C25K advice



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ok, I am just going to throw this out there, but running isn't really great for toning. C25K is great, I did it last year, and running is a nice caloric burn, but you probably want to work in some strength training. Sounds like you might want to look at our group-not that heavy girls. We have compiled lots of resouces about losing the last 10 pounds and toning up.
    I am doing the Jamie Eason live-fit trainer-it's free and after phase 1, there's 30 minutes of cardio three times per week, which is great to do the C25K.
    msg me if you want an invite to the group, or can't find it!
  • rwd5046
    rwd5046 Posts: 302
    Maybe drinking more water for hydration and flushing. Everything else in your food diary looks pretty good. Do at least 1200 calories a day. That's the minimum for women as I understand it. Good luck. You can do it.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Spend a little money getting some shoes, properly fitted, and from a place that can do a bit of a gait analysis on you.
    The smart phone app is the best way to go, and you can customize your music list on most of them. I use the "EASE INTO 5K" app.
    I have never run in my life, and this is turning me into a addicted runner, and I'm 57 years old.
    Good luck to you, I don't think you will regret it!
  • amynicole83
    amynicole83 Posts: 19 Member
    I tried this before and I am trying again. The mistake I made the first time is I ran too fast when I started out so I never got past the 3 min, my calves would burn so bad. I also ran on my toes and did not drop my heel, it is a great way to tone but not meant to do the whole 5K. Now I currently jog at 3.5 (I can speedwalk this) and know that once I can keep that up for a while I can always up my speed. Going to fast discouraged me and I stopped doing it for about a year and just walked but I really want to be a runner so I am starting out slow and work it up!
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    Week 7 just finished and I have NEVER enjoyed any kind of physical activity more in my life. I have always been moderately active, but the changes I have seen in my body, will, spirit with this program, all I can say is that I am madly in love with running now. ITs a fantastic program. I love that it eases you into it. Best of luck and the one piece of advice I can offer (in my case) I may get yelled at about this. Sometimes it will hurt....as long as you listen to your body and know what is discomfort because you aren't used to it versus real pain. I had knee problems from lack of strength in my legs the first few weeks...added in strength training into my routine and checked with the doctor...at this point it doesn't seem to be an issue. Don't quit the program if you find yourself having discomfort, research it and evaluate it.

    I am registed to run my first 5k (I've only walked them in the past) in Feb, signing up for an 8k in April, 10k in August, and half marathon in November. So yes...its addicting.
  • mimaduck83
    mimaduck83 Posts: 175 Member
    Do NOT run without a decent sports bra. The ligaments in the breasts are extremely fragile and tear easily and once torn cannot be repaired. This leads to sagging breasts prematurely and later on in life (if you choose to breastfeed) this will only get worse or so my breast feeding friends have told me.

    There is nothing worse than running without the correct support. OW!

    Take it steady, pace yourself and if you need to redo a day/week don't beat yourself up about it. I re-did week 1 about 3 times becasue I was THAT unfit. I have just finished week 3 and I'm pushing myself to run a little bit more after the 30 minutes are up.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    As for speed (that someone asked) I remind myself on a regular basis that no matter how fast you're going, you're lapping everyone on the couch :-)

    That gave me a :laugh: moment, right there! I run on a treadmill, usually around 6.3, so not very fast. I may decide I want to increase speed later to burn more calories, but for now.... I just kind of coast. I'm getting back into C25k after taking some medical time off, & I couldn't run 5 straight minutes yesterday! It was REALLY sad.

    Thanks for the advice, whoever posted about eating 1-2hours before running. My biggest problem yesterday was DIZZINESS. I think that might have something to do with when I ate, & what. I'm going to try eating a multigrain bagel with peanut butter today before going running. Yesterday it was yogurt, granola & fruit. I'll see if that makes a difference. Thanks! :bigsmile:
  • Steffi330
    Steffi330 Posts: 110 Member
    yeh i have a smart phone and i found a free app that lets me play my own music and also lets me know when to switch between running/walking so i'll be able to keep track.

    i tried to get a sports bra but for what they cost i don't think its worth it.

    any more advice would be hugely appreciated!!

    What App are you using? Just wondering for future reference in case I decide to try it! Thanks!
  • Canadien
    Canadien Posts: 122 Member
    I'm actually doing Couch to 5K right now! I eat lots of carbs and protein (I read that carbs help with running). Eat about an hour before you run. Listening to upbeat music with good lyrics makes running MUCH more enjoyable. Have fun!
  • AMIS456
    AMIS456 Posts: 34 Member
    I did the C25K program and I amazed myself at what I was capable of doing! I loved the program! I have stuck with running and I have complead 5k and 10k races! I am registered for my first half marathon in April - hope it goes well! As for speed you are supposed to run at a pace that is comfortable enough that you could talk to someone. I find it hard to keep myself at that pace but when I start to get really winded I just slow down and catch my breath. I have a Droid so they do not have the C25k app. I got the program from a friend and used a free app Cardio Trainer to track my runs. I love this app because I can put all my workouts into it to keep track of how many calories I burn! Also you can set it up to update you every 1, 5, 10, 15 min etc so I think it is great to use for the c25k program. Best of luck!

    PS RunnersWorld.com is my best friend for everything from nutrition info to pain/injury identification.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you're looking to "shape" your body, you should be doing some weight training, not running. Running burns fat, but will do nothing about "softness." for that you need weights to build up the muscle. That's the only way to get firm and "shaped."