Best exercise videos for those new to fitness/out of shape



  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I thought I could jump right back into kickboxing after not doing it for a few years, and I thought my heart was about to fly right outta my chest! I bought a couple of Leslie Sansone dvd's and used them, then after a few weeks I bought my first Turbo Jam set and I was totally hooked. Now I have all of them. I also did the Shred, and next month I'm starting Ripped in 30. I always go back to Turbo Jam if I need a good burn, and now I'm doing the high intensity moves instead of the low impact, and it's awesome! You're gonna love it!
  • I would say stick with the 30 Day Shred. When I started it I could barely do a single push up and I was dying through the entire workout. by day 5 I could already see a difference in my stamina and endurance and I was doing 10 push ups in a row non stop. Within about 10 days I was feeling good about it and bumped up to level two and started all over again... feeling like I just couldn't do it because it was too hard. But if you just push through and stick with it by the end of 30 days you won't just notice a change in your weight you will notice a huge change in what you can do physically. And if it is REALLY too hard for you do the lower impact movements that Jillian shows you for most moves! Good luck!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    So, I guess I am admitting that I have let my weight go WAYYYY too far. I need to lose 50 pounds for my health, sanity, poor stretched out pants!! I put in an exercise video that I bought the other day to get things going, the "30 day shread" and whoa!!! This was way too hard! I was about to pass out, could not breathe, not a pretty sight! I need some ideas of good exercise videos for those that are out of shape but would like to progress in a healthy manner. Not too easy, but not death, lol!! Any ideas would be great!:sad:

    Oh and the first time is the hardest. If you did it once and got throught it, you can do it again, and it'll be easier!!

    I totally agree. WARNING to you as well: you will feel a delayed onset of muscle soreness day 2 and 3. Stick with it through...exercise through it and it will pay off. Major results for me and I loved 30ds and after day 2,3,4, the soreness started going away. And another thing to keep yourself motivated is to measure yourself - your waist, arms, neck, thighs, etc and remeasure once every week or two...sometimes when the scale doesn't move, it's nice to see the results with inches lost - keeps you motivated. Feel free to add me as a friend for support. :heart:
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    I just ordered the turbo series and it looks fun! I am excited to try it! I already do the Leslie Sansone videos, and they are right on target. I would go for a walk, but I am more of a lone exerciser. I don't want to jiggle all over town :noway:

    You sould like me 4 years ago when it comes to the part of beign self conscious walking in town - I'm way better than I used to be with that.

    Leslie Sansone WATP videos are awesome -did those years ago and lost so much weight, along with a pilates crunch video right after (she had 10 minute segments for different areas of the body). I lost many inches doing that as well.
  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    I just ordered the turbo series and it looks fun! I am excited to try it! I already do the Leslie Sansone videos, and they are right on target. I would go for a walk, but I am more of a lone exerciser. I don't want to jiggle all over town :noway:

    You are going to LOVE IT! I had Turbo Jam and now I'm doing Turbo Fire and it is AMAZING! I always look forward to the next workout! When I'm done this series (it's 20 weeks long) I'm going to order the Chalene Extreme. She is amazing!

    I'm doing turbo ire right now! I ordered Chalene extremes and it should come
    In tomorrow! I love her, she makes me push my self and enjoy it at the same time
  • Any exercise video can be a challange when you are out of shape no matter how easy it is. Don't kill your self to keep up with the video work at your own pace and if you have to stop before it is over than stop. You will eventually build up endurance and find that over time you will be able to go longer and longer until you are able to complete the whole work out no problem. You don't want to start off too easy then you won't burn anything. :happy: You can do this. Take it one day one step at a time. I do zumba for the wii but there are videos out you can get. I have to admit the first week kicked my butt, I kept doing it and this week I even had to step it up a notch to break a sweat

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  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    I totally recommend Leslie Sansone. She does aerobic walking. It's a pretty good burn and it's low impact too. Not a lot of jumping jacks (oh my poor knees) and hopping up and down when you first start out. I adore her and love her work outs. She has beginner, intermediate and advanced workouts too.
  • laurenkoszola
    laurenkoszola Posts: 101 Member
    I would try Jackie Warner. I swear by her! Some of her DVD's are harder than others, but they work all different types of muscle groups at once. Or you can also try Tae-Bo, those are also a lot of fun!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I would try Jackie Warner. I swear by her! Some of her DVD's are harder than others, but they work all different types of muscle groups at once. Or you can also try Tae-Bo, those are also a lot of fun!

