

  • sew1222
    sew1222 Posts: 241
    Sanifrey and Brande -- great job on your work outs! I'm actually very bummed. I did the 30DS and pulled a muscle in my lower calf! And of all things it was on the butt kicks. So easy! I kept going but just really modified my butt kicks and everything else I did fine. I am so tired cuz my daughter didn't sleep last night so I'm going on 3 hours of sleep and maybe I was just sloppy! I'm laying down and icing it now as I am gonna nap. It's a sharp pain for than just uncomfortable. I'm bummed cuz I'm sure I should probably take a break from Zumba today...cuz my calves are always on fire with Zumba. We will see. Maybe I'll go for a long brisk walk instead today. Maybe a change up wouldn't be so bad? Ugh. Who am I kidding. I love Zumba. Anyway hopefully with ice and Motrin I'll be fine in an hour or so! Off to nap while I can!!

    hope your calf feels better soon i know that has to hurt....
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 237
    :tongue: that good ole "Swooosh fairy" visited this morning, as I stepped on the scale, and Seen a 5 lb Loss!!!!!!

    I will take it!!!!! Yaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!

    Picking up OT at work today, wont be hittin the gym, however.......... I worked out HARD for 2 hrs yesterday, I think I'm safe until I get back in there tomorrow :)

    Have a great day EvERYONE!!!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    :tongue: that good ole "Swooosh fairy" visited this morning, as I stepped on the scale, and Seen a 5 lb Loss!!!!!!

    I will take it!!!!! Yaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!

    Picking up OT at work today, wont be hittin the gym, however.......... I worked out HARD for 2 hrs yesterday, I think I'm safe until I get back in there tomorrow :)

    Have a great day EvERYONE!!!

  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Good morning!! :happy:

    Soo.. I was so ready to bring it this morning!! I was up & at em at 5:30 AM, well before the kids get up & I was determined to get my workout done before the whole breakfast routine hit! I put in my Tae Bo video & about 25 minutes into it, my husband, who took the dogs out to pee, informs me that one of our dogs took off running down the block & hasn't come back yet. He had to leave for work, so I get myself changed, get the girls up & dressed & as I'm putting on my dog searching shoes, she shows up at the back door!!. I'm relieved but my big plan is sabatoged... !! :grumble: I never get up that early to workout.. But, on a good note, the girls were very cooperative after breakfast & I was able to get back into my workout clothes right away & get a real workout on the treadmill!! PHEW!! I guess, I'll try for 5:30 another day! :tongue:

    Brande, I'm so happy for you & your great loss!! You'll be back at goal before you know it!! Keep your eye on your goal & you will achieve it!!! :bigsmile:

    Andrea, I sure hope that your leg is feeling better today!:flowerforyou:

    Amy, thank you for the reminders of the weekend danger zones! We have a family meal planned for Sunday. I already know what I'm going to order & I know I can make it through! I sure hope that the people who bring the candy/cookies etc. can find somewhere else to put their "garbage". JK!! :wink:

    Have a great day everyone!! Stay strong & don't let the "weak"end make you lose sight of your goals!!
  • aerdna88
    aerdna88 Posts: 74 Member
    Good morning!! :happy:

    Soo.. I was so ready to bring it this morning!! I was up & at em at 5:30 AM, well before the kids get up & I was determined to get my workout done before the whole breakfast routine hit! I put in my Tae Bo video & about 25 minutes into it, my husband, who took the dogs out to pee, informs me that one of our dogs took off running down the block & hasn't come back yet. He had to leave for work, so I get myself changed, get the girls up & dressed & as I'm putting on my dog searching shoes, she shows up at the back door!!. I'm relieved but my big plan is sabatoged... !! :grumble: I never get up that early to workout.. But, on a good note, the girls were very cooperative after breakfast & I was able to get back into my workout clothes right away & get a real workout on the treadmill!! PHEW!! I guess, I'll try for 5:30 another day! :tongue:

    Brande, I'm so happy for you & your great loss!! You'll be back at goal before you know it!! Keep your eye on your goal & you will achieve it!!! :bigsmile:

    Andrea, I sure hope that your leg is feeling better today!:flowerforyou:

    Amy, thank you for the reminders of the weekend danger zones! We have a family meal planned for Sunday. I already know what I'm going to order & I know I can make it through! I sure hope that the people who bring the candy/cookies etc. can find somewhere else to put their "garbage". JK!! :wink:

    Have a great day everyone!! Stay strong & don't let the "weak"end make you lose sight of your goals!!

