*PICS* I have trouble spots :( and a few Qs!



  • niknak2308
    niknak2308 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi, We seem to be pretty similar in size and goals (I'm 5ft3 and 161lbs, also trying to shift the remainder of baby no2's weight!)

    I have to say the portion control was a big factor that helped me - honestly had no idea how much I was eating before (I remember weighing pasta for the first time and thinking Crikey, that's about a 5th of what I'd normally dish up!) Even when you guess you more often than not go over, so really do make sure you weigh.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with the odd cheat day but you have to make sure you are super good all week for it not to impact your weight loss (well at least that's the case for me - I won't lose but just maintain instead). I didn't cheat at all for the first month and the weight fell off. It's been harder since but I'm still being good and logging week after week.

    The extra water seemed to help me, but I confess to drinking less and that has coincided with less weight loss (though we have had Xmas)

    I started off walking everywhere, building up from an hr to 3 or so on good days. Try taking the wrong turning and finding your way home lol. Now I've bought an exercise bike and am enjoying that at the moment when I get a spare half hr.

    I'm also doing the 30 Day Shred, which killed me on Day one, but I came back to it after a few days and although I haven't seen much weight loss, I have already lost 1.5inches from my waist and I'm only on Day 6.

    Feel free to add me as a friend for support! :flowerforyou:
    RAQUELINATOVAR Posts: 221 Member
    that is what i thought. she does have great legs.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    U know, I really loved the TurboJam videos. I could do it at home, so I didn't feel like an idiot. That dropped about 20lbs off me QUICK... & over 18". We're talking... just 6 months or so. I went from a Canadian Size 13 to a 9 in that time.

    Also, make SURE you're checking portions.

    I go out for meals sometimes too. Today it was breakfast: I supbsituted fresh fruit for home fries, had scrambled eggs instead of my usual eggs benedict, & wheat toast with butter (no jam) instead of white toast & jam. I had bacon instead of sausages because it's about half the calories, believe it or not, & orange juice.

    I still went out... I still ate... I just made healthier choices than I used to.
  • i was actually thinking about 30 day shred! will it be too hard on my back (i have sciatica and nerve issues as well as slipped discs and minor scoliosis), and also will the weight STAY OFF? im concerned about that because of how quickly some lose weight/inches with that... cuz i've always heard if it comes off fast, its coming back fast.

    Not sure where you live (States/Canada) so don't know what kind of a health system you have. But can you get your Dr to refer you to a physiotherapist? I really think with those injuries that would be necessary. I don't want to give you advice that will hurt you, but if you would like to add me as a friend I would love to offer support along your journey :)

    DISCLAIMER: I am obnoxious, often offensive, I swear constantly

    PS - I started out about where you are. This was only two months of progress. There was barely a change on the scale but a huge change to my body.

    WOW!! Thats amazing! was this from 30ds? I see back drs all the time but they cant give me pain meds or anything because im breastfeeding, but my dr said do what i can and feel comfortable doing so i can reduce my weight because that will help the pressure on my nerves and lessen the chances of slipped discS
  • Slipped discs getting worse**** oh and im in america in north carolina.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I agree that exercise is key! Also, switching to quality, whole foods. When you're counting cals, you have to make every last one count.

    I swear by Bar Method. I've been doing that almost exclusively for a year, and dropped my body fat percentage from 38 to 17. It's amazing, and very very low impact. Perfect for someone who has injuries to work around.

    Here's a link to the website http://www.barmethod.com/

    Lot's of info there. You can find the dvds all over the web.
  • Hello! Congrats on setting smaller goals- as someone earlier said, breaking it down makes it much more manageable and be sure to celebrate when you reach those goals!

    In regard to your back pain- have you ever done yoga? There are a lot of poses that can be modified and I have found it to be a very challenging workout! Definitely works your entire body and is great for your brain. Maybe look around your area for some reasonably priced studios...even once a week would probably help. I got addicted!

    Good luck!
  • First of all, I really commend you for posting pictures like that. I couldn't bring myself to do it, though I have them. It was very brave of you!

    One thing that has had a big effect for me is that I was eating a lot of those "sugar substitutes" and "low fat" everything and it was actually doing me more harm. I was wondering why when I ate these I had tons of cravings and I did some reading and it said that the preservatives etc have strange effects on the body. For me, going back to real sugar and real foods has helped a lot, other than that it sounds like you are eating really well.

