to go out? We have a black lab puppy that picked that up very quickly and no more accidents in the house! Also, we took her out almost every hour when she was young and after she ate, played or woke from a nap. In less than a week, we had a system and she picked right up on it. Good luck!!:smile:
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    We have 3 dogs and a cat. We have 2 chihuahuas. Maisy - my snuggly sweet chihuahua girl who does her ballerina dance whenever someone is in the kitchen and greets me every evening by climbing on my chest and laying her throat over my face. Trixie- my year and some change chihuahua girl that is always the life of the party. She always wants to play - with anyone- the cat, us, the other dogs, the laser pointer...... She is always going and will eat anything. She brings in acorns, sticks, leaves. We have to watch her to make sure she doesnt eat the leather shoelaces out of shoes....... Its MY baby girl! and finally, Sailor - The worlds smelliest shih tzu....... I love him, but he smells HORRID even after baths. He is not very smart. We think that he may have to remind himself to breathe. Every time he sneezes, he hits his head on the floor. He is sweet, smelly and stupid..... but he is ours.
    Alley is the big fluffy man cat. Everyone calls Alley a girl. He LOVES when I brush him.... as long as it is on his terms. Nobody else can brush him, but because he is so fluffy, I have to brush him almost daily to keep the house from being covered in Alley fur. I think I could harvest it and make a new alley once a week. He is a loud Meower and when someone walks down the hallway, he walks with you meowing all the way.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    My furry child is 10 weeks old and still pees and poops on my carpet. I don't have anything nice to say about him right now! :noway:

    10 weeks is still very young and I wouldn't expect much from him at this point. Are you crate training?

    Our baby furry child is 11 months and if we don't let her out on time she will still go wherever she feels like it. Our other dog was trained 2 weeks after we got him, this one's a challenge. Each puppy is different, they just need love. Give it time, enforce the rules firmly, and make sure they get lots and lots of love when they do behave.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I have two. Bo and Daisy Duke. Bo is a Rottie/German Shepherd mix (14 months). He is the sweetest dog ever. Every morning as soon as he sees that I am awake he will crawl up next to me and lay his head on my shoulder. He is a Momma's boy, and is afraid of everything. Hubby and I "speak" for them and his catch-phrase is "Huh? What?.. I'm Scared!" LOL

    Daisy is a blue tick beagle (10 months). She is also very sweet- a Daddy's Girl (he bought her a custom fitted Christmas dress for our Christmas picture, but he doesn't spoil her LOL). She is fearless and top dog in the house even if she is only a third of Bo's size. She is a holy terror. If something can be chewed, she has chewed it. Her list of "accomplishments" includes (but is not limited to lol):

    14 pairs of shoes
    3 sets of insoles
    1 Laptop Power Cord
    2 Cell phones
    1 METAL cellphone case
    1 Gazziliion pairs of socks
    47 pairs of boxers/underwear
    3 Walls (yep, WALLS)
    1 Bedroom Door
    1 Carpet
    1 Baby Gate
    2 Pairs of Headphones
    3 Pairs of Earbuds
    1 Pair of boxing gloves
    2 pairs of workout pants
    2 t-shirts
    2 issues of Cooking Light
    12+ Potholders
    24+ Tupperware Containers
    5 Recipes (at least)
    4 Plastic Bowls
    3 Plastic Cups
    2 Correlle Plates (she just broke them, I think lol)
    And a Partridge in a Pear Tree... Well, if we had a partridge in a pear tree she would probably eat it!

    She has also gotten into chocolate at least 3 times (including a very expensive emergency vet trip when she ate a box of raisinets). And LOVES candy canes and lollypops. It's actually kinda adorable to see her come running into the room after she has found daddy's stash with a lollypop sticking out of her mouth. "Look what I found Mommy! It's soooo tasty!" But, even with all she has destroyed, I love her. :-)
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I love my fur baby too. I have a Border Collie. She is smart and keeps me hopping.

  • MarybethAltizer
    MarybethAltizer Posts: 226 Member
    Our furry child is a siberian husky, he's beautiful, smart, and SPOILED! He absolutely adores my husband and will go to the door about 5 min before he gets home. He was house trained very early, and he "talks" to us. It's so funny, he really tries to make sounds like we do!
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    My furry children keep me going! The 2 dogs lover their walks in the morning and the purring of the 2 cats helps me sleep at night! They aren't the best behaved critters but they don't smart mouth or back talk, they always greet me happily when I get home and they never complain about my cooking! More than I can say for my 2 boys!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I love my fur baby too. I have a Border Collie. She is smart and keeps me hopping.