    Actually am feeling a lot better today! I was worried cuz last night it was hurting pretty bad! I'll let u know how my work outs go today :)

    Sorry about your dog but SO glad she came back!!!

    Brande...yay for 5 pounds! Awesome!!!
  • gmomlyn
    gmomlyn Posts: 134
    Amy...I love your "most egg-cellent ones" and "wondrous ones". lol......better than me referring to us as "eggs!" hahahaha

    Kristen.......challenge 1 works for me! If starting then stopping to rest, then starting again on the treadmill means I'll burn more fat....woo hoo for that!

    Brande.....Hooray for you! So if that "Swooosh fairy" brings a 5 pound loss when you get on the scale, please send her to my house. =D crazy little Bichon did that to me the other evening...ran off while I was taking her out.....and, I was already running late for a meeting! This is the dog who hates the cold and hides when I want to take her out, lol. The evening she chose to take a neighborhood jaunt, it was 23 degrees here in NJ. Brrrr. Crazy dog. Luckily she came back right away that evening.

    Andrea........Wow, what a tough time you had the first few months of your little girl's life! But SO HAPPY to hear she is doing well now. She really is your ROCK STAR! =D

    I'm having a crazy busy week this first week of the New Year. Hasn't been good for me making the best eating choices and finding time to exercise. :grumble: I'm hanging in there though. Next week things had better slow down so I can really get back into this weight loss business!

    Have a great weekend "most Egg-cellent ones"! (I'm stealing from you, Amy! :happy:)
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    hey all.....nice to see everyone is having a good week so far...staying on track with food and getting the workouts in....i drink 13ish waters a day so i have the challenge covered but i really think i'll try the interval start/stop challenge either tonight or tomorrow when i run....i wont get to run at lunch today cause i thought i'd be into work later than i actually was (had traffic court and my case was dismissed pretty early because the officer didnt show up - yeah me) anyway, i think i'll try the start/stop challenge on the treadmill when i get home tonight before i make dinner.....

    i'm really looking forward to a good weigh in on monday...i'm down just over 3lbs right now and that is with my chinese takeout sodium from last night still in me, SOOOOOO, if im good this weekend, i think i'll be killing it for monday's's hoping anyway....i really really really want to be deeeeeeeeeeeepppppp into the low 170s by the weighin on 1/16....

    have a fabulous weekend....we have me to the gym, nick to tae kwon do, both kids to the dentist planned for tomorrow...sunday i have a 4 mile run planned and mike is supposed to take nick fishing at the pier so i guess em and i'll have a nice girls day....maybe some shopping or a walk - ill let her pick....maybe "fancy" lunch or tea somewhere :)

    remember to get your waters in even on the weekend (most important time especially with "unplanned" eating).....

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    hey all,,,got my workout in the am(spinning/biking)for 95min...YAY....i found this recipe which i will be making this wekkend and i wanted to share....since i have given up rice and pasta(even the brown/wheat) i was happy the find that i really love both the quinoa and now the farro...i tried a recipe similar but with the quinoa instead fo the farro during the week and it was very yummy...hope you guy have a great weekend, and get to have a workout or two in:flowerforyou:
  • 1ArmyMom1
    Friday is here... YAY!!!!!! Let the weekend begin!! My workouts this week have consisted mainly of walking/running w/my bosses dog for an hourish... 2.7 miles each day. I've been doing light weights and push-ups 3 or 4 times a week. Been staying under my calories... and I always drink at least 10 cups of water a day so this week's challengs I"ve been doing pretty well. Hope you all are too... keep up the great work everyone! Have a fabulous weekend!! (I'm going to a information session on the paleo lifestyle of eating and fitness tomorrow... I"m totally excited for it... I've been eating 80 - 90% or so paleo since October with the exception of chrismastime and I have bunches of questions!)
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    :tongue: that good ole "Swooosh fairy" visited this morning, as I stepped on the scale, and Seen a 5 lb Loss!!!!!!

    I will take it!!!!! Yaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!

    Picking up OT at work today, wont be hittin the gym, however.......... I worked out HARD for 2 hrs yesterday, I think I'm safe until I get back in there tomorrow :)

    Have a great day EvERYONE!!!

