any 5'7 girls out there?



  • crdav13
    crdav13 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm 5'7. I started of 2011 at 146 and was able to lose 6 lbs relatively easy. Throughout the year I have been between 135-140. I ended the year at 140 (damn all those holiday dinners and goodies) and am now trying to work down to 135...which according to MFP I was at on 12/6! My overall goal weight is somewhere between 125-130 though.
  • erin023
    erin023 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm 5'6", currently 144lbs. My goal is 110lbs, but I'd be happy anywhere under 125 as long as I was fit & toned.
  • dunq13
    dunq13 Posts: 19 Member
    Im with you. I'm 5'7 and my weight fluctuates between 139-145. I can usually get to 138 before I start gaining again . My present goal weight is 135...I WILL get there. I've been down to as low as 130 in recent years, but at that weight I start to look scary skinny. Its nice to have a few curves!
  • I am between 5 ft 6-7 inches. I started at 160 and my goal is 125-130. I was at my goal weight for years before I started to put on weight so I feel it is realistic for me even though it seems to be a little lower than what I've seen most girls at my height at.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    I am 5'7 and I weigh 132-135 (realistically it changes slightly from day to day). I think the most I ever weighed (without being pregnant) was 150 and I was NOT a happy camper. I would say I have a medium frame, a general hourglass shape and I am athletic. I am pretty comfortable at this weight.... and honestly if I lose anymore it tends to come off of places that makes me look sickly...

    *disclaimer ( I am a 34D, and I am ASSUMING that would make me weigh a little more than the average.......)
  • GKaitie
    GKaitie Posts: 5 Member
    add me to the group! I'm 5'7" and currently at 179 after having my baby boy 6.5 months ago (was 197 going into labour).. trying to work down to 150 as my first goal, then go from there.. i would like to be 140 but i struggle even at 150. The lightest i've been as an adult is 149 the day before my wedding in Aug 2010 :)
  • I'm 5'7"! Pick me! I don't know anyone that has been in my predicament before so it has been very eye opening to read these posts :) I started at 185 heaviest :/ ew. I'm currently 180. I'm working hard, but being a poor newlywed has made it difficult for me to get the foods and nutrients I need. I have a larger frame and an athletic body..lots of muscle. So, my ultimate goal weight is 140. I think I'd be happy with that. Thanks for everyone's contribution to this post and good luck to all!

  • yay for the 5'7" post! im currently 167 and my goal is 140 but i'm going to stop when my belly is flat and my body looks slightly toned so the number isn't as important for me.
  • missteddi
    missteddi Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'7'' I consider my ideal weight to be 155 because that is where I feel very comfortable, very lean. I have been 145 once in my life and even my dance instructor reprimanded me for being TOO thin. I think as much as height your body type also should be taken into consideration. If you are built leaner you can get lower. If you are built curvier, then maybe not. I would never be able to be lower than 140. Currently I am 199 with my target at 155 and size 8-10. (I would be satisfied with a 10!)
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    I'm 5' 7", my SW was 173lbs (12 stone 5lbs), I'm currently 149 lbs (10st 9lbs), and my first GW was 147 (10 st 7 lbs). Now that i'm so close to my GW I've decided to go to 140 lbs and see how that looks. I've been as thin as 126lbs (9 stone), but it was in my early 20s and I smoked and liked to go to all night raves with *ahem* chemical assistance! :tongue:

    Now I'm in my late 30s, don't smoke or party and if I was 126 lbs again I think i'd look ill :noway: . I do a lot of exercise and like to keep muscle on, so I'd rather look at my waist size rather than the scale to see when I've reached a size I'm happy with. I'm apple shaped and am not sure I'm ever going to get this last little "pudding" off my tummy! :sad:

    Any of you 5' 7' ladies feel free to add me as a friend :flowerforyou:
  • omg!!! finally! some girls that are my height!!! I am currently in 160's but have been down to 135 (before a hip injury)'s do-able but I really had to work at it to stay there.....140's are a little more realistic for me....I am in my 40s so I think that makes a difference too!
  • lackofnames3
    lackofnames3 Posts: 30 Member
    Im only an inch taller and have been told 165 is my lowest to get!
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    almost 5'7 myself...currently at started at 176, currently at 148, goal is 140...I'm feeling better everyday. I've been on a yo-yo for the past few weeks, but have really recommitted myself this week. I made the commitment to run a race (of some length) every month in 201 and to learn how to eat cleaner and put it into practice. I have a 5K tomorrow and have eaten a little cleaner everyday than I did the day before. I'll get there!
  • i am 5'7" and i started this on Monday and my weight was 328. I was diagnosed with hashmotos disease and thought i could or would ever be able to gain control over my weight, but i'm going to try.. it sucks when you cant walk long cause you can't catch your breath or even think of running. i'm 48 yrs old and i need this for me. i hope you all the best and please friend me if you like i really need people who understand. i dont know how to add friends yet LOL but i have lost 2 lbs !:flowerforyou:
  • Hi I am 6 foot 1 and my goal is 160 at that im a size twelve if i go below i look ill i downloaded this app on my phone its brilliant I know how you all feel tall ladies beacuse everyone just says oh well you carry it better doesnt help our own self esteem though
  • 5'7 currently 130 I got down to 123 over the summer I would like to maintain around 125 !!!
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member

    I'm 5'7'' (although I've been told by others that I'm actually 5'8'', but that sounds too tall to me)

    My start weight was 132 lbs. A lot of people jump to conclusions when they hear that and tell me I shouldn't have started to lose weight, but the fact is that it all depends on your bone structure. I've always had a very petite frame, so at 132, I looked INCREDIBLY out of shape and flabby, hanging over my pants and was developing a double chin.

    My highest weight ever was 148 lbs. I had gone from 108lbs and gained 40 lbs in 4 months, due to a bunch of stupid issues in my life at the time. That weight looked horrible on me. I was always out of breath, couldn't run anywhere if my life depended on it, definitely had a double chin, and looked like a sausage stuffed into all of my clothes. Oh, and I was constantly sweating. It was disgusting.

    Right now I'm between 112 lbs and 117 lbs. I eat healthy, averaging 1800 calories a day (I just eat healthier foods now), and try to get in some exercise a couple times a week. I certainly don't look boney or "sickly" at all, and my body seems to appreciate having less weight to lug around!

    Again, EVERYONE's body is different. I believe your "goal weight" depends on where you're comfortable, and how healthy you are, with bone structure playing a major role.

    Best of luck on your journey :)
  • CariBeth1978
    CariBeth1978 Posts: 19 Member
    I am 5'7 and I am currently 215, but my body was always the most comfortable at around 140/145 (although it has been years)... My smallest was 136 and some ppl use to say I looked too skinny..... 140 something would be a good goal for a 5'7, but you have to find where your body is most comfortable..... GOOD LUCK!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • I am 5'7, medium and athletic build. I wear size 8/10 pants...since junior high.
    My highest weigh has been 150, which I looked good at, but I didn't like my BMI being so high on the upper end of normal.
    Without dieting I went down to 143lbs over the course of a month. ( family illness, and university finals)
    I look fine, but I would love to tone and loose the fat mainly on my thighs. I also want to give my stomach a little more definition for bikinis!
    My GW ~135lbs

    Add me as a friend. I'm always looking for ppl in similar situations whom I can relate to and steal meal ideas from their food diary! :P
  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'7. I am honestly not sure how much I weigh right now, I will check tomorrow and make that my starting weight.

    My ultimate low goal weight is 125. I am not sure I can get there, but we'll see. I hope this site can help. I'd be happy with 135.

    Currently, I wear a 10 or 12. I'd be happy to get to a 4. I think that your goal weigh is good. Like others have said, once you get there, you can tell whether you need to adjust it.

    Rock on!
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