How do you do it!?

I am just going to be very very blunt, How are YOU losing weight??? Specifically, what are you doing, do you have a routine????


  • auctoritas
    Keto - 65% fat, 30% protein, <20g carbs. I'm not hungry all the time, my intestinal troubles are gone, and it's so easy to eat this way. Food is fun and exciting, and the weight is coming off magically because having things like steak or cheesy chicken broccoli casserole is awesome.

    I'm quite happy. =3

    I do need to start exercising though. :P
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I wake up Monday - Friday at 4:30, hit the gym no later than 5:15... I used the resources of and printed a fat lost workout - which has a very good combination of cardio and weight training - and of course I have been watching my calorie intake here...

    I have lost 13.4 lbs all together since the second week of November following this routine - I was a member or another calorie counting website but I do like this one much better...
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I have to exercise... no exercise, no weight loss- even if I'm eating my calorie goal.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Eat whatever i like, whenever i like.

    Hit my macros.

    Hit my calorie deficit.

    Exercise hard 6 days a week.

    That's it. It's not hard. People overcomplicate it. 74lbs down, feeling healthier, happier, fitter, stronger than ever, and that i could carry on this way forever if need be. :)
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    When I was losing, half a pound a week. 50% for carbs, 25% each for fat and protein. Ate back my exercise calories. Lots of yoga, some running, heavy lifting 2x a week. Still do the same thing now to maintain, minus the half-pound a week calorie deficit.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    You know that little voice in your head that says "you've done enough." I don't listen to mine.
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    I'm simply counting calories. I make sure i'm eating at about my BMR and nothing below. I was working out in the past, but have since stopped. I will get back on that soon!
  • teresabreeding
    teresabreeding Posts: 20 Member
    I eliminated sugar, potatoes and white bread. I stay under 1700 calories per day. I workout on the elliptical for 30 minutes which burns 200 calories which I get credit for so that makes my caloric total around 1500/day. If I do the 1200 they suggest I don't lose weight. And I have 1 big cheat meal every 10 days or so. I'm losing weight slowly but keeping my sanity. :)
  • teresabreeding
    teresabreeding Posts: 20 Member
    This may be a dumb question but I'm new at this....what are macros?
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    This may be a dumb question but I'm new at this....what are macros?
    Macronutrients - carbs, fat, and protein.
  • lockleyc
    lockleyc Posts: 10 Member
    Keto - 65% fat, 30% protein, <20g carbs. I'm not hungry all the time, my intestinal troubles are gone, and it's so easy to eat this way. Food is fun and exciting, and the weight is coming off magically because having things like steak or cheesy chicken broccoli casserole is awesome.

    I'm quite happy. =3

    I do need to start exercising though. :P
    what does keto mean?
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    Drinking lots of water, staying under calories, cut out wheat and dairy. I was exercising until both of my bikes broke, but I'm hoping once the semester starts I will have the motivation to exercise again.
  • MzGrinch9250
    MzGrinch9250 Posts: 376 Member
    Stay under calorie goal, workout 6 days a week and drink my water.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    You know that little voice in your head that says "you've done enough." I don't listen to mine.

    Good one
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member

    Hit my calorie deficit.

    Exercise hard 6 days a week.

    That's it. It's not hard. People overcomplicate it. 74lbs down, feeling healthier, happier, fitter, stronger than ever, and that i could carry on this way forever if need be. :)

    I do a variety of exercising to keep it interesting.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Logging, cardio, strength, water, focus & sleep which I haven't been getting the past week. Not enough sleep... not enough weight lost :ohwell:
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I meet my calorie goal, I exercise by running C25K, and Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and Yoga Meltdown. Follow the plan MFP and you have set up, eat back some of this exercise calories and be patient! YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • kimsue123
    kimsue123 Posts: 24 Member
    For breakfast I drink a shake consisting of 1 cup frozen berries, 1 cup almond milk, and 1 scoop Whey protein.
    For lunch I eat a piece of lean protein the size of my palm and all the vegetables I want.
    For supper I eat a piece of lean protein the size of my palm and all the vegetables I want.
    If I need a snack during the day, I eat almonds or all the veggies I want.
    I only drink water.
    I exercise most days.
    If you follow that you will lose at least 3 lbs per week.
    Simple and easy!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member

    If you follow that you will lose at least 3 lbs per week.

    Totally depends on your calorie deficit...
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    I eat under my calories. Sometimes I clean and I track that. I track some of my walking around. I don't work out. Well, I was hula hooping, but then I got sick. I'm still sick.

    I mean I'd like to do zumba, but I'm a little busy studying engineering, momming, wifing, etc. It's not HIGH priority just yet. I'm saving in my ARSENAL until such time as the weight-loss slows to a crawl and I'm pulling my hair out.

    Even then I'm probably still going to eat most of my exercise calories because I like food. I might get an HRM with that happens.

    I eat whatever I want to. I'm vegan. I try and stick to low calorie options so I can eat more. I like air popped popcorn.

    I try and eat chocolate every day.

    I track every day, everything I eat.

    I'm not a hit-the-gym-and-work-out person anymore like I used to be. I'd rather spend that time with my kiddo and hunny.

    We're going to get bikes soon so we can all "work out" together. We also have a trampoline, but I don't do that much. It's harder on my knees than I thought it would be.

    Basically I just eat when I'm hungry. I don't stuff myself. I used to drink a lot of smoothies. Now I eat a lot of cereal. Oooh, and toast. I'm a big fan of bread.

    And soup. I love soup.

    So to recap, I eat as much as the site/app tells me to. No more. And no less than 1200 if I can avoid it. My net right now is set at 1300.

    I don't do anything fancy, because I can't keep up with anything fancy. Not at this point in my life.