    Sooo happy for you!!! Wahhhh hooo!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    yAY - another good day. Actually got 2 workouts in (AM = Jillian PM= YMCA).

    I survived homemade fudge, turkey joints (this bizzarre candy one of our customer sends us - chocolate with nuts in it, molded into sticks & coated in a thin layer of that "ribbon" type candy - weird, but addictive!).... hmm, what else, ah yes - chocolate truffles.

    And I didn't even have a taste of any of it, despite everyone raving about it all.

    Sanifrey - I know the workout sabatoge monster! Earlier this week I had dogs circling my feet.. kids asking for this & that - the doorbell ringing ... ugh! Glad you were able to overcome!

    Andrea - so happy your leg is better! I get an "ankle" thing every now & that where I can hardly walk. I never know what's going to set it off, and it's scary thinking of being derailed by injury

    Lyn - Since I know your prowess on the weight loss chart - I know you will be able to turn things around & get reclaim your "biggest loser" title :) You do so much in a day - I am amazed!

    Denise - fingers crossed for your big # on Monday! I just noticed your ticker that you've hit the 75# down mark! WoWzers!!!

    Pam - I love quinoa! I like to mix with black beans, cut up veggies (like red peppers), onion, corn - add a little lime juice - YUM! I've never tried farro - I must look into this! Is it a whole grain type thing?

    1ArmyMom1 - I will have to google the paleo lifestyle - never heard of it - but what ever you're doing it must be working - you have a great weight loss total!

    I would like to give thanks this evening to Morning Star farms for their "veggie" products. My kids have been eating their "chik" nuggets & corn dogs for years (thinking it's the real full o fat) meal deal - and I love that it's grains & veggies! Waa Hoo!

    Many hugs to you all. Let's power thru the weekend - 2 days until weigh-in (for us Monday weigh in folks)

    Amy :0)
  • CrysButcher3
    Good Saturday Morning. :flowerforyou:
    I went to the Dr. yesterday because I have been pretty depressed and had some not so nice thoughts lately...anxiety while driving making me pull over and I just feel like I'm being closed in a tight space if it makes any sense? I haven't seen a Dr. in a few years due to no medical insurance...and before I was denied medical insurance 2 years ago I was on Pristiq 150mg for depression and high blood pressure meds. Well...of course when you can't afford those meds or the Dr. visits you just don't go and don't take anything. I contribute a lot of my weight to the anxiety/stress/depression I suffer. SO...I was granted insurance for a month (medicare) until my other insurance (blue cross blue shield) kicks in...and have been getting things taken care of in hopes this will also help my weight.

    Look...I'm all for thinking positive (I read the bible daily and watch Joyce Meyer all the time) but when you have a mental imbalance it really doesn't matter how positive you think it always "sneaks" up on you and attacks when you least expect it. I would have awesome days...and I felt wonderful!!! But then a few days later I would be attacked with a very negative thought or would start crying out of nowhere and couldn't stop! The point is though...I'm getting help...getting back on the Pristiq and starting tomorrow I'm hoping this is a slow but sure step to recovery on these moods I've been having.

    I thought I would share this because I know I'm not the only one that suffers from these bouts of anxiety attacks or depression. It really DOES have a lot to do with your weight loss too...stress has always been a huge factor in our weight loss successes or failures. The pill of course isn't a "cure" all...but it will help lower some of the suicidal thoughts I would get after thinking I wasn't good enough, or pretty enough...or skinny enough. Loving yourself is key, and I just want to be there one day. :ohwell:

    Happy Saturday gang. :smile:
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Lol thanks Amy, it has been down as low as 85 but I reset at the end of December blahhhh. I'm pushing and retooling my calorie goals. Gonna try something I found on here "the Olivia method"...I'll let you know more as I go but if you are interested do a search in the groups.

    Have a good weekend.

