Any couples doing MFP together?



  • Jonicha26
    Jonicha26 Posts: 107 Member
    Seems to be a lot of similarities! Yes, my husband and I are both on MFP, but he just logs... I'm always reading and trying to participate when I can. Too funny...
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 741 Member
    I want my hubby to use it but only because he appears to eat whatever it is he likes and doesn't gain any weight, I want to actually entire consumptions and daily activities etc. Only because I'm jealous. Lol.

    Oh, add me. :smile: I'm a great friend.
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    Same husband uses it occasionally...more to check a calorie count of foods than anything...he lost most of his weight before using MFP and joined shortly after me. It's more a of a time thing with us...I use a lot of the tools, and forums to get more info on how to improve our whole family's diet...and he *just* works to pay for it all. :)

    On a side mom and dad both are on mom uses it dad just uses it to keep track of how I am doing and to log his weight loss. It's really nice to have their support on here through the winter since they are snowbirds.
  • My husband and I both use MFP. I use it for logging and support where he only uses it for logging. We do all our exercises together and meal planning. It is so helpful having a full time partner in this journey. I appreciate him so very much.
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    My husband and I are exactly like you and yours. I am social he isnt!
  • Both me and my other half are on here too... He actually found it first, I was just carrying around a notebook to keep track.
    Somehow I managed to start loosing more than he was, I started socializing and joining challenge groups... didn't take him too long to start doing the same :)
    Good luck to you and yours!
  • My fiance and I started together. We both use differently, much like you and your husband. We find it helps with awareness of what we are eating and we motivate each other with weekly rewards for highest percentage of body weight lost. These things also help us get out and about more.