    Beautiful Girl! Love her markings!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    We have a one year old Puerto Rican terrier mix adopted from the local shelter. She's 24lb of awesomeness. She knows how to dance, paw, high-5, and all the normal commands. She's incredibly lovable and so well behaved compared to other dogs we've had. She hasn't had an accident in the house in over 8 months. She sleeps under the covers at my feet, when she's allowed, otherwise she sleeps next to my bed, or with my daughter. When she's outside, she poos in the same place all the time, so we don't have to walk an entire acre on poo patrol. yeah, you needed to know that. She plays fetch like it's nobody's business. My only complaint is that she enjoys crayons and pencils so much that she'll get up on the table if the kids leave a chair pushed out only a couple inches and steal them and leave incriminating evidence all over her bed...Oh, and she 'likes' the chickens, so we can't allow both animals out on the yard at the same time...
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    Daisy by iamstaceywood, on Flickr
    Dear Daisy,
    Thanks for being my best buddy and my ONLY reliable walking pal. Thanks for only occasionally pooping in the playroom and being the best dog ever. Thanks for snuggling up and watching silly biggest loser with me. If I had had you first, I would be a childless woman. Don't tell the kids!
    Love, Mommy.
    IMAG1134 by iamstaceywood, on Flickr
  • RedVelvetCurls
    RedVelvetCurls Posts: 304 Member
    Dear Furry Children,

    You both annoy the complete heck out of me. When I try to sleep, you chase each other and jump all over me. When I try to cook, you sail between my feet like a couple of sharks, causing me to trip up and cut/burn myself. When I try to eat, you climb up my chest for a nibble of what I have on my fork.
    You eat everything. Strawberries, onions, tomatoes, you devour. You drink my tea. You even go wild for my lavender tea, I have no idea why, but it's absolutely nuts.
    You also leave a trail of fur where ever you go, which has made sleeping difficult, and even gotten me into trouble at work because my uniform (supposed to be black) is white.

    However. You have both made the bad days better. I'll never know how you seem to know when I'm sad, but when I start crying and you both pad over to me and fall asleep on me, I feel comforted. When I've been alone, you've kept me company. When I need to wake up, you paw at my face and save me from being lazy and wasting the day. I got you both in order to spoil you, but it seems you are the ones who have spoiled me.

    To my little Nina and Reno, my fluffy little pains in the *kitten*.


  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    I have two furchildren. Hershey, chocolate lab/boxer, is 7 and the model of perfection. Hannah, german shepherd mix is 2 and is a little stinker, except she's 90 lbs. Hannah barfed on my carpet twice last night because she swallowed her food without chewing it. And Hershey wakes me up at 4:30 every morning to go pee. If he would just wait ONE hour, I'd be up anyway! but the joy they exhibit when I walk into my house, even if I just walked to the mailbox, makes it all worthwhile. My carpet is destroyed from their playing and running, my house has no screens from them scratching on them, I have big holes in the yard, my furniture has been chewed, my shoes, christmas ornaments, we had to replace our entire privacy fence due to Hannah and her lust for the male dog next door, the list goes on and on, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. I have more pics of them on my phone than I do of my kids. The happiness they bring me is worth dealing with their faults.
  • MissObstinatiox
    MissObstinatiox Posts: 275 Member
    My furry children are Princess Lilly (puppy)
    and phoenix the kitty :0)
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    My cats are:
    Guinness, a tuxedo cat and genius
    Emma, a tortoise shell cat and love machine
    Cooper, an ginger long hair and mighty hunter
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    we had to replace our entire privacy fence due to Hannah and her lust for the male dog next door,

    This made me LAUGH!!!!!!!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    We crate train plus I tend to keep him on a leash with me so that I can always watch him. The signs are definetely there but I'm afraid if he is not on a leash with me then I will get distracted and lose sight of him! I know not to expect much - it's just so hard sometimes - we'll get there!


    That dog is so freakin cute I just want to eat him.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I have 3. Pete, my 10 year old beagle. Jake, my almost 5 year old Boxer. And Maggie, my almost 4 year old Boxer. My carpet is ruined and my house stinks of dog all the time. I have tumble weeds of dog hair down my hall no matter how much I vacuum. My back yard used to be beautiful with pretty green grass. Now, it's massive holes and poo. I have slobber all over my walls from Jake's big jowls that dirt and food just stick to until he shakes it off INSIDE of course. Gosh, what else? I could go for days. But, you know what, there is not a thing in this world that I would trade for every speck of hair, dirt or slobber. I love them more than anything and they love me the same. They are wonderful with my 3 year old "ruff" little boy (HAHA, pun intended!) They are just the best. Period.
  • GemaG
    GemaG Posts: 142
    Obviously something about your animal....

    He's a pug. 30% of the time he sounds like a slipping fan belt, the other 70% of the time he sounds like a garbage disposal. Also, he sheds his own weight in fur every 24 hours.
  • denise3085
    denise3085 Posts: 49 Member
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    My three dogs greet me every single time I walk through the door as if I have been gone a year and the sun and moon rise and set around me. It's a wonderful feeling!