    Denise - fingers crossed for your big # on Monday! I just noticed your ticker that you've hit the 75# down mark! WoWzers!!!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    @abbygirl72....i am sorry for what you are going through....i went through a depression and panic attacks about 10years ago before and during my divorce..the most terrible time of my life....and has you say the thoughts just pop into your head....but the good thing is that you are doing everything you can to get better...exercise getting your weight under control all those things helps because it makes us feel in control.......ONE DAY AT A TIME....good luck:flowerforyou:

    going to gym, dont know if i will spin or just do the bkike, but for sure at least 60min, maybe more.....have a lovely day all
  • CrysButcher3
    @abbygirl72....i am sorry for what you are going through....i went through a depression and panic attacks about 10years ago before and during my divorce..the most terrible time of my life....and has you say the thoughts just pop into your head....but the good thing is that you are doing everything you can to get better...exercise getting your weight under control all those things helps because it makes us feel in control.......ONE DAY AT A TIME....good luck:flowerforyou:

    going to gym, dont know if i will spin or just do the bkike, but for sure at least 60min, maybe more.....have a lovely day all
    Thank you Pam. I really do feel better when I exercise so that really is a plus. I just want to feel "Normal"....whatever that feels like...I think I forgot. lol
    Have a great workout and have a good weekend. :smile:
  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    Good Saturday Morning. :flowerforyou:
    I went to the Dr. yesterday because I have been pretty depressed and had some not so nice thoughts lately...anxiety while driving making me pull over and I just feel like I'm being closed in a tight space if it makes any sense? I haven't seen a Dr. in a few years due to no medical insurance...and before I was denied medical insurance 2 years ago I was on Pristiq 150mg for depression and high blood pressure meds. Well...of course when you can't afford those meds or the Dr. visits you just don't go and don't take anything. I contribute a lot of my weight to the anxiety/stress/depression I suffer. SO...I was granted insurance for a month (medicare) until my other insurance (blue cross blue shield) kicks in...and have been getting things taken care of in hopes this will also help my weight.

    Look...I'm all for thinking positive (I read the bible daily and watch Joyce Meyer all the time) but when you have a mental imbalance it really doesn't matter how positive you think it always "sneaks" up on you and attacks when you least expect it. I would have awesome days...and I felt wonderful!!! But then a few days later I would be attacked with a very negative thought or would start crying out of nowhere and couldn't stop! The point is though...I'm getting help...getting back on the Pristiq and starting tomorrow I'm hoping this is a slow but sure step to recovery on these moods I've been having.

    I thought I would share this because I know I'm not the only one that suffers from these bouts of anxiety attacks or depression. It really DOES have a lot to do with your weight loss too...stress has always been a huge factor in our weight loss successes or failures. The pill of course isn't a "cure" all...but it will help lower some of the suicidal thoughts I would get after thinking I wasn't good enough, or pretty enough...or skinny enough. Loving yourself is key, and I just want to be there one day. :ohwell:

    Happy Saturday gang. :smile:

    wow-alot right now for you.......make sure that you have alot of vitamin d.....when i went through my severe depression i went on meds as well--lifesavor!!! but also found that the serotonin- cycle depends alot on vitatmind.......espically if you live in a climate that loses light this time of year....good luck and hang in there---it WILL GET BETTER!!!
  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    FINALLY---- A workout!!!
    i forgot how amazing i feel after sweating and breathing heavy....pushing my body also helps me not think for a little while.....
    we lost a very dear friend to suicide 2 days before christmas and I have been haunted by his face all theday and night......working out helped me focus on my body and not my sadness......
    Good luck everyone and i am looking forward to getting to know all of you in these 15 weeks!!!!!
    One day at a time!!
    peace everyone!!
  • brooke159
    trimformecmb - sorry for the loss of your good friend.

    abbygirl72 - i recently started meds for depression too. i'm starting to feel better slowly, hope you do too. take care,
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    FINALLY---- A workout!!!
    i forgot how amazing i feel after sweating and breathing heavy....pushing my body also helps me not think for a little while.....
    we lost a very dear friend to suicide 2 days before christmas and I have been haunted by his face all theday and night......working out helped me focus on my body and not my sadness......
    Good luck everyone and i am looking forward to getting to know all of you in these 15 weeks!!!!!
    One day at a time!!
    peace everyone!!

    sorry to hear about your friend,....exercise will help you focus on something else...take care:flowerforyou:
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Current Weight: 202.4
    Goal Weight : 182
    01/02: 202.4
    01/09: 201.5
    01/30: <<<mini goal weight>>>
    02/27: <<<mini goal weight>>>
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight>>>

    I normally weigh in on Saturday so I am submitting today.
    Hope everyone is doing great!