    The best advice I can give you is to find a form of exercise that doesn't feel like exercise to you. Something that you LOVE like a sport or dance or running or whatever it may be. something that you could do for hours and consider it having fun. When you WANT to exercise, you will do more than you even realize, and when you are trying to get fat off, cardio is key.

    The last thing I have to say is, I am a firm believer in the effects of our mental state on our bodies. From what you wrote, it seems like you are pretty focused on your lack of success and how things aren't working. I feel like in order to fix that and start seeing results, take every pound, every inch, every extra minute of working out as a victory. Be proud of yourself, though you haven't yet gotten the results you want, you will get them if you keep on your path, it's inevitable. Be proud and happy that you have stuck to something for so long, many many people cannot do this. You are doing amazing, focus on that and it will all start happening, I promise. :)

    thanks so much i really appreciate your feedback! i have only started to use 1-2 packets of equal a day, and i use fat free stuff whenever possible like sour cream and cream of mushroom soup and stuff. i dont eat fat free stuff EVERY day but at least a few times a week! Oh and i also drink skim now, over the past 2 yrs i have went from whole to skim milk so i am very happy about that!
  • revren10
    revren10 Posts: 116
    start by believing you can do it.
  • Yes i have tried yoga and i do love it, its pretty challenging for me because my muscles are weak and i have no balance, but i havnt been in a while! i joined a gym under 2 yrs ago and they offer classes that i go to sometimes but i have started liking the zumba better.. so i try to do that once to twice a week if possible BUT my gym is a 30 minute drive so that really stinks :(
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Core exercises to strengthen the core, yes.... but "spot reducing" doesn't work.

    I think, though, that I read that belly fat is related to a high intake of grain in the diet... have you tried shifting your percentages to more protein and low-carb veggies?
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    No I do not do 30 DS. I am a gym rat. I do A LOT of strength training. I really am a strong believer that cardio AND strength training are both key to fitness. I don't think enough women do strength training and that is why they don't see results or gain weight back. I was also doing a kickboxing class when I noticed the most dramatic change in my body.
  • I have noticed that 49% of my food was carbs and 24% fats and 27% protein this week on the MFP summary wheel...

    And thanks for all the support so far!! loving the feedback!! :)
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Are you sure you're eating enough? I only ask because you said you are sometimes 600 calories under.
  • penk65
    penk65 Posts: 6 Member
    Maybe try wheat elimination....not as hard as you might think at first......does wonders. You can read about it in a new book wheat belly.
  • toddlyons
    toddlyons Posts: 73 Member
    Just wanted to add my kudos to you for posting those pics. Very brave of you, and indicative of your commitment to change.

    I have the cheapest, most basic manual treadmill you can get. No motor - no electronics - nothing. Used; second hand. It's singularly responsible for my 28 pounds of loss. I lift weights, but mostly to prevent muscle loss.

    I walk on my cheap treadmill 5-7 days a week, for 30-45 minutes a day. That, in addition to counting my calories and measuring portions (I have stainless steel measuring cups on a ring that follow me to the table), are the basis of my drop from 222 to 194 (so far).

    *Use those good legs* of yours to burn off the excess around the middle. Just don't undereat! Log your walking every day, and eat those calories back to balance to your target.
  • youngmum
    youngmum Posts: 114
    I think weights would help you a lot, especially ones designed to strengthen the back. Muscle burns more at rest too so you'll find it easier to lose fat. However, because you have back problems it would be a good idea to get advice from a physio &/or personal trainer who is familiar with those issues to ensure no injuries or aggravation.
  • Yall are making me blush about my legs haha!
    Anyway, i believe i am eating enough, when i am 600 cals leftover at the end of the day, its because i did 200-400 cals burned from exercise. so i dont think thats undereating, is it?
    On the wheat thing..... oh man! that would kill me! haha. i've already cut out pastas almost completely... i eat pasta every 2 weeks which is amazing for me because i LOVE alfredo and others, and i used to eat pasta 4 nights a week! I get weight watchers bread and only eat 1 slice for about 50 cals, and i always do open faced sandwiches, and i eat subway every 2 weeks so i couldnt go breadless for that.. when i make "paninis" (healthy w/no cheese of course) i always tear out the middles to leave as much close to the crust as possible... i have cut down on breads and pastas so much but its all my favorite so i cant imagine a life without it :(
  • i usually zigzag between 1200 to 1600 cals a day, trying to stay at 1400 so if im hungry and need a snack i will have room for that. but it also depends on my exercise too because if i burned 200-400 cals i will eat from 1400-1700 calories
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