    I just bought her Xtreme Timesaver workout. Jackie doesn't mess around!
  • myskinnyyear
    myskinnyyear Posts: 70 Member
    I LOVED Sweatin to the Oldies. Wish they had them in DVD format
  • jotapaula
    jotapaula Posts: 19 Member
    Definitely Leslie Sansone's Walk At Home dvds. They're a very good aerobic workout and get you moving without having to leave the house. I swear by them. They've helped me greatly. I suggest getting the 5-mile dvd because you can choose between 1 - 5 miles per workout so it really just depends on how you feel. Every little bit counts!

    I agree. They are very good, and you can use light weights at the beginning and slowly add heavier weights as you get used to them. After a while I found it annoying with all their talking, and bought a couple more. I love Billy Blanks exercise videos as well.
  • KimR87
    KimR87 Posts: 295 Member
    bump thanks for this i tried the 30 day shred today and felt like i was dying and couldnt make it all the way through so when googling some at home workouts for out of shape people i found this thread definately going to look into the leslie sansone videos and turbo jam
  • rgugs13
    rgugs13 Posts: 197 Member
    I lost 30 pounds doing Turbo Jam several years ago. I love the workouts, but am concentrating on Chalean Extreme and walking right now. I listen to an audio book while I walk on the treadmill every day. My work is seasonal, so I'm unemployed right now and have lots of free time to take up. My natural fast walk pace is about 3.5 mph, but I have to complete a fitness test in January that requires me to walk 3 miles in 45 minutes with a 45 pound pack, so working my speed up towards 4 mph minimum right now before I start adding weight vest in the mix. It is a great low impact workout. I may replace some of the CLX cardio workouts with Turbo Jam for more variety.

    I tried Focus T25 earlier, and while I could do the workouts if I modified, them, I found them so daunting I would put off doing them and wasn't really getting the workout endorphins I expected. Hoping to try again when I lose more weight and have better cardiovascular fitness. Don't make exercise something you dread! If a program is too hard, put it aside and try again later after you've built up some stamina!
  • I have been using Fitness Blender's workout videos ( The website is a tremendous resource, containing hundreds of free to use workout videos with a wide range of activities (HIIT, Tabata, kettlebell, functional strength training, cardio, etc) that would be appropriate for any level of fitness. I started with the 8 week fat loss program, which provides a structured approach to using their videos. You can however use any of the videos in any combination. I really like Kelli and Daniel's straightforward yet professional approach to diet and exercise. Their ultimate goal is to make fitness accessible to everyone, regardless of income. I am almost half-way through the 8 week program and definitely have seen improvement in core strength, balance, flexibility, cardio fitness, etc.. Some of the routines are very difficult (burpees superman's, and surprisingly jumping jacks (they kill my right calf so I do power jacks instead) but you can find modified versions of the hardest ones. I've lost a few pounds but more importantly, I have toned up and am having fun "whipping" my almost 50 year-old body back into shape :smile:

    Good luck!
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    So, I guess I am admitting that I have let my weight go WAYYYY too far. I need to lose 50 pounds for my health, sanity, poor stretched out pants!! I put in an exercise video that I bought the other day to get things going, the "30 day shread" and whoa!!! This was way too hard! I was about to pass out, could not breathe, not a pretty sight! I need some ideas of good exercise videos for those that are out of shape but would like to progress in a healthy manner. Not too easy, but not death, lol!! Any ideas would be great!:sad:

    Zumba. Honestly, there is no RIGHT way to do the exercises as long as you - Just keep moving. Modify the move to something you can handle and increase the dificulty as you get more fit.

    Walking is great.

    I think the Wii has some good games.

    You could try one of the 30 day challenges. They increase in difficulty as the month goes. There are some for beginners.
  • stephv38
    stephv38 Posts: 203 Member
    I would add a second for the Fitness Blender youtube resource. Free and has a ton of options. There is a low impact cardio for beginners that I just did with a friend that recently had gastric bypass surgery and it worked great.
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Another vote for fitness blender here...they have a you tube channel with tons of free videos so you can mix it up and choose how adventurous you are feeling each day.
    They are simple to follow, and with no annoying music in background.

    Saying that, the 30 day. shred does kick *kitten*! :)
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    Another vote for fitness blender here...they have a you tube channel with tons of free videos so you can mix it up and choose how adventurous you are feeling each day.
    They are simple to follow, and with no annoying music in background.

    Saying that, the 30 day. shred does kick *kitten*! :)

    i also recommend have lots of awesome free workouts, and i love that there is no music in the background so